Ethics and ethical practice are integrated into all aspects of nursing care. a. Psychologists strive to be aware of their own belief systems, values, needs, and limitations and the effect of these on their work. However, Kathy chooses to follow Bob's order because of his authority. d. Participants were informed right after the study that no shock was given. C. It is the law in the U.S. c. The guidelines of the Nuremberg Code were broadened. The Hum-dinger Corporation recently instituted a corporate ethics code. A. should be based on international law, exclusively. B. easily resolved by following the relevant laws. Accountants, lawyers, financial rating agencies, financial reporting services and risk assessors of financial products are all examples of _____, who must trust and be trusted by stakeholders to make business work. C. Blackberry is acting philanthropically toward government. ______ provides a system of checks and balances that limit employees' and mangers' opportunities to deviate from policies and strategies aimed at preventing unethical and illegal activities. The stage of universal ethical principles. B. it might be okay The APA's involvement with military torture led to which of the following outcomes? Is it legal? Ethical Practice: NCLEX-RN C. prices. D. Improved self-esteem making us feel good about our decision. B. acted in an acceptable business manner. Is it fair and balanced? Harm can be intentional or unintentional. D. her aversion to cheating, stealing, and dishonesty. Nonmaleficence is doing no harm, as stated in the historical Hippocratic Oath. D. each of us, The first step when facing an ethical dilemma is to ask: A. the breakdown of traditional religious institutions. Encouraging ethical and legal compliance by reducing penalties for firms with effective compliance programs. B. a failure of leadership to establish ethical standards. The most commonly occurring ethical issues and concerns in healthcare include the allocation of scarce resources and end of life issues. Which of the following is a correct statement? D. As is often the case today, some leaders will look at each situation individually when making value judgments. B. trust and cooperation. b. Paramedics and security guards were allowed to intervene. A. profits. A whistleblower is a person who: Values are learned through family systems. The ethical component of a corporate culture relates to the values, beliefs, and established and enforced patterns of conduct that employees use to identify and respond to ethical issues. Which of the following questions can help us avoid a decision that would injure our self-esteem? What was a safeguard that they took to protect its participants? c. A clinical psychologist monitored the study. Because it is inclusive of all species. Asked by aidan b #1061214 on 10/16/2020 1:16 AM Last updated by jill d #170087 on 10/28/2020 4:49 PM With respect to ethical behavior, this sequence of events is: Laws represent the minimum guidelines that companies must follow, whereas a firm's ethical stance may venture beyond the minimum level of compliance. B. strict penalties for illegal activities. For example, providing nursing care for clients undergoing an abortion may raise ethical and moral concerns and issues for some nurses; and some patients may be affected with a liver transplant rejection because donor livers are not abundant enough to meet the needs of all patients who request it. A. treat someone unfairly. All of the following are elements of an ethical culture EXCEPT: ___ ties an organization's products directly to a social concern through a marketing program. Which of the following statements best states what the estate, L'Abri Is it balanced? Management anticipated this campaign would help enhance the company's image as a good corporate citizen. C. "How will it make me feel about myself?" Participants were recruited from college students. Corporate values are: A. force us to make poor choices. d. Federal regulations require at least 6 members: two scientists, two non-scientists, two members unaffiliated with the institution. C. engaged in illegal behavior. Which of the following statements describes ethical behavior in the U.S.? Multiple Choice Quiz | Online Resources A. Active bribery is an offense committed by the official who receives the bribe. Is it balanced? Alene Burke RN, MSN is a nationally recognized nursing educator. They affect how people make decisions and lead their lives. What is Ethics? - Markkula Center for Applied Ethics Strict global regulations require it. d. The discovery that World War I prisoner treatments left hundreds of thousands in traumatized conditions. Enron and WorldCom participated in inappropriate accounting methods. C. few moral absolutes. a. Which of the following is a characteristic of an effective ethics officer? Which of the following is captured by the notion of Respect for people's rights and dignity in the APA ethical guidelines? D. capitalism forces people. He had personal beliefs related to his treatment. During this phase of the ethical decision making process includes a review of ethical codes, published evidence based practices, declaratory statements, professional position papers and the professional literature. After receiving a verbal okay from the supervisors, he then proceeds to pass around a written form of the new policy and asks all members of the team to initial it. What does the Federal Sentencing Guidelines for Organizations (FSGO) focus on? A written code of ethics is necessary for large organizations.C. B. Business leaders that have broken the law should be given another chance. Researchers must submit proposals and have them approved before commencing their research and the IRB ensures that the research meets institutional and federal guidelines. D. Is it a lose-lose situation? Which of the following is NOT a secondary stakeholder group? d. It became the first committee to receive federally funds to complete research projects. Elena, an employee at ABC Marketing, has observed misconduct at work and wonders if she should report it. She was the first person who found Firm A's misbehavior. Which is not true about social responsibilities? _____ is associated with a hostile workplace where someone considered a target is threatened, harassed, belittled, or verbally abused. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act made it illegal for U.S. businesses to issue bribes to foreign government officials. b. B. a strong desire to do what is right. Which of the following statements best describes the ethical standard The Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) promotes which of the following? D. create a "do-it-right" climate that emphasizes core values. A. For example, a client may ask the nurse about whether or not it is permissible ethically and legally to reject CPR at the end of life or to take pain medications even if it hastens their death. c. Researchers discovered a treatment for syphilis. Groups that influence and/or are affected by a company and that neither engage in economic exchanges with the firm nor are fundamental to its daily survival are collectively called, The four levels of social responsibility are. Due to the diverse cultures that make up the U.S. it is difficult to identify common standards of ethical behavior. After studying about ethics and social responsibility, which of the following statements applies to this situation? b. D. Americans will generally describe the golden rule as the only statement of value that they uphold. Moving factory production to an area with low wages and few health regulations may not be illegal, but it would mostly likely be considered _____. Which ethics-based question would be most helpful in evaluating these situations? A high-level manager gathers his team of supervisors together to create a new office policy that will affect all employees at the company. The Milgram experiment was a famous and controversial study that explored the effects of authority on obedience. Vi distinguish between ethical and unethical - Course Hero Is it balanced? For example, nurses are held to ethical principles contained within the American Nurses Association Code of Ethics. Forecasting sales for the next year. Which ethics-based question would be most helpful in evaluating these situations? For example, a patient may ask a nurse to assist in their suicide at the end their life or they may inquire about another patient in terms of their diagnosis. Quickly and professionally. Is it legal? A. a reduction in employee turnover. A. her commitment to high ethical standards of behavior. Data Collection. Locate Assyrian Empire, Persian Empire, Royal Road. D. not really a concern. D. works in the human resource department. What should Jessica's response be to support her company's moral agent role? The responsibility of an organisation to fulfil its economic, social and environmental obligations to all of its stakeholders. D. watchdogs and whistleblowers. The focus of core practices is on developing an individual's morals, rather than on structurally sound organizational practices and integrity for financial and non-financial performance measures. Which of the following would most likely involve ethical concerns? B. ethics must be taught in every business school around the globe. Which of the following questions can help us avoid a decision that would injure our self-esteem? D. "Is it ethical?". Forecasting sales for the next year. a. B. corporate responsibility A. wider B. tracking the failures of those who are caught in business scandals. How to Define Ethical Behavior & Why It's Important in the Workplace Following an ethics-based approach to decision making will normally lead to higher: D. company leaders should adopt and support a corporate code of ethics. A. a personal matter to be determined by each employee. Is it balanced? Why is HRM in a good position to integrate ethics, justice, CSR and sustainability into organisations? A. can encourage employees to deceive customers. It clearly defined informed consent and what it means to be a research participant. Why is the sustainability debate so important? Manuel Velasquez, Claire Andre, Thomas Shanks, S.J., and Michael J. Meyer Ethics is based on well-founded standards of right and wrong that prescribe what humans ought to do, usually in terms of rights, obligations, benefits to society, fairness, or specific virtues. It is a system of formal and repeated behaviors that unite people. B. her commitment to respect the law. A. higher profits. c. Ethical and unethical behaviors are often in overlapping gray areas that sometimes depend on the context of the research. Terms of Service Copyright Notice Privacy PolicyPrivacy Policy. A. Diffusion Let us complete them for you. Example 1. The Nuremberg Code of 1947 is largely founded upon which historical event(s)? Federal Sentencing Guidelines for Organizations. A New Model for Ethical Leadership. Which of the following is an example of poor ethics? A. essentially the same as A. attending corporate responsibility seminars. What law instituted a whistle-blower bounty program in which whistle-blowers are eligible to receive 10 to 30 percent of fines if their reports result in convictions of more than $1 million in penalties? c. It presented the lack of progress in ethics that the United States was facing, arguing that research needs to be reformed. B. B. should be based on fairness, honesty, openness, and moral integrity. B. acted in an acceptable business manner. MID-TERM Flashcards | B. corporate responsibility C. the Golden Rule. "Is it legal?" A. legal The investor must take the majority of the responsibility for not performing due diligence prior to investing with Madoff. D. management is insensitive to ethical issues. Which of the following statements describes ethical behavior in the U.S.? They are not liable for the research they approve and merely provide suggestions for ethical conduct. C. lower prices. The investigation determines the complaint lacks supporting evidence and cannot be considered true or false. D. define us as being moral absolutists or moral situationalists. Which statement best describes ethical issue intensity? Nurses are accountable for their nursing care and other actions. Before anything else, businesses must _____ to survive. C. illegal behavior. A. force us to make poor choices. B. lower employee turnover. B. lower employee turnover. D. a firm's responsibility to its owners. b. A. should be based on international law, exclusively. D. executed its responsibility to its owners. Which of the following is not a recognised form of organisational justice? The opportunities that employees have for unethical behavior in an organization can be nearly eliminated through formal codes, policies, and rules that are adequately enforced by management. The concept of moral philosophies are inexact.. D. less demanding. All of the following generate discussion about the ethical nature of a decision EXCEPT: ___ is one of the most important and oft-cited elements of virtue, and refers to being whole, sound, and in an unimpaired condition. This suggests that there may be situations where ________ to cheat, steal, or lie. a) A client with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) tells the nurse, "Sometimes I feel so frustrated. To improve Americas business ethics: c. Morals are a foundation for ethical behavior. D. her aversion to cheating, stealing, and dishonesty. a. Google and Apple have elected not to honor such requests. D. learned by observing the actions of others in the organization. 5. C. should be scrutinized carefully to make some determination as to whether both sides have the same type of leader behavior when it comes to assigning work. b. A. provided its stockholders profit through a tax loophole. B. choose between equally unsatisfactory alternatives. The ________________ desires to find a solution to a social problem rather than to simply earn profits. D. Will I get caught? Compliance-based ethics codes: The right to choose b. There were clinical psychologists who acted as consultants and were on-call or on site. b. Recognizing Ethical Dilemmas and Taking Appropriate Action, Informing the Client and Staff Members of Ethical Issues Affecting Client Care, Practicing In a Manner Consistent with The American Nurses Association's Code of Ethics and Other Ethical Codes, Evaluating the Outcomes of Interventions to Promote Ethical Practice, Adult Gerontology Nurse Practitioner Programs (AGNP), Womens Health Nurse Practitioner Programs, Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN), American Nurses Association Code of Ethics, American Medical Association's Code of Ethics, World Medical Association's Code of Ethics, American Nurses Association's Standards of Care and Standards of Practice, International Nurses Association's Code of Ethics, Collaboration with Interdisciplinary Team, Performance Improvement & Risk Management (Quality Improvement), Management of Care Practice Test Questions, Recognize ethical dilemmas and take appropriate action, Inform client/staff members of ethical issues affecting client care, Practice in a manner consistent with a code of ethics for registered nurses, Evaluate outcomes of interventions to promote ethical practice. When something like this occurs, the nurse must inform the client that they cannot do it for ethical and legal reasons. However, if you follow your institutions guidelines and do all of the required ethics training, you will have absolutely no problem distinguishing ethical behaviors from unethical ones. A. dancing around issues should be part of a firm's code of ethics. B. her commitment to respect the law. D. employee turnover. It obeys this law by advertising its products only in some exclusive magazines to target a specific age group of customers. The concept of a moral philosophy is inexact. This was a case of "buyer beware." A high-level manager gathers his team of supervisors together to create a new office policy that will affect all employees at the company. Draw a line through each incorrect word, and write the correct word in the space above it. On whom does the responsibility to maintain trust between researcher and participant fall? a. A moral philosophy is a general set of values by which different people live. Kant's categorical imperative and the Golden Rule are examples of which moral philosophy? C. compliance Relationships between businesses and among nations: This company's decision is involved with: Kathy works as a secretary in a chemicals company. To ensure full site functionality, please use an alternative web browser or upgrade your version of Internet Explorer. __ is exaggerated advertising, blustering, and boasting upon which no reasonable buyer would rely. 2003-2023 Chegg Inc. All rights reserved. C. smaller C. How will it make me feel about myself? Businesses are no different. Following an ethics-based approach to decision making will normally lead to: Teleology is a philosophy that states that, an act is morally right or acceptable if it produces a desired result, The types of moral philosophy discussed in the text include, According to Kohlberg's model of cognitive moral development, different individuals make different decisions in similar ethical situations because. In research, which of the following best describes ethics and ethical behavior? D. a general mistrust between workers and management.
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