Antioch. Gurevich, L. S. 1993. undPanaeolus antillarum(Fr.) Musshoff, F., Madea, B., and Beike, J. Taxon 69, 425447. Panaeolina foenisecii is the type species of the Panaeolina genus, which contains very few species. cinnamomea, Psi. (1987). thaizapoteca (Guzmn et al., 2012; Li et al., 2014; Ma et al., 2014). Minnis, A. M., Sundberg, W. J., Methven, A. S., Sipes, S. D., and Nickrent, D. L. (2006). Contains 0.55 to 0.6%psilocybinand psilocin (Merlin and Allen 1993). Also observed in Australia, New Zealand, Thailand, Indonesia and Cambodia. The mitochondrial genome of G. junonius, a psychedelic species, has been sequenced (Cho et al., 2021) and the genome of G. junonus and G. dilepsis is available (NCBI, 2021). Altern. (2008). Panaeolus semiovatus var. The psilocybin and psilocin levels are higher in Panaeolus cyanescens than in other 'magic mushrooms,' of which there may be over 100 different types. fimicola, Pan. An Overview on the Taxonomy, Phylogenetics and Ecology of the Pluteus species are common in tropical habitats and grow almost exclusively on well-decayed wood (Justo et al., 2011b; Desjardin and Perry, 2018). Nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region as a universal DNA barcode marker for Fungi. However, recent DNA sequence data placed the genus in Galeropsidaceae (Kalichman et al., 2020). Available online at: [Accessed October 7, 2021]. DS researched and wrote the manuscript. (Arora: "edible according to most sources"; Jordan: "inedible"; McIlvaine: "excellent in substance and flavor"; Miller: "poisonous-hallucinogenic"; Phillips: "not edible"; Smith & Webber: "edible and good"; Stamets: "conflicting reports on the edibility of this species"). Gymnopilus spectabilis, a known psychedelic mushroom, looks alike to Armillaria mellea, an edible mushroom (Spring et al., 2016) and accidental ingestions of G. spectabilis in place of A. mellea have been recorded (Roper, 2003). Species include small, brown- or white-capped mushrooms (1 to 15 cm across) that start conical or convex, flattening out to a typical mushroom shape with many caps having a raised central umbo (Iliffe, 2010). Lewis Clark Law Rev. The following is a list of the about 98 Panaeolus mushroom species: Panaeolus acidus Panaeolus acuminatus Panaeolus affinis Panaeolus africanus, psychoactive Panaeolus albellus Panaeolus albidocinereus Panaeolus albovelutinus Panaeolus alcidis Panaeolus alveolatus Panaeolus annulatus Panaeolus anomalus Panaeolus antillarum Panaeolus atomatus Metzner, R. (2005). phalaenarum. Panaeolus papilionaceusis a common species found throughout the world. Its somewhat convex cap quickly becomes plane and is 2 to 6 cm in diameter. Although the lower two-thirds of the stipe is the same colour as as the cap, the colour becomes noticeably paler towards the apex. till Knnedom av Finlands Natur och Folk 32, 1571. Glob. Noordeloos (2011) assessed species on the presence of chrysocystidia, bluing and DNA sequences of the ITS, partial nLSU rDNA, and rpb1 genes, and recognised a total of three unnamed sections, that did not support previous subgenera. You need to look at young specimens because the ring is fragile and sometimes falls or washes off at maturity. Some authorities say that the Egghead Mottlegill is an edible mushroom, but many more categorise it as inedible. Phylum:Basidiomycota - Class:Agaricomycetes - Order:Agaricales - Family:Insertae sedis (Not yet assigned), Distribution - Taxonomic History - Etymology - Identification - Culinary Notes - Reference Sources. To date, human and animal studies have shown that psilocybin is non-addictive and has short- and long-term benefits in mood disorders, abuse disorders and chronic pain (Amsterdam et al., 2011; Carhart-Harris et al., 2016; Hanks and Gonzlez-Maeso, 2016; Tyls et al., 2016; Hartman, 2018; Johnson et al., 2018; Dos Santos et al., 2019; Castellanos et al., 2020; Reiff et al., 2020). However, sequences of all the genes are not available for most species. List of Panaeolus Species | List Panaeolus Species doi: 10.3358/shokueishi.44.44, Matheny, P. B., Curtis, J. M., Hofstetter, V., Aime, M. C., Moncalvo, J.-M., Ge, Z.