RT @Valkary: THE ELECTORAL COLLEGE SHOULD BE ABSOLVED AND ABOLISHED. It creates 50 individual contests. Its complicated, outdated, unrepresentative in a word, undemocratic. Most states have a winner-take-all system that awards all the votes of a states electors to the presidential candidate who obtains the most votes in that state. How to get rid of the Electoral College - Brookings LIASSON: It would take a constitutional amendment to abolish the Electoral College, so that's not going to happen. [2] The compact would then be 43 Electoral College votes short of going into effect. Instead of a politician trying to appeal to someone with specific needs, the adoption of a general platform that maximizes votes in urban centers would become the emphasis of each party. In the video above, we delve into the reasons people give for keeping the Electoral College and why theyre wrong. No amount of campaigning will change that. 2? (John . It's another way the system ensures it's perpetuity. This ensures that smaller rural and industrial communities will have their issues addressed by those seeking office. Make sure to update your bookmarks! The following table shows how this would have changed the outcome in the two contested elections of the 21st century and includes 2004 for comparison. Such an effort would likely receive little or no Republican support. Erdogan's 'polar opposite' wants to replace him as president of Turkey. While there are two different means to amend the founding document, this country has always used the same route: a 2/3rds vote in both houses of Congress, followed by the ratification of 3/4ths of the states. The Electoral College has elected a president who did not win the popular vote twice in the past 20 years, in 2000 and 2016. We already see gridlock and partisanship in Congress that limits the opportunities for collaboration. An example of a state closely split by congressional district is Florida in 2016, where Trump won in 14 of them and Clinton won in 13. 6. That, critics say, means devaluing the votes of many non-white voters too. And, as our colleague Bill Galston has written, the Electoral College continues to be a ticking time bomb. In the 2020 presidential election a shift of just 45,000 votes in three states, Wisconsin, Georgia and Arizona could have shattered Americans belief in the legitimacy of their political system by creating a tie in the Electoral College and sending the election to the House of Representatives. Could Washington administer a national recount in the event of a close result? Critics of the system would argue that the elections of Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump are evidence that this impact is no longer present in U.S. politics. A second variation would be to award two Electoral College votes from each state to the winner of the national popular vote and award the remaining electors to the winner of each congressional district (CD). Why? That means that the national winner would start out with 102 Electoral College votes. Its just basic fairness. In this extraordinarily strange election year, debating the Electoral College might seem an odd pastime when so many other issues concern us. The state also reelected their Republican governor in 2020. To this day, people are still arguing that Al Gore was the real winner and debating whether the recount in Florida was accurate the state whose electors propelled Bush to the top. This year is the poster child for the need for reform. The reasons for the Electoral College may not be relevant any more. The great problems with our presidential selection system today stem from the haphazard way we choose the two major party presidential candidates. It is true that the Electoral College no longer serves its original purposes, and that it creates a grave risk that a candidate not favored by a majority of the people will, from time to time, be elected president. Gary Gregg, who leads the McConnell Center at the University of Louisville, says that if today's system over-privileges rural states, a national popular vote would be just as unfair in the opposite direction. In 2016, Donald Trump won the White House by earning a majority of electoral votes, even though almost three million more Americans voted for Hillary Clinton. The National Popular Vote Interstate Compact. This process stopped the process that was used in England to select a Prime Minister. Today the pact has the support of states and Washington D.C. that total 181 electoral votes, largely those that have gone for Democrats in recent years. Residents of places like Puerto Rico and Guam would have their votes be counted in the final total, and these locations consistently vote for one party. If the Electoral College is a racist relic, why has it endured? Do you agree with him that the winner-take-all system that most states use for the Electoral College is undemocratic and unfair? Do you think this means the system is broken? That means the information receives an update every 10 years. Eliminating this barrier could mean that some parts of the country never become part of the overall campaign. Under this option, Florida would give 15 Electoral College votes to Clinton and 14 to Trump. It doesnt have to be this way. Even if all 25 of the states that Mr. Biden won in 2020 were to ratify such an amendment, nine additional states that President Trump won would need to ratify it as well. This perception is reinforced by the red- and blue-state imagery that controls our view of the electoral process. A lot of people dont even want to talk about changing the Electoral College because of this idea. Most Americans, by a wide margin, believe the Electoral College should be abolished. Even when it is against the law for these folks to vote for someone other than what the electoral results in their state indicate, there is always an option to become a faithless elector under the American structure. It is within a states authority under Article II, Section 1 to impose a fine on electors for failing to uphold their pledge, the court said in an 8-1 opinion. In the ensuing 215 years, the Electoral College system itself has changed little, although the popular vote has been rightfully guaranteed to millions more previously denied on the basis of race, gender and age. Next week five hundred and thirty-eight American citizens will travel to their state capitals and elect the president of the United States. It can be fixed. # Because the District of Columbia is awarded Electoral College votes under the 23rd Amendment, we include its votes here as if it were a state. Because Donald Trump lost to Hillary Clinton in the popular vote, yet was the clear victor in the ultimately definitive electoral college, the strange, disproportionate nature of electoral. Only one election was so close that it had to go to the House of Representatives, which is how John Quincy Adams won over Andrew Jackson. But it's possible the candidate with the most votes from the public won't be the winner. 5. It would only come into effect when it could guarantee that outcome. We need to think hard, and quickly, about how to reform three aspects of the presidential nomination process: the debates, the primary elections and the conventions. Maine Department of Administrative and Financial Services, The Electoral College is a ticking time bomb, Its time to abolish the Electoral College, Two cheers for the Electoral College: Reasons not to abolish it, according to the Congressional Research Service, https://www.brookings.edu/blog/fixgov/2020/10/21/can-the-electoral-college-be-subverted-by-faithless-electors/, Policy lessonsand surprisesfrom the Reimagine Rural podcast, Justice Thomas, gift reporting rules, and what a Supreme Court code of conduct would and wouldnt accomplish, Why is federal spending so hard to cut? Alexander Hamilton was a significant supporter of the Electoral College. Popular vote is a direct vote. In 1892, the court upheld inMcPherson v. Blackerthat Congress can set the date nationally for the Electoral College to meet, but it also said that the states could determine how electors were apportioned and chosen. I used to like the idea of the Popular Vote, but now realize the Electoral College is far better for the U.S.A. Gregg says that change would radicalize politics. This isnt a partisan issue its a fairness issue. Sticking to the electoral college format allows us to use electors as intended instead of relying on all of the votes counting. Why, or why not? But the fact is that we are now one country, whereas in 1789 we were 13 colonies desperately trying to hold onto some semblance of their independencehence a political deal was struck that now threatens the very democracy for which they were trying to create a lasting framework. The U.S. Census creates the allocations of electoral votes that each state receives. But the court has not tackled to what extent states can enforce such a pledge. We will focus on elections in the 20th and 21st centuries. Your membership has expired - last chance for uninterrupted access to free CLE and other benefits. But the real interests of small-state voters are never determined by the relative size of the population of their states. Lauren Wesley Wilson Is Making WHCD Weekend More Inclusive, Dylan Mulvaney Wanted To Be An Actor, Not An Activist, Olivia Munn & John Mulaney's Meet Cute 8 Years Ago At A Wedding Is Relatable, 10 Times Tom From 'Succession' Was Actually Mr. Darcy, Get Even More From Bustle Sign Up For The Newsletter. It also stops the distribution process where California gets 55 votes, but a state like Delaware only gets 3. Do you agree with Mr. Wegman that we should change how the Electoral College works to ensure that the popular vote chooses the president? The elected officials of both parties have incentives to choose candidates with an eye toward popular electability and governing skill. In the U.S., 65 percent of adults think whoever wins the popular vote should hold the nation's highest office, according to an Atlantic/PRRI poll last year. Beto O'Rourke Announces His Run For President In 2020, Moderate Democrats Under Pressure As Party's Left Grabs Attention. Opinion | Will the Economy Make or Break Biden in 2024? Electoral vote totals will equal 538. 1, that Democrats will win a popular vote every time. It channels presidential politics into a two-party system, which is superior to multiparty systems where fringe factions can exercise too much leverage. Around six-in-ten U.S. adults (63%) say the way the president is elected should be changed so that the winner of the popular vote nationwide wins the presidency, while 35% favor keeping the current Electoral College system, according to a Pew Research Center survey conducted June 27-July 4, 2022. As we can see from questions posed in two respectable polls, Pew and Gallup, in spite of the fact that majorities support change it is Democrats who support it and Republicans who oppose it. Click the links below for answers to these frequently asked questions. Hans von Spakovsky, Destroying the Electoral College: The Anti-Federalist National Popular Vote Scheme, Heritage Legal Memorandum No. Only Rutherford Hayes, with a 3% difference, won the electoral college despite being in the minority. As the graph below illustrates, over the course of the 20th century the distance between the biggest state by population and the median state increased. Some laws simply state that electors must vote for the candidate of the party they represent; others require electors to sign an oath or a pledge. After a long battle in Florida Bush won the state narrowly, giving him an Electoral College victory of 271 to 266 over Al Gore. Spend some time moving states into the Biden and Trump circles and make notes about what you notice and wonder. Voting By Mail Is On The Rise, But Could Alleged N.C. Election Fraud Change That? Continually updated tools and resources to help move your practice and the legal profession forward during COVID-19 and beyond. It said that the Colorado secretary of state erred in removing an elector who cast his vote for then-Ohio Gov. This agreement includes several states and DC, giving the electoral vote count assigned to them to the candidate who receives the most votes in the national election. I wrote a whole book on the subject. By subscribing to this BDG newsletter, you agree to our. What would happen if the Electoral College was abolished? #Marianne2024 . Remember what we said back in Myth No. Seventy percent of Americans between the ages of 18-29 said that the president should be chosen through a popular vote model, while just 56 percent of those over the age of 65 agreed. Why did they lose? When Americans are polled about the Electoral College, most of them say that they want it to disappear. This is clear in polling on the topic. In his recent Op-Ed The Electoral College Will Destroy America, Mr. Wegman provides further evidence to support his claim that the Electoral College is unfair: The Electoral College as it functions today is the most glaring reminder of many that our democracy is not fair, not equal and not representative. Today, 48 states use winner-take-all. A plan to scrap the Electoral College via constitutional amendment would not pass in the current environment. Abolishing the Electoral College would get rid of this confusing process. There is a trigger for NPV to go into effect, and we are creeping ever closer toward it.10 When enough states have entered the compact to reach a majority of the electoral votes270 out of 538the compact will then kick in. The winner of an election should be the person who gets the most votes. Note: A previous version of this post stated that awarding 2 electoral votes per state (plus D.C.) to the national popular vote winner would form a baseline of 138 votes. Those states do get a boost from their two Senate-based electoral votes, but that benefit pales in comparison to the real culprit: statewide winner-take-all laws. Does this interactive influence how you feel about the Electoral College? Its no wonder the candidates fixate on issues that matter to specific groups of voters in swing states, like fracking in Pennsylvania This is my 13th visit. or prescription drug benefits in Florida. Do they outweigh the arguments that Mr. Wegman presents? But the Electoral College is worse than merely useless. That means there must be a majority of states that agree with a specific candidate instead of allowing the people to decide who they want to have as president. Alternative 1: Two electoral votes to national popular vote winner; state winner-take-all for the remainder, *Each of these races included faithless electors, such that the total of electoral votes, as shown, does not equal 538. Having an election in which victory went to a candidate carrying a single national constituency might not wholly cure this problem, but it might well work to mitigate it. This is one reason why they created checks and balances, including the Electoral College. There are three basic arguments in favor of the system the framers of the Constitution gave us, with little sense of how it would actually work. And because they created it, its a sacred work of constitutional genius. Keeping the electoral college restricts the voting to acknowledged states only. John Locher/AP **Here, we treat the District of Columbia as a single congressional district (as the 23rd Amendment to the Constitution does for the purposes of the Electoral College). 