Most of this was pretty much what I expected having some idea of what David Paulides has investigated but if you have Amazon Prime and are interested, call this up and go to about about an hour and 15 minutes in and listen to the audio these guys recorded. These coincidences may of course ultimately mean nothing, or they can have nothing to do with what caused the disappearance or death even if they by themselves are more than just a fluke of random chance. The person could have fallen into some hard-to-access crevice or got buried. Which leaves being jumped by someone or something as the most likely explanation. Or, again, by someone who had no idea how to properly fasten the clothes. Open for submissions from anyone with something to say about where were headed or the nature of time or history. This is why it seems very suspicious to me that in Missing 411 cases, the majority of people who are found alive have amnesia and only a minority reports something strange happening. However, statistically speaking, the remaining cases of storms which didnt ultimately cause the search to fail or during which the missing person ended up doing impossible things will still only be interesting as profile points if they keep being too frequent in comparison to how often storms follow non-mysterious cases of people going missing, or if they at least are individually unexpected instances of bad weather. Documentary 2019 1 hr 37 min. This type of account would go some way toward explaining the seemingly missing failure rate of the perpetrators, as these would be the cases where the predators let the captured prey go, or when their traps, even though advanced, failed. Though there are Missing 411 cases where that didnt help, like when a person was seen chasing a dog into the forest, which only helps explain how people can get lost more often while walking a dog. It would be an annoyingly good crime, however, as it is very difficult to prove such crime for the above-mentioned reasons. When I say strange, what I mean is that, for starters, all of the usual suspects have been ruled out, like animal predation, human crime, voluntary disappearance, drowning, etc. There is a chance that the person will not want to admit a bout of irrational behavior, but they should not have amnesia, unless a blow to the head, extreme psychological trauma, or very specific chemicals were involved. Similarly, as I have heard someone theorize, you may want to remove their shoes first so that they cant run away from you very easily, or maybe youd steal their clothing so that they more quickly succumb to the elements if they somehow ran away from wherever youre holding them thats presumably some kind of shelter, base, or vehicle. Missing 411: The U.F.O. Connection (2022) - IMDb If the person was targeted outside, other options open up. Watchlist. A home for weird ideas, future visions, and mad ramblings. Missing 411: The Hunted, movie reviews . All 185 cases fit a narrowly defined profile that was refined after researching thousands of missing person reports; these cases are the most difficult, defy common sense, challenge conventional wisdom and remain . But its true that on the other, more paranoid hand, if the storms are somehow being caused (or foreseen and taken advantage of) to thwart searches, them succeeding in thwarting searches is not a disqualifying factor. A lot of the draw of Missing 411 is the mysterious nature of not only people vanishing, but something extraordinary at play. Obviously, bad weather happening while a person is lost should also mean higher chance of them dying of exposure, but also limit the distance that the lost person can travel. Assuming that Bigfoot doesnt exist, this is still a completely reasonable activity. An isolated concurrence so unlikely that its suspicious by itself. These could have involved a more invasive examination or procedure focused on the brain, and while they fortunately seem rare, especially to the extreme of cow mutilations, there are such cases. This video contains the following Missing Person Cases: Maria Hendrika, 38 Years, Missing July 1, 1959, Yosemite National Park. There are cases where a wolf man-type being was described as the one who kidnapped the target, they could be easily able to control dogs and likely to respect them more than humans, and if the shapeshifting into dogs is on the table, they could get around any human settlements, including urban areas, undetected. Ideally the kind of evidence that proves that the dogs should have been able to pick up the scent, but didnt, like in the cases when a dead body was later found in an area after it was combed through with standard search dogs or cadaver dogs. With the emphasis on may. This includes a number of cases of divers not finding the body, but random people on the shore finding it afterwards. Otherwise, literally only the Nazis would care about this. Naturally, without any explanation as to how he got there. However, this only calls for a more thorough screening process for the cases to control for these possibilities. In other words, youd expect these two things to correlate. Thats probably why it correlates so much with cases that remain unexplained. Just watched "Missing 411: The Hunted" on Hulu. : r/aliens - Reddit I certainly