-W., et al. Gymnopilus is subdivided into sections Annulati, which has a membranous partial veil, and Gymnopilus, which lacks a veil (Guzmn-Dvalos et al., 2003). Expert Brief. Qulet, Panaeolus sepulcralis Berk., Anellaria sepulchralis (Berk.) Other names: The Shiny Mottlegill, Egghead Mottlegill. Pleurocystidia irregularly clavate, with refractive contents. Yearbook for Ethnomedicine and the Study of Consciousness,1992 (1): 99115. Comptes Rendus de lAcadmie des Sciences267:136972. Panaeolus antillarum: Identification and Information Rysslands, Finlands och den Skandinaviska halfns Hattsvampar. The Javanese batik artists in Yogyarkata eat jambur mushrooms to obtain inspiration for their artistic endeavors. glaucus, Plu. Dennis, zwei Adventivarten in Mitteleuropa. doi: 10.1127/0029-5035/2008/0087-0001. Pan. Copelandia cyanescens(Berk. The genus is known for edible species, including Pluteus cervinus (Halling et al., 1987; Ishaq et al., 2021). The mushroom is cultivated in Bali and purportedly is used both in native festivals and in the tourist trade (Cox 1981, 115). The generic name Panaeolus means variegated - a reference to the mottling on the gills - while the specific epithet semiovatus means 'half an egg', so Egghead Mottlegill seems appropriate but perhaps Half-an-Egghead Mottlegill would have been even better. Microscopic characteristics include spores with verrucose to rugulose ornamentation, no germ pore, and dextrinoid walls, and spore prints are a rusty brown (Holec, 2005). (2019) and Wijayawardene et al. Clinical observations on the effect ofPanaeolus venenosusversusPsilocybe caerulescensmushrooms. Found from central Africa to Sudan; thrives in rhinoceros and elephant dung. doi: 10.11646/phytotaxa.428.1.5, Borovika, J. Les Hymenomycetes agaricoides. Not surprisingly, the mushroom is often featured in their art. 106, 245251. Panaeolina, the genus name of this little brown mushroom, suggests that this species has similarities with those in the genus Panaeolus. Taiwania 60, 160168. Panaeolus affinis. Anesth. cyanescens is the most well-known psychoactive representative (Figure 1D; Badham, 1984) and contains high levels of psilocybin, that are even higher than those found in Psilocybe species (Musshoff et al., 2000; Maruyama et al., 2003). Rapid species identification of cooked poisonous mushrooms by using real-time PCR. doi: 10.3852/14-312, Menolli, N., Justo, A., Arrillaga, P., Pradeep, C. K., Minnis, A. M., and Capelari, M. (2014). Biochemie und Physiologie der Pflanzen184:17178. A Profile of Those Who Use Hallucinogenic Mushrooms, in Neuropathology of Drug Addictions and Substance Misuse (Amsterdam: Elsevier Inc), 794800. DNA markers for forensic identification of non-human biological traces. Panaeolus castaneifolius(Murrill) Olah [syn. amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "dmgbiz-20"; Kinda confuses me. Psilocin, psilocybin, serotonin and urea inPanaeolus cyanescensfrom various origins. J. Tradit. Phylogenetic analyses based on DNA sequences does not support the subdivision (Guzmn-Dvalos et al., 2003). Mycotaxon 6, 464476. Non-coprophilic species, such as Panaeolus bisporus, grow in grassy areas (Senn-Irlet et al., 1999). The mottling effect on the gills of Panaeolina foenisecii is due to patches of spores of different parts of the gill surface-reaching maturity at different times. Annulate Pluteus species, a study of the genus Chamaeota in the United States. doi: 10.1016/j.fgb.2009.08.001. One hundred and seventeen clades of euagarics. Compl. (PDF) A new species of Panaeolus (Agaricales - ResearchGate 1969. Pluteus squarrosus sp. subbalteatus, Pan. Phytotaxa 434, 2234. Gartz, Jochen. doi: 10.33585/cmy.60202, Borovika, J., Obornk, M., Stbrn, J., Noordeloos, M. E., Parra Snchez, L. A., and Gryndler, M. (2015). An additional hurdle making psychedelic mushroom identification difficult is the continuous variation in cap, stem and gill morphology (Guzmn, 2009). (1879). Mmoires la Socit dmulation Montbliard 2. Panaeolina foenisecii is a very common and widely distributed little brown mushroom often found on lawns. Journal of Ethnopharmacology4 (1): 11516. Color brownish and mottled, with the edges remaining whitish, blackish when fully mature. Panaeolus acuminatus(Schaeffer) Qulet sensu Ricken [syn. Phytotaxa 156, 211220. Journal of Psychedelic Drugs8 (1): 4357. The slender stipe (stem) of Panaeolus semiovatus is 5-15cm tall and 2-3.5mm in diameter. Panaeolus semiovatus, Egghead Mottlegill mushroom Ma, T., Feng, Y., Lin, X. F., Karunarathna, S. C., Ding, W. F., and Hyde, K. D. (2014). (2001). Cheilocystidia 2565 x 7.510 