| | | | ||Fiery Mystic Blade | | | | | ||Tower Shield |speed +10 | We are an Official Tibia Fansite made for the whole community, here you will find guides, quest, calculators and a Q&A section for your questions. | |magic level +1 ||Strange Amulet |0.90 | |1 | |20 | |39 |150 |0 |magic level +2 | |38.00 | | | ||Hailstorm Rod | Many Git commands accept both tag and branch names, so creating this branch may cause unexpected behavior. |sword fighting +4 | |20 |5.10 | Desired skill with loyalty included. | | | | |speed +30, faster regeneration |paladins|Chaos Mace |84.50 ||Runic Ice Shield | | | |50.00 |0 | | | | | |17.00 | |earth +10% Tibia Game Features Tools TibiaWiki in: TibiaWiki Tools Armor Calculator View source Loading Calculators See also: Calculators Categories Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. |magic level +4 ||Basin with a Flower | | |70.00 |25.00 | |physical +80%, death +80% |120.00 By continuing to use this website, you ||Strange Talisman ||Phoenix Statue (Replica) | This page is protected to prevent harmful edits. ||Wereboar Loincloth | | |8.00 |0 | |earth +10%, fire -10% | |4 |20.00 ||Broken Wedding Ring | | ||Icy Dragon Slayer |knights|Hammer of Wrath Calculate how many Exercice Weapons you need to raise skill or Magic Level. | | |300 | |physical +4%, earth +5% |3 |2 |1 |18.00 | |250 |51.00 |27 | |faster regeneration | | ||Shield of Corruption |physical +6% ||Demonbone |knights|Fire Axe ||Enchanted Staff | | |72.00 | | | |paladins|Arcane Staff | | |100 |energy +20%, earth -10% |6.00 | |knights|Umbral Axe | | | Hmm i have seen a damage calculator before on this forum however i can find it again.. And i want to know my average damage on arrows,bolts,p bolts.. . |21 |20 |6 ||Curly Hortensis Lamp (Lit) Forge simulator. |druids|Cobra Sword | |130.00 This kind of damage can be sometimes blocked by the target's Shielding . | | Tibia and all products related to Tibia are copyrighted by CipSoft GmbH. | | ||Fiery Crystal Mace | |55.00 |20 | |8 | | |axe fighting +3, Cleave 3% |22 | | | |3 | | | agree to their use. |None|The Scorcher |55 ||Wooden Shield |35.00 | | |12 | | |15 | | UPDATE 3: New adjustments to the EK spells, this time correctly following TibiaWikis formula and applying the latest balance changes to the character level bonus in the formula seems to produce better results. The official | |knights|Twin Hooks |68.00 | |17.00 | |26.00 | |58.00 |fire +5% | ||Plate Shield | |8.00 |45 |37.00 |75 |distance fighting +3 |paladins|Star Amulet |28 | | | |knights|Arboreal Crown |32 |knights|Elite Draken Mail | | | ||Noble Armor |paladins|Rift Lance | | | | | |speed +15 |druids|Mutated Skin Legs |16.00 |paladins|Zaoan Halberd |5.20 | |165.00 |21.00 | | |club fighting +4 | | | |21 | |knights|Swampling Club | |120.00 |sorcerers and druids|Deepling Squelcher |, | | |knights|Ragnir Helmet | | |2 | |270 | |fire +5%, ice -5% | |physical +3% |19.00 | - Distance training for paladins, Join our Discord channel to stay up-to-date! | |knights|Ravenwing | |19.00 | |magic level +1 ||Scarab Amulet |4.20 | | |0 | | |knights|Blessed Sceptre | |45 | |59.00 |magic level +4 |75 | | | | |14 |druids|Glooth Axe | | | |fire +2%, earth +2%, energy +2%, ice +2% | | | | | | | | |39.00 | | | Calculators - TibiaPedia | | | | |knights|Fireheart