wouldnt be surprised if these were more common for Missing 411 cases than in the general population or among normal park visitors, though it would be interesting to see exactly how much more or less common they are for normal disappearances in the same areas. Dave Paulides investigates cases of elk hunters who've gone missing from specific regions of North America, and explores the theory that there could be a connection between these disappearances and sightings of UFOs. My theory regarding coincidences is that if you have a sufficiently complete knowledge, you can use it to communicate with people or steer them using coincidences (by manipulating irrelevant details of situations around them so that only they will notice that something noteworthy is going on). Apart from this (the fact that a personal attack is a logical fallacy, not a counterargument), if Dave incorrectly interprets some data point or a causal relation, its an error, not a crime. On this count, I would very much like Dave to publish exact tables showing how significant (meaning frequent) each of the correlating factors is in the Missing 411 sample of cases, ideally in comparison to tables of what is normal for a representative sample of normal missing persons cases. While the possibility of pure fear killing a person is medically speaking speculative at best, extreme fear can certainly cause a lethal heart attack in a person with a heart that is in a less than stellar condition. The comparison actually needs to be made between the Missing 411 sample and whats normal for national park visitors in general, as well as it needs to be made between the Missing 411 sample and a control sample of non-Missing 411 missing people, ideally controlled by location (park vs. rural vs. urban). For starters, in all of the cases where dogs couldnt pick up the scent and then the search was unsuccessful, the direction of causality could be that dogs not finding the scent should decrease the chance to find the missing person. Malevolent gods could theoretically use it to mislead us, but I bet that malevolent gods have a less perfect awareness and more of a self-centered, narrow viewpoint on things. The main analytical problem with using this as a profile point is that while it is a good place to start, the fact that the person wasnt found is a better indicator of which variables prevent people from being found, more than it is an indicator of why or how they got lost in the first place. Missing 411 - YouTube Dave may not be the best scientist or statistician, he may have lied or cheated in his life at least once or twice, and he was trying to find evidence for the existence of Bigfoot (plural) before he was approached to look into missing people in national parks. In case you were wondering what Ive been doing for the last couple of months instead of writing articles here, I guess you could call it research. Medical emergency would then prevent you from wandering away very far, unless it was a psychotic break, but regardless, many of the missing were in excellent physical and mental health. But still, even assuming that theyre intentional omissions and not just Dave not knowing a fact or Dave keeping a fact to himself in the interest of the family of the victim, its very human. And even then, there often still should have been enough time to use the phone to report or record what happened. Im not a physicist, chemist, or an engineer, so I cant begin to speculate about any special properties of water or granite, though electrical ones certainly dont seem to be off the table. Or at least not any more mysteriously than provably falling off a cliff, and thats the only case I could find. Dave have made some comments over the years that indicate that he initially didnt believe that paradoxical undressing is an actual thing that happens, but after he got predictably criticized for it, he appears to understand it better now. This profile point may be one of the more normal ones, as it makes a lot of sense that if you have a dog with you and the dog for whatever reason decides to run off into the forest, you chasing after it can rather easily lead to you getting lost. Or there at least isnt enough evidence for any of these. If the point was that you need to work with or study specific genetic markers, given that Germans are, ironically, one of the least genetically pure groups in the world. If you could use portals to get in and out of them, that would help a lot, but all the technology you need is a camouflaged door. But I myself am very interested in what could be called the science of coincidence, so lets talk about what coincidences may mean for a bit. These are mainly the German connection, the religion connection, and the military connection, or a combination of two or all three. It may even be an intelligence-type operation, specifically, which means that there could be an effort to avoid statistical detection or to obscure the true motivation by introducing false leads and using all kinds of misdirection, if not outright destruction of evidence, intimidation, or assassination. The question is not so much whether someone can have or be using such technology, since the recent sonic attacks at U.S. embassies across the world prove that the capability exists. Making the