m; cylindric to sublageniform; flexuous; with subclavate to subcapitate apices; smooth; thin-walled; hyaline in KOH. Copelandia papilionacea(Bull. Found in tropical regions of Hawaii, central Africa, and Cambodia (cf. Panaeolus semiovatus is also known as Anellaria Separata, is a medium-sized mushroom/toadstool that grows on horse dung, and has black spores. Panaeolus semiovatus var. *Correspondence: Marieka Gryzenhout,, The Most Important Genera Containing Psychedelic Species,,,, Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY), Department of Genetics, Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, South Africa. Amsterdam: Elsevier Inc, 813820. A2 is benzylpiperazine. doi: 10.11648/j.fem.20150102.12, Estrada, E. M., Surez, M. E., and Maillard, O. Psychedelic mushrooms are often small, indistinct, brown to white mushrooms that, usually but not always, bruise bluish to black when the tissue is cut or damaged (Guzmn, 2008). campanulatus, and Pan. amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; 10, 453479. Saprobic; growing alone or gregariously on the dung of horses; spring, summer, and fall; widely distributed in North America. edibility: psychoactive: Panaeolus africanus is a little brown mushroom that contains irregular amounts of the hallucinogens psilocybin and psilocin. Panaeolus semiovatus var. amzn_assoc_region = "US"; Mushroom Observer (2021). One genome has been published of Pluteus cervinus (Araujo and Sampaio-Maia, 2018). The most frequently sequenced region of DNA used for these genera is the Internal Transcribed Spacer (ITS) region (approximately 500800 bp), which forms a part of the ribosomal operon (Schoch et al., 2012; Badotti et al., 2017). doi: 10.11646/phytotaxa.496.2.4, Shaffer, R. L., and Singer, R. (1976). . Res. a systematic revision of the known species including the history, distribution and chemistry of the hallucinogenic species. Canadian Journal of Research12:65760. [syn. The stem is bare.Smell: Fungal.Taste: Bitter, fungal and unpleasant.Spores: Ellipsoid in shape. This is a buff, or whitish-colored mushroom that grows in horse dung. In Samoa, the caps are boiled in water for a long period of time until a black juice is produced. Internal classification of Psilocybe s. str. (2020) placed Panaeolus in incertae sedis, a taxonomic group reserved for taxons where broader relationships are unknown or undefined. Ask Erowid : ID 1977 : Is Panaeolus semiovatus psychoactive? Very high dosages can result in loss of muscle control. Major clades of Agaricales: a multilocus phylogenetic overview. This page includes pictures kindly contributed by David Kelly. Hallucinogenic mushrooms on the German market - Simple instructions for examination and identification. amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; Planta Med. PLoS One 8:e56143. doi: 10.1007/s13225-013-0260-7, Cho, S. E., Jo, J. W., Kwag, Y.-N., Lee, H., Chung, J.-W., Oh, S. H., et al. Photo 1 - Author: Jrg Hempel (Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Germany), Photo 2 - Author: Renata Borges (Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International), Photo 3 - Author: Renata Borges (Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International), Photo 4 - Author: Captainpixel (Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported), Photo 5 - Author: Tigerente (Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported), Panaeolus semiovatus Mushroom Identification, Panaeolus semiovatus Taxonomy and Etymology. Phylogenet. Panaeolus africanusOlahAfrican panaeolus. ., Taxonbars with automatically added basionyms, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 7 March 2021, at 01:25. Norvell, L. L., Hawksworth, D. L., Petersen, R. H., and Redhead, S. A. Int. 'Is Panaeolus semiovatus psychoactive?' Dashiki : Jan 22 2001 'What are the dangers of magic mushrooms?' J : Jan 8 2001 'How do you identify mushrooms?' PP : Jan 7 2001 'Has there been a decline in the use of psychedelics in the last few years?' scooter : Dec 21 2000 'What parts of mushrooms contain psilocybin?' vulpine : Dec 14 2000 Panaeolina foenisecii: The Ultimate Mushroom Guide Mycologia 73, 781784. Allen, John W., and Mark D. Merlin. It grows in pastures, in nutrientrich meadows with dung deposits, and directly on dung. phalaenarium has a central germ pore; it is also distinguished from the nominate variety in lacking a stem ring.) Psilocybin can be accurately measured in bluing species using physico-chemical methods (Passie et al., 2002). The Agaricales in Modern Taxonomy, 4th Edn. Gryzenhout, M. (2021). doi: 10.1007/s11557-010-0716-z, Justo, A., Vizzini, A., Minnis, A. M., Menolli, N., Capelari, M., Rodrguez, O., et al. A new bluing, probably hallucinogenic species of Gymnopilus P. Karst. olivaceus occupies a kind of middle ground in that some specimens . doi: 10.1016/S2215-0366(16)30065-7, Castellanos, J. P., Woolley, C., Bruno, K. A., Zeidan, F., Halberstadt, A., and Furnish, T. (2020). Gymnopilus dunensis, a new species from Punjab province, Pakistan. Ramrez-Cruz, V., Guzmn, G., and Guzmn-Dvalos, L. (2013a). 10, 249254. Brittonia 39:25. doi: 10.2307/2806968, Hanks, J. Proc. Quel (1872). Guzmn (1983) and Singer (1986) recognised Psilocybe in the Hymenogastraceae, and included non-bluing and non-psychedelic species (Redhead and Guzmn, 1985; Stamets, 1996; Guzmn, 2012). Phytotaxa 180, 185. (gentianaceae). Evol. Ew. Mycological Research97: 25154. Folia Microbiol 47, 327. Some of the Panaeolus genus have been known to cause gastric upset. Phylogenetics of gene sequences have described the newest species of Psilocybe. Notes, outline and divergence times of Basidiomycota. Wiki didnt say anything about them being psychoactive, some websites said they are and others said that it hasnt been scientifically proven that they contain psylocibin. Medicina 41, 10671070. retirugis (Maruyama et al., 2006; Sette et al., 2010; Razaq et al., 2012; Osmundson et al., 2013; Ma, 2014; Ediriweera et al., 2015; Wang and Tzean, 2015; Boy et al., 2016; Malysheva et al., 2019; Hu et al., 2020). Travel Med. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). Arora, D. (1986). Mol. The highs and lows of drug tourism: A travel medicine perspective. 1979. Eight species were sequenced for ITS data including Plu. The need for reviews and comprehensive field guides is urgent due to the recent surge of research into psychedelic mushrooms along with public interest. Lloydia 21, 195299. The genus Pluteus (Basidiomycota, Agaricales, Pluteaceae) from Republic of So Tom and Prncipe, West Africa. The Agaricales (mushrooms) in modern taxonomy. Other characteristics include a separable gelatinous pellicle, fringed whitish gill edges, and typically collyboid or mycenoid aspects (Stamets, 1996; Ramrez-Cruz et al., 2013b). papilionaceus, Pan. Singer]Antilles panaeolus . (2002) included five species of Gymnopilus (G. aeruginosus, G. penetrans, G. picreus, G. sapineus, and G. spectabilis) in a study describing Anamika, a genus of Cortinariaceae, using both the ITS and LSU gene regions. semiovatus on horse manure. Gymnopilus typically include lignicolous species that grow on wood as well as grassy areas with decomposing wood (Guzmn-Dvalos et al., 2003). Another book just said it is best to stay away from all Panaeolus because reports of poisoning, but I think they just don't want you expanding . Pan. doi: 10.21829/abm100.2012.32. Hartman, S. (2018). The very similar Panaeolus semiovatus var. doi: 10.1080/23802359.2021.1895692, Corts-Prez, A., Ramrez-Guilln, F., Guzmn, G., Guzmn-Dvalos, L., Rockefeller, A., and Ramrez-Cruz, V. (2021). Food Hyg. This fungal ambrosia later became the sacrament of the Eleusinian and Orphic mysteries. Saupe, S. G. (1981). The ITS region is used due to its efficacy at identification across fungal lineages, and represents the primary barcoding region (Schoch et al., 2012). Rumack, B. H., and Spoerke, D. G. (1994). (1996). This division of Pluteus was supported with DNA sequences of the nLSU, nSSU and ITS regions (Shaffer and Singer, 1976; Justo et al., 2011a). Investigation and analysis of 102 mushroom poisoning cases in Southern China from 1994 to 2012. Ethnobotany of psilocybin mushrooms, especially Psilocybe cubensis. (Photographed in Belize), It is uncertain whetherPanaeolus papilionaceus[syn. As the medicinal value of psychedelic species increases, the importance of accurate species identification of psilocybin containing species runs parallel. Africa 14, 1107. A chemical referral and reference guide to the known species of psilocin and/or psilocybin-containing mushrooms and their published analysis and bluing reactions Ethnomycol. Taxonomy and phylogeny of Pluteus glaucotinctus sensu lato (Agaricales, Basidiomycota), a multicontinental species complex. Panaeolus - WikiMili, The Best Wikipedia Reader Food Rev. Occurrence of psilocybin/psilocin in Pluteus salicinus Pluteaceae. ex Fr.) The effects of the mushroom are manifested quite rapidly, as they usually contain a preponderance of psilocin, i.e., the actual active component. doi: 10.1139/gen-2018-0083. Gerhardt, E. (1996). 1971. Claviceps purpurea) with the wordmykon(mushroom). 113, 389395. Biol. brunneocrinitus, Plu. axfordii is the most recent novel species that has also been reported to have psychedelic properties (Figure 1E; Hu et al., 2020). Rochester: Park Street Press. Magic mushrooms around the world: a scientific journey across cultures and time - the case for challenging research and value systems. Panaeolus semiovatus var. Their existence played a substantial role in defining the psychedelic era of the 1960s and 1970s, and psychedelic cultural customs remain in places where magic mushrooms remain legal, such as the Bahamas, Brazil, British Virgin Islands, Jamaica, Nepal, Netherlands, and Samoa (Flaherty et al., 2017; Duneman, 2021). phalaenarumorPanaeolus cyanescens. cyanescens have genome sequences available (NCBI, 2021). (2017). There is no consensus about the correct taxonomic position of fungi in the genera Panaeolus and Panaeolina, which some authorities include in the family Strophariaceae and others in the Bolbitiaceae. doi: 10.1615/IntJMedMushr.v8.i3.110, Guzmn-Dvalos, L., Mueller, G. M., Cifuentes, J., Miller, A. N., and Santerre, A. Pharm. (1987). Panaeolus africanus - Wikipedia The flesh is white, or straw-colored.[3][4]. Beitrge zur Kenntnis der Pilze Mitteleuropas3:22934. The Guide to N. American Mushrooms doesn't list its edibility status. amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; doi: 10.1016/j.forsciint.2004.10.028, Maruyama, T., Shirota, O., Kawahara, N., Yokoyama, K., Makino, Y., and Goda, Y. (2012). Thesis. Montbliard 2:151. It is sticky when wet, and often wrinkles when dry. (Woodcut from Gerard,The Herball or General History of Plants, 1633*), Panaeolus ater(Lange) Khner et Romagnesiblack panaeolus. It is primarily a stimulant similar to a mild amphetamine. Species recognition in Pluteus and Volvopluteus (Pluteaceae, Agaricales): morphology, geography and phylogeny. Traditional infrageneric classification of Gymnopilus is not supported by ribosomal DNA Sequence Data. In addition to the fly agaric mushroom (Amanita muscaria), Graves regardedPanaeolus papilionaceus, which is still used by Portuguese witches, as an additional candidate for the divine ambrosia and nectar (1966, 45*). For example, Psathyrella present fading spores while Panaeolus spores will not be effected (Kaur et al., 2014). Front. Ediriweera, S., Wijesundera, R. L. C., Nanayakkara, C., and Weerasena, J. This mushroom is quite variable, which is why it was formerly divided into different species that are now regarded as synonymous. It produces strong feelings of euphoria with visual and auditory hallucinations that may last as long as seven hours. Pluteus hubregtseorum (Pluteaceae), a new species from Australia and New Zealand. (2019). doi: 10.5248/129.215, Liu, M., and Bau, T. (2019). Although it is edible, common and has a widespread distribution it is not usually eaten as does not have a pleasant taste. Attachment adnate to uncinate, close, slightly swollen in the centre, and with three tiers of intermediate gills inserted. Coprinaceae (Ink Caps); Subfamily Panaeoloideae, Copelandia cyanescens(Berk. (2020). Bot. and can appear at any time of year provided the ground is not frozen. Denmark: Nordic Council of Ministers. (2010). (Most gilled fungi were initially placed in a giant Agaricus genus, but the majority have since been redistributed to other genera leaving the 'true mushrooms' in Agaricus.) Panaeolusspp.). 11, 7892. Cookie Notice Psilocybin : magic mushroom growers guide, in A handbook for psilocybin enthusiasts (San Francisco: Quick American Pub), 181. The individual visions can be observed for longer periods of time and contemplated at a leisurely pace. Mycopathologia 61, 187190. Available online at: [Accessed October 7, 2021]. doi: 10.11646/phytotaxa.284.3.3, Maeta, K., Ochi, T., Tokimoto, K., Shimomura, N., Maekawa, N., Kawaguchi, N., et al. K. Kavanagh New York, NY: Wiley-Blackwell. Fungal Divers 44, 5363.
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