166. "Underlying fund" includes the underlying mutual fund, collective trust, or ETF in which a sub-account invests. For current ratings, please visit www.johnhancock.com/who-we-are.html and refer to the Fact Sheet. apply to regular allocations, loans, or withdrawalsIn addition, on an ongoing basis, participant account activity is reviewed for trading activity that, though within the monthly exchange limit, could be detrimental to an underlying fund and/or contrary to its exchange policies, as described in the funds prospectus. The performance of an Index does not include any portfolio or insurance-related charges. An investment in this portfolio is not insured or guaranteed by The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other government agency. The credit quality breakdown does not give effect to the impact of any credit derivative investments made by the fund.Moody's The rating scale, running from a high of Aaa to a low of C, comprises 21 notches. The underlying mutual fund, collective trust, or ETF has the right to restrict trade activity without prior notice if a participant's trading is determined to be in excess of their exchange policy, as stated in the prospectus or offering memorandum. Standard Deviation is defined by Morningstar as a statistical measurement of dispersion about an average, which, for an underlying fund, depicts how widely the returns varied over a certain period of time.The placement of each investment option's risk/return category is subject to change. Merger and Replacement Transition Risk for Sub-Account. The prospectuses (or Offering Memorandum/Trust Documents) for the sub-accounts underlying funds contain complete details on investment objectives, risks, fees, charges and expenses as well as other information about the underlying funds which should be carefully considered before investing. Performance does not reflect any applicable contract-level or participant-level charges, fees for guaranteed benefits if elected by participant, or any redemption fees imposed by an underlying mutual fund, collective trust or ETF. Index performance shown is for a broad-based securities market index. This investment option is deemed a 'Competing' investment option with the Reliance Trust New York Life Anchor Account and may not be available if the Reliance Trust New York Life Anchor Account is selected. This category can include corporate or government ultrashort bond portfolios, but it excludes international, convertible, multisector, and high yield bond portfolios. JMGWX Quote - John Hancock Stable Value Portfolio Fund December 31, 2020 and 2019 . Index Performance: With respect to the Funds that display an index performance. You can visit the Employee Benefit Security Administration's Web site for an example demonstrating the long-term effect of fees and expenses. Stable value funds post high yields with relatively low risk, and your retirement plan could already be invested in this asset class. The Fund will be launched on John Hancock's Signature Platform next year. Neither Morningstar nor its content providers are responsible for any damages or losses arising from any use of this information.For each underlying fund with at least a three-year history, Morningstar calculates a Morningstar Rating based on a Morningstar Risk-Adjusted Return measure that accounts for variation in the underlying funds monthly performance (does not include the effects of sales charges, loads, and redemption fees), placing more emphasis on downward variations and rewarding consistent performance. Redemption fees or market value adjustments associated with exchanges from particular investment options are described on applicable fund sheets, which are available online. A.M. Best RatingAM Best's methodologies for rating is a comprehensive overview of the credit rating process, which consists of quantitative and qualitative evaluations of balance sheet strength, operating performance, business profile, and enterprise risk management.Fitch RatingsThe terms investment grade and speculative grade have established themselves over time as shorthand to describe the categories AAA to BBB (investment grade) and BB to D (speculative grade). Ultrashort Bond: Ultrashort bond portfolios invest primarily in investment-grade U.S. fixed-income issues and have durations of less than one year (or, if duration is unavailable, average effective maturities of less than one year). * The Net expense ratio shown is for the underlying fund and reflects any fee waivers or expense reimbursements and is subject to change. These financial statements are the responsibility of the Plan's management. Issuer Risk for Guaranteed Fund. We conducted our audits in accordance with the standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States). . From time to time, changes are made to Funds, and the availability of these changes may be subject to State approvals or other compliance requirements. This investment option is deemed a 'Competing' investment option with the Federated Capital Preservation Fund and may not be available if the Federated Capital Preservation Fund is selected. Form 11-K - SEC For these services, John Hancock and its affiliates receive additional fees which are included in the underlying fund expense ratio (i.e. The fund is a stable value product that guarantees principal and accumulated interest. Net assets are more likely to decrease and fund expense ratios are more likely to increase when markets are volatile. For more details, see Important Notes (52). The highest speculative-grade rating is Ba1. Stable value funds | John Hancock Retirement Please change your search terms and try new. Redemption fees or market value adjustments associated with exchanges from particular investment options are described on applicable fund sheets, which are available online. Also, the redemption and reinvestment processes, including any transition period that may be involved in completing such mergers and replacements, could be subject to market gains or losses, including those from currency exchange rates. Information Concerning John Hancocks Short-Term Trading Policy The group annuity contract is not designed for short-term trading. Morningstar data is 2023 by Morningstar, Inc. All rights reserved. Categories may be changed based on recent changes to the portfolio. It is made