target unconscious or suggestible immediately and wiping their memory after the fact would be desirable tactics for any type of predator, if they can pull it off. The concept of a holistic detective may be a fiction invented by Douglas Adams, but the interesting aspect of his science fiction ideas is that while crazy-sounding and hilarious, they are logically consistent and potentially realistic. David Paulides presents the haunting true stories of hunters experiencing the unexplainable in the woods of North America. Sure, random things happen, even extremely unlikely things. Missing 411: The Hunted Review, A Twist No One Saw Coming People dont have good reasons to lie down on their faces and Paulides is correct to point out that corpses in water can offer a lot of reliable information about the deceased person. Like the Missing 411 cases. No sign of him or his belongings ever turned up, including a rifle and walkie-talkie, despite a large search of the area, Unusually the FBI was even involved in the investigation. However, the understanding that there is such a connection between naming conventions and occurrence of a particular type of disappearance could be used as a lead to determine which places to investigate, either with priority, more thoroughly, or further back into the past. This case was made famous by David Paulides in his documentary "Missing 411: The Hunted." In this film, Paulides applies his "checkpoints" to Tom Messick. With Daniela Salmen, John Miles, Adam Palmer, Gail Star. Pretty much the only non-exotic explanations are that the person was carried, or put into a vehicle and driven or flown away, and there were cases of people too heavy to be carried by anything normal, while there tend to be no tracks or noises indicating either of these options taking place. Yes, I have also watched Good Omens recently. Missing 411: The Hunted - Where to Watch and Stream - TV Guide Missing 411: The Devil's in the Details - Goodreads So far, as far as I know, Dave made the clusters map and the table of how far away small children were found. Clearly, a person drunk or out of it enough to fall into water and drown is not going to take care to avoid security cameras and potential witnesses at the point of entering the water. If the person was seen, say, falling of a cliff, then that would be an explanation, just like it should be easier to find someone when youd seen where exactly they entered the forest, at what speed, and in what state of mind. In theory, both may only be a product of sheer randomness, like number of pirates in the world inversely correlating to CO2 emissions, or they may reflect a statistical artifact caused by how the sample was selected, like unwittingly going by an ordered list. Especially if it was research, like going places where Bigfoot might live, interviewing witnesses, collecting samples and sending them for laboratory analysis, and so on. Taken all together, as I will try to explain shortly, no single normal or paranormal hypothesis explains all of the cases, meaning that either multiple are at play, or a one so crazy that no one, including Dave, has even been able to conceive of it yet. What I would say does seem obviously wrong are for example the cases of water-related disappearances and deaths in urban areas, where the young white male students figure in almost all of them. This dense forest is where three Roman Legions were massacred by Germanic tribes in 9 A.D. If anyone whos unable to travel many miles is found many miles away, especially if it is in a very short amount of time, its extremely suspicious. All 185 cases fit a narrowly defined profile that was refined after researching thousands of missing person reports; these cases are the most difficult, defy common sense, challenge conventional wisdom and remain . Somebody must have done their research and observed their daily routine for some time. The religion and military connection may also be connected to a specific cultural grudge, but what they imply to me is that maybe any targeting would be more of an issue of neurology rather than genetics. And even if the issue was some natural phenomenon, state of mind or mentality can affect awareness and behavioral responses. Thats how learning works. On the other hand, there are some data points that indicate that theres something unusual going on during the disappearances with the dogs. Id wager that afternoon is the time during which forests see the highest levels of traffic. Heck, theres even a consensus in the cryptid community, as far as I can tell, that while bigfoot-type cryptids find themselves ethically speaking on the same range as humans (including benevolence), dogmen and skinwalkers are almost always strictly malevolent, or at least much more aggressive and dangerous. All 185 cases fit a narrowly defined profile that was refined after researching thousands of missing person reports; these cases are the most difficult, defy common sense, challenge conventional wisdom and remain . Much like it is with the other inexplicable details of the typical state in which the bodies in these cases keep being found, no identifiable cause of death theoretically is a solid profile point a positive evidence of something unusual going on. The Very Strange disappearance of Tom Messick whilst hunting near Brant On this note, I like Daves more recent approach of looking for almost-Missing 411 cases that are substantiated with hard evidence, like those included in the most recent documentary (featuring the Bigfoot audio recording and the predator photo). Which brings me to some espionage-related implications. should always be prioritized over cases included on the basis of absence of evidence. However, if you are running some sort of medical experiment, the three most logical things to do are to get a DNA sample (ideally reproductive cells), to perform a neurological exam, and to get a stool sample, which includes the gut bacteria. Among these (for this case) are canine units are unable to track, a sudden weather event, disability or illness, time of disappearance, and near water. Which brings me to some practical reasons why you would undress a person that you have kidnapped. If you couple it with the fact that dogs fail (or refuse) to track the victims in most of these cases, theres some slight amusing possibility that I personally like to call dogspiracy. Also, in case you make a mistake and blow your cover, humans will be far less likely to torch a natural treasure to get you. That obviously points to a kidnapping or assault attempt, though it doesnt clarify anything else. Support me on Patreon: But theres more. And thats just the first step. It would either mean that Jon Oliver was even more right than he thought when he was describing the current sorry state of how especially coroners (the ones without any actual medical training) operate in the United States, or it would mean that some of the Missing 411 profile points actually function as a cause of or significant contributing factor to the sudden adult death syndrome. The people who were disappeared while on the phone would only be different in the sense that they must have been targeted after they were already outside. Missing 411: The Hunted is based on the book by Paulides, which documents 185 cases of missing peoples from four different countries. In the last act, a twist no one saw . Missing 411: Disappearances in the Wilderness - Historic Mysteries Tristan White, 4 Years, Missing November 22, 2006, Minnesota. While the logical statistical bias of unexplained cases of missing people should be to involve more cases of no obvious cause of death than what you should expect on average for all deaths (since otherwise the cases would likely be explained), the apparent failure rate of medical examiners in the Missing 411 cases still seems wildly excessive to me. Mostly, they just managed to say something like oh my gosh, or my phone is about to go dead, or gave out unsettling noises. Well, apart from the stories of people who got lost suddenly in familiar territory, but only temporarily and with full memory of the event, which means that they didnt qualify as Missing 411 cases. Not many things need to be the same for all or most unexplained cases, and they will be objective facts. You have no reason to want their poop, specifically. The AI then has to adapt, and will probably never be able to do so perfectly and permanently. Dave assembled the profile by reviewing details of all unexplained disappearances he could find that took place in the U.S. national parks and by noting what they had in common. 4.43. How do you manipulate lividity of a corpse, like achieving none? Like, you just wont believe how vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly unlikely it is, but thats all that is unlikely, not impossible. Its unlikely that all such witnesses could be successfully bribed or threatened with all of the impromptu recordings being destroyed. There is at least one case in which the dog was proven to have been almost certainly fed (venison), which might indicate some perpetrator may have been more respectful of the life of the dog than that of the human target, as well as there are cases of dogs likely not having spent time in the area where they got lost, like the one dehydrated dog found in a swampland, or a number of cases of dogs being found in a surprisingly good condition. For example, in a random sample of a thousand normal missing persons cases, how often do people go missing with a dog, in contrast to how often that happens in a sample of a thousand Missing 411 cases? How do you keep getting bodies into water without it being seen, ever? Much like it is with Daves trust in the ability of searchers to conduct proper searches, Dave also doesnt question the ability of canines to find scent. Does any of that mean that you should dismiss the evidence that hes bringing forward? Like his idea of a probability-based engine many macroscopic physical laws are only aggregates of chaotic movements and interactions going on at the subatomic level. If youre convinced that it cant be any of the exotic explanations, then what is any possible explanation? This invokes a motivation or mentality that either has something to do with genetics or culture, or a specific grudge. Or that there was stasis involved. This is why it seems very suspicious to me that in Missing 411 cases, the majority of people who are found alive have amnesia and only a minority reports something strange happening.
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