2: The founders wanted it this way. In May, the Washington State Supreme Courtuphelda state election law that said an elector who did not vote for the candidate he pledged to support could be fined up to $1,000 in civil penalties. Debate renewed in 2016 after theelectionof the fifth U.S. president who won the presidency despite losing the popular vote. The Electoral College website now has an easy-to-remember address. As far as the 2016 election is concerned, Hillary Clinton would still be the likely winner if the Electoral College didn't exist. As a result, most are considered safe, that is, comfortably in hand for one party or the other. That means if you live in a rural area, your vote may count more toward who gets to be the eventual president. ABA Legal Fact Check: Can the Electoral College be abolished? For years, a majority of Americans have opposed the Electoral College. As American leadership falters, scholars say, autocrats are on the rise. This reflects how uncommon it is to reach the Oval Office without winning the popular vote; it has only happened four times in United States history. By 2019, the median state was Kentucky with 4,467,673 which made it 11% of the population of California, the biggest state in the union with 39,512,223 people. If such an amendment were to pass Congress, defeat in the states is likely. The compact would only go into effect once the number of states involved surpasses the 270 Electoral College vote threshold that is required to win the presidency. Having the states play an autonomous role in presidential elections, it is said, reinforces the division of governing authority between the nation and the states. Instead of having a regional focus that incorporates specific campaigning elements, there would be a national campaign instead. If you live in a state where youre in the political minority, your vote is effectively erased. That could have happened even though Biden won the popular vote by 7,060,087 (and counting)a margin even larger than the margins won by George W Bush in 2004 and Barack Obama in 2012. Electors manage the needs of the state and community instead of following the will of the general public throughout the country. Many of them were unhappy with the results. The cost of conducting a nationwide recount could be hundreds of millions of dollars, which is money that may not always be in the budget. If that occurs, the court might provide states additional guidance on just how much leeway they have to impact the Electoral College vote that decides the presidency of the United States. Is the Electoral College a Problem? Does It Need to Be Fixed? Support of that magnitude has become rare for anything in a sharply divided United States. Over 2.8 million more people voted for Hillary Clinton instead of Donald Trump, but it was Trump who won the White House because of the results of the electoral map. 4. hide caption. "And the way we can make that happen is that we can have national voting and that means get rid of the Electoral College.". And yet we have generally accepted it for centuries on the assumption it serves an important purpose. Then in 2016, Donald Trump won the Electoral College despite receiving 2.1% less of the popular vote. https://saveourstates.com/threats/the-status-of-npv, https://www.heritage.org/election-integrity/report/destroying-the-electoral-college-the-anti-federalist-national-popular-0. Of the 700 attempts to fix or abolish the electoral college, this one nearly succeeded In 1969, Congress almost approved a constitutional amendment to get rid of the electoral college,. .just the large States - the Cities would end up running the Country. See: https://www.brookings.edu/blog/fixgov/2020/10/21/can-the-electoral-college-be-subverted-by-faithless-electors/. 3. The chances of a recount would increase dramatically with election. Opinion | Abolish the electoral college - The Washington Post 2) The Electoral College ensures that different parts of the country, such as Iowa and Ohio, are involved in selecting the president, rather than just the most populated areas. The small towns in the United States, along with all of the rural areas, would become marginalized if this system were to be entirely abolished. The party structureswhich, for all their faults, have a vested interest in candidates from the moderate middle who are able to work with Congress and other officials to governhave been sidelined. In winner-take-all states, all electoral votes cast for the state are assigned to the candidate who gets the most electoral votes. How the Electoral College helps preserve our constitutional system. Back in 1787, when the delegates to the Constitutional Convention were trying to figure out how the President should be chosen, some wanted the Congress to choose, and . Plenty. That line garnered one of her largest roars of applause for the evening. It doesnt. John Kasich, a Republican, even though Colorado law required electors to cast their votes for state-winner Hillary Clinton, a Democrat. On this date, the U.S. House of Representatives approved a constitutional amendment to eliminate the Electoral College and provide for the direct election of the President using the results of the national popular vote.
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what would happen if the electoral college was abolished 2023