up of John Hancock's (i) "Revenue from Sub-account", and (ii) the expenses of the underlying fund (based on expense ratios reported in the most recent prospectuses available as of the date of printing; "FER"). Returns for any period greater than one year are annualized. Performance data reflects changes in the prices of a sub-account's investments (including the shares of an underlying mutual fund, collective trust, or ETF), reinvestment of dividends and capital gains and deductions for the sub-account charges.The performance data presented represents past performance. The following two questions are made available to the Financial Representative (FR) on this plan to address questions relating to 408(b)(2) or John Hancock's 408(b)(2) disclosures. AThe amounts displayed below represent the gross and net expense ratios of the underlying fund in which the sub-account invests. The John Hancock Stable Value Guaranteed Income Fund seeks to preserve capital and provide stability of principal while earning current income that exceeds money market rates over the long term. "John Hancock Stable Value Guaranteed Income Fund provides an option to retirement . The highest speculative-grade rating is Ba1. Index returns were prepared using Morningstar Direct. For further details on these fees and certain risks that may apply please refer to the Offering Memorandum. Principal risks include:john hancock credit, issuer guaranteed, merger and replacement and private fund. Performance data for a sub-account for any period prior to the date introduced is shown in bold and is hypothetical based on the performance of the underlying fund. John Hancock Retirement Offers New Stable Value Guaranteed Income Fund The underlying mutual fund, collective trust, or ETF has the right to restrict trade activity without prior notice if a participant's trading is determined to be in excess of their exchange policy, as stated in the prospectus or offering memorandum. Fees and expenses are only one of several factors that you should consider when making investment decisions. The obligations of each Stability Provider are general, unsecured obligations of such Stability Provider. If the weighted value of certain indexes changes by more than 2%, John Hancock reserves the right to reset the crediting rate on October 1 or April 1. The availability of products, Funds and contract features may be subject to Broker-Dealer Firm approval, State approval, Broker Licensing requirements, tax law requirements, or other contract-related requirements. NOT BANK GUARANTEED. 2023 John Hancock. The ticker symbols do not directly apply to the John Hancock sub-account and therefore any public information accessed using these symbols will not reflect the unit value of the subaccount, nor will such information reflect sub-account, contract-level or participant-level charges under your plan's group annuity contract. 128. The stability of the investments offsets price fluctuations that may be associated with fixed-income investments. The indicated separate account is operated by John Hancock Life Insurance Company (U.S.A.), which has claimed an exclusion from the definition of the term 'Commodity Pool Operator' under the Commodity Exchange Act and, therefore, is not subject to registration or regulation as a pool operator under such Act. Analysis of performance and other indicative facts are also considered. Manager Risk for Fixed Income. john hancock stable value fund financial statements (2022) Weightings - Applicable to only the Target Date (Lifecycle Portfolio) and Target Risk (Lifestyle Portfolios) Each Target Risk/Target Date Portfolio has a target percentage allocation designed to meet the investment objectives of a corresponding investment orientation. Performance information current to the most recent month-end is available on our website myplan.johnhancock.com. The John Hancock Stable Value Guaranteed Income Fund seeks to preserve capital and provide stability of principal while earning current income that exceeds money market rates over the long term. 166. This investment option is deemed a 'Competing' investment option with the Federated Capital Preservation Fund and may not be available if the Federated Capital Preservation Fund is selected. Withdrawals or transfers initiated by participants will generally be paid at book value, except where they are the result of plan sponsor actions. 249. PDF Financial Strength Fact Sheet - Manulife John Hancock reported Revenue Per Employee of 180,251 in 2022. This information is not intended as investment advice and there can be no assurance that any investment option will achieve its objectives or experience less volatility than another. 4A. Guarantees are provided to participating retirement plans through a rider on a group annuity contract issued by John Hancock Life Insurance Company. Listed holdings do not represent all of the holdings in the underlying fund. ***Morningstar Portfolio Ratings All Morningstar data is 2023 by Morningstar, Inc. All rights reserved. "Underlying fund" or "fund" refers to the underlying mutual fund, collective trust, or exchanged traded fund ("ETF") in which the investment option invests.The FER is determined by the underlying fund and may be subject to fluctuation. Document - SEC The objective of the John Hancock Stable Value Fund is preservation of capital and returns that beat money market funds over a full interest rate cycle. John Hancock does not provide advice regarding appropriate investment allocations. Information Concerning John Hancocks Short-Term Trading Policy The group annuity contract is not designed for short-term trading. John Hancock and its affiliates provide advisory and/or sub-advisory services for the underlying fund. As interest rates decline, the issuers of certain fixed income securities, including asset-backed securities, may prepay principal earlier than scheduled, forcing the applicable portfolio manager to reinvest in potentially lower yielding securities. Due to abnormal market conditions or redemption activity the fund may temporarily invest in cash and cash equivalents. Because the fund invests in the separate account, the value of the fund and its ability to honor withdrawal requests from plan participants depends, in part, on the performance of JHLH.
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