Platemail | |80, |21 | ||Bronze Amulet | |60 |2.00 |55.00 |5.00 | ||Red Quiver |knights|Dark Trinity Mace |6 | |axe fighting +3 | |8.50 |69.00 |13.00 | | |9 | | | |paladins and without|Rainbow Shield | | |1.60 |physical +3% Desired skill. ||Cobra Boots |18 |24 | | | ||Barrel and Anchor Lamp | | | |75 | ||Diamond Necklace ||Shield of Destiny (Activated) ||Light Mace | | |6 |63.00 |earth +4% | ||Fiery Spike Sword |energy +8%, earth -8% |0 How much (constant) damage is dealt by field runes, e.g. | |50.00 | |61.50 |55.00 |180 |17 | | | |85 |physical +2% | |paladins|Lion Shield | |45.00 | |distance fighting +4 |paladins|Soulful Legs |29.00 ||Batwing Hat Calculator to work out the amount of experience points needed between two levels. |10.00 ||Throwing Star |22.50 | |60 |37 | | | |200 |knights and paladins|Lavos Armor | |150 |69.00 | | |36.00 | | |15.00 | | |41.00 |75 | | Summary. | | |6 | |37 |45 |physical +6% | ||Sulphur Blossom Lamp (Lit) |10.00 |sword fighting +1, club fighting +1, axe fighting +1, speed +15 |magic level +2 Use Calculator Loot Analyer Automatic calculator to distribute waste and profit in a team hunt. | |19 |0 | | |1 |physical +7% , ice +15% | |0 | There are also Creatures Immune to all Damage Types which means you can't hit them with any melee weapon, distance weapon, rod, wand, spell or rune. | | |5.00 |110.00 |sorcerers and druids|Lion Spangenhelm |2.90 | |60.00 |physical +2%, earth +6% ||Turquoise Flower Lamp (Unlit) | |30 | Features: You can save/load multiple characters/targets/spells; | | |150 | | |24.50 | |19 |50.00 |66.00 | ||Norse Shield | |24 |paladins|Eldritch Shield | |19.00 | |0 Tibia Hunt Finder, Calculators and Events Calendar | Intibia | | |19 |250 | | | |100 | | ||Crystalline Sword |23 | Hits calculator. | | |35.00 | |220 | | | | ||Note About Two Souls | | |40 |2.20 |4.80 | ||Ogre Scepta ||Prismatic Legs |death +5% |5.70 |8.50 ||Golden Helmet |75 | | |150 |life drain +20% Spoiler (click here to show spoiler) Fill the data according to your character in P. . | | |38 | | |22.50 | |99.00 | |30.00 | | |27.00 allows you to engage in meaningful conversations with NPCs in the game. |0.90 ||Silkweaver Bow | |35.00 | |19 |35 |10.00 | |35 | | | |24 | Loyalty points. |200 | |29 | | ||Burnt Down Rainbow Torch | | |130 | | | | | |28.00 ||Hat of the Mad |180 | | | |sorcerers|Battle Shield |18 |13 |400 | |20 |120 |3.80 |95.00 |120 | |21 |15.00 |85.00 |25.00 |3 | | |physical +10%, energy +15% |80 |1.00 |16 | | | | | ||Might Ring |40.00 |knights and paladins|Crystalline Armor | | | | | |50 | |34 |6.66 | | |15 ||Moon Mirror |82 | |150 | |31.00 |120.00 |80.00 |20 |21.00 | |knights|Blade of Corruption | |12.00 ||Heart Lamp (Small) | |2 | | 500. |2 |14.00 | | | |25.00 agree to their use. | |38.00 | | | |55 |earth +3%, fire -3% | | |physical +5%, earth +5% |magic level +2 | |23 | |180 | | | | | |40 | |sorcerers and druids|Rusty Winged Helmet ||Earth Relic Sword |150 | | |earth +10% | |1.50 | |0 | | |18 |35 | | | | | | The result is that the target loses Hitpoints (or Mana if using Magic Shield spell or an Energy Ring). | |physical +2%, holy +7% |physical +4%, fire +2% | | | | |65.00 |80 |speed -5 |59.00 |sword fighting +4, axe fighting +4, club fighting +4, 19 damage reflection |sorcerers|Gilded Eldritch Warmace | |druids|Obsidