PDF Effect of Spacings on The Growth and Yield of Bambara Groundnut (Vigna This could be due to high plant population per unit area. The study was conducted in 2017 main cropping season at two locations in North Gondar Zone, Ethiopia, to determine the optimum inter- and intra-row spacing of mung bean for maximum yield and yield components. 103119, 2008. Inappropriate spacing is one of the major problems in tomato production at the study area. Edible fruits and nuts. Seed spacing can be assessed by digging and counting, but plant spacing is available only after emergence. Its diameter is 106 cm and weighs upto 10 kg. Some varieties of it are eaten by man. The longest days to flowering with a wider inter- and intra-row spacing might be due to the fact that more nutritional area available in the wider row spacing might have caused the crop to flower later than the narrower spacing. What is Intra row spacing in agriculture - Brainly AB initiated the research, wrote the research proposal, conducted the research, did data entry and analysis and wrote the manuscript. In intra row spacing of 15, 20, 25 and 30 cm the total number of plants in each row were 20, 15, 12 and 10, respectively. Similarly, increasing the intra row spacing revealed a peak seed yield at All authors read and approved the final manuscript. Manage cookies/Do not sell my data we use in the preference centre. Farmers in some moisture stress areas of Ethiopia effectively use and produce it to supplement their protein needs [9]. In view of this, an experiment was conducted to determine the effect of intra- and inter-row spacing on the yield and yield components of mung bean. Offered through local Extension offices all across the country, the national Extension Master Gardener program brings together local gardeners with a passion for educating others and land-grant universities to help spread the most up-to-date research and information on gardening and horticulture. Home Agriculture What Is Row Planting and How Crops Are Arranged. 2014;1(4):10510. There is also evidence that narrow rows may promote disease incidence in susceptible crops. The study was conducted in 2017 main cropping season at two locations in North Gondar Zone, Ethiopia, to determine the optimum inter- and intra-row spacing of mung bean for maximum yield and yield components. Plant density is one of the essential agronomic practices as it is a major management variable used in matching crop requirements to the environmental offer of resources. It is best to allow at least 18 to 36 inches between each row of plants. N. Ara, M. Bashar, S. Begum, and S. Kakon, Effect of spacing and stem pruning on the growth and yield of tomato, International Journal of Sustainable Crop Production, vol. Unmarketable fruit weight per plant (kg ha1): fruits with cracks, rotting, damage by insects, diseases, and birds, and sunburn, as well as extra small-sized fruits (<20g) which were collected from the two middle rows, were considered as unmarketable and, then, converted to per hectare basis. Terms and Conditions, The CPWC can be shortened with narrow rows, which may reduce the reliance on herbicides and/or improve overall weed control. PDF Effects of Intra-Row Spacing on Vegetative Growth Performance of Potato This website was conceptualized primarily to serve as an e-library for reference purposes on the principles and practices in crop science, including basic botany. This license lets others remix, adapt, and build upon our work even for commercial purposes, as long as they credit GROW.org and license their new creations under the identical terms. How can you remove stains from knotty pine? Roma VF, at the experimental site of Wollo University, South Wollo, Ethiopia, International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), vol. The combined main effect of inter- and intra-row spacing was highly significant (P<0.01), while their interaction had no significant effect on plant height (Table1). Malek MFN, Majnonhoseini N, Alizade H. A survey on the effects of weed control treatments and plant density on lentil growth and yield. Effect of sowing dates, intra-row spacings and pesticides on - Springer Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was done using SAS software [16]. [20] reported that fruit diameter was not significantly affected by inter- and intrarow spacing. The treatments consisted of factorial combinations of three each of inter and intra spacing of 50, 75 and 100cm . For most crops such as beans, corn, tomatoes, eggplant, peppers, okra, peas and squash, 36-inch row spacing would be the minimum. 2nd ed. How do you calculate the spacing of a plant population? apart, respectively. For a raised bed garden, you probably dont want boxes and/or rows wider than 5 feet, so you can easily reach into the garden and pull weeds or harvest vegetables without having to walk into the raised bed. However, planting distance had shown no remarkable effect on primary branches of the tomato variety Weyno in the current experiment. Four intra-row spacings (20, 25, 30 and 35 cm) and four potato varieties (Gudenne, Jalenne, Gera and Guassa) were used in the experiment. The aim of the present study is to compare the intra- and inter-connectivity of the intrinsic networks between a large sample of patients . The overall highest seed yield was recorded when Sefinesh was planted in 15 cm intra row spacing followed by Megeri in 5cm intra row spacing. Detection of differences among treatment means for significance was performed using DMRT (Duncans multiple range tests at 0.05 probability level). Abate S. Effects of irrigation frequency and plant population density on growth, yield components and yield of haricot bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) in Dire Dawa area. Inter and Intra Row Spacing Effect on the Growth, Seed Yield and Oil The experiment was conducted at Shewarobit, Kewet (Figure 1) district of North Shewa zone, Amhara national regional state. In Ethiopia, 10 to 50cm intrarow spacing and 60 to 120cm interrow row spacing were reported for different tomato varieties in different location and years. De Bruin JL, Pedersen P. Effect of row spacing and seeding rate on soybean yield in the Upper Midwest. Khan EA, Aslam M, Ahmad HK, Ayaz M, Hussain A. 447 p.). While narrow rows can improve weed management, some diseases are favored by narrow rows because the soybean foliage and soil surface remains wet for longer periods of time. Read more here. For example, a 3:2 corn+mungbean intercrop means that for every 4 rows that are intended for sole corn, only 3 rows are planted to corn and one row may be substituted with 2 rows of mungbean. What is difference between mixed cropping and intercropping? For example, peanut or mungbean can be dibbled between two adjacent rows of corn. The centre of origin for tomato assumed to be the Andean zone. Seed catalogs are the embodiment of possibility, a chance for gardeners to envision the ever-elusive perfect garden. In agreement with this research, Abrha et al. Reducing row spacing is an effective way to increase the competitiveness of some crops. maximum growth of potato were observed for all treatments at the application rate of 138kg nitrogen per hectare and50cm intra row spacing except main stem number (10.22) which is at 30 cm, However the results of the experiment did Review on Effects of Inter and Intra Row Spacing on Yield and Yield El-Noemani AA, El-Zeiny HA, El-Gindy AM, Sahhar EA, El-Shawadfy MA. The treatments include three intra-row spacing (20 cm, 30 cm and 40, 50 cm). While narrow row spacing can reduce CPWC, it can sometimes reduce yield if plants are spaced too closely together due to competition between the crop plants themselves. Generally, this research result showed that an intrarow spacing of 20cm increased marketable fruit yield and an interrow spacing of 60cm resulted higher marketable fruit yield, unmarketable fruit yield, and the number of marketable and unmarketable fruit yield. S. Chernet, F. Belay, G. Tekle, Y. Kahsay, N. Weldu, and G. Zerabruk, Response of yield and yield components of tomato (Solanum Lycopersicon L.) to different inter and intra-row spacing at Merebleke, Northern Ethiopia, African Journal of Agricultural Research, vol. Grain yield was significantly highest when crop sown at 45 cm inter row spacing and 15 cm intra row spacing in all the individual years and in pooled results except in pooled results it was at par with 60 and 75 cm . (Best 2023 Explanation). Yagoob H, Yagoob M. The effects of water deficit stress on protein yield of mung bean genotypes. Fruit length (cm): the fruit length of 10 randomly selected marketable fruits from each plot at each harvest was measured using a caliper meter, and their average is expressed as fruit length. Tomooka N, Vaughan DA, Kaga A. Mung bean (Vigna radiata L. Wilczek). Crops that rapidly develop a dense canopy often have a shorter CPWC. And researchers must overcome these challenges before any long flights and permanent habitats in, Big plants such as corn, cucumbers, squash and carrots. Row spacing (along with seeding rate) determines the crop arrangement in a field, altering how fast the crop canopy closes (leaves from adjoining rows begin overlapping) and the ways in which weeds grow between crop rows. Metema District is located in North Gondar Zone of Amhara Regional State, Ethiopia. 12. 9195, 2012. What is the average flora for the human body? 1997;84(3):1602. The tallest (112cm) and shortest (73cm) plant height found in plants grown in 20100cm and 2060cm planting distance, respectively (Table 2). significant agricultural factor and has a lot of impacts on the yield and its various components (Diepenbrock, 2000). The short answer is: it depends. This is an open access article distributed under the. Data was collected on number of leaves per plant, number of stem, leaf length, above ground fresh weight. The treatment comprises of three intrarow spacing (20, 30, and 40 cm) and four interrow spacing (60, 80, 100 . Ara et al. The distance between the seeds in a row and between the rows is called seed spacing. High unmarketable fruit yield was recorded from closer spacing. Best Guide for All Farmers! ha-1) and harvest index (47%) were obtained for varieties BH-661 and BH-QPY-545 in 2016 and 2015, respectively. [25] who reported no significant effect of row spacing on number of seeds per pod of mung bean. Highly competitive weeds that grow rapidly during this period can cause significant yield reduction even at low densities; wide-row spacing exacerbates the problem. Plantain and Banana Staggered rows incurred higher planting costs, but increased net returns to management. Intrarow spacing 30cm recorded higher fruit diameter and the lowest was from an intrarow spacing of 20cm. A. Oloniruha, F. G. Ayodele, and I. Animal and Plant Health Regulatory Directorate, Issue No. Multiply the square footage of the planting bed by the plants needed per square foot to determine the number of plants needed. This plant looks like an umbrella. The highest number of branches per plant (10.4) was obtained from 5015cm inter- and intra-row spacing followed by 9.67 at 4015cm (Table5), while the lowest number of branches per plant (3.13) was found at 205cm at Metema site two (Table5). Similarly, other findings confirm the highest marketable yield obtained from closer plant spacing [14, 15]. For instance, soybean row spacing as wide as 36 inches is common for some parts of the US. From We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. According to Gemechis et al. (2006) A review of the effects of row spacing on weed management in corn and soybean. [30] who recorded maximum harvest index (41.66%) at the highest row spacing (45cm) of chickpea than 15cm row spacing (32.6%). When crops are not properly spaced, they tend to compete for growth enhancement parameters like water, nutrient, and air. Results of the economic analysis of the present experiment showed that the maximum net benefit of Ethiopian birr (ETB) 22,185.7ha1 with an acceptable marginal rate of return (MRR) (>100%) was obtained from planting of mung bean with 4015cm spacing (Table9). [23] also reported that highest fruit length was recorded from a wider spacing of 7560cm than closer spacing. In the case of the furrow distance, the highest marketable fruit yield was recorded from 60cm interrow spacing (7674kg), which is statistically in par with 80cm. Standard Spacing Requirements And Plant Population Per Hectare - Justagric Branch and reproductive structures are more dependent on cell division, which are mostly determined by the genetic characteristics of the plant. The ideal spacing between the rows in your garden provides ample room for your plants to grow and for you to work in. The highest adjusted grain yield of 1882.67kgha1 was obtained at interaction of 4010cm, while the lowest adjusted grain yields of 1367.83 and 1401.5kgha1 were obtained at interaction of 205cm and 5015cm inter- and intra-row spacing, respectively (Table7). Number of primary branches per plant: the number of primary branches of randomly selected 10 plants from each plot was recorded. In the study area, little information is available on plant spacing of the newly released semi-indeterminate variety of tomato called Weyno. This is one of the factors which lead to low yield and less quality production. Maboko et al. Nitrogen rate and plant population effects on yield and yield components in soybean. Each experimental plot had 2.5 and 4m length and width, respectively. Marketable fruit weight per hectare (kg ha1): the fruits harvested from two middle rows, which were free from damage by insect pests and diseases and not extra small-sized (>20g), were weighed, averaged, and expressed in yield per plot and calculated on per hectare basis. A field trial was conducted during the 2009/2010 cropping season at the Usmanu Danfodiyo University Teaching and Research Farm at Dabagi to investigate the effects of inter and intra row spacing on the growth and fodder yield of Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp Variety Kanannado). The combined main effect of inter- and intra-row spacing and their interaction was highly significant (P<0.01) on days to 90% maturity (Table1). Please include what you were doing when this page came up and the Cloudflare Ray ID found at the bottom of this page. In: Singh RJ, Jauhar PP, editors. Box 196, Gondar, Ethiopia, You can also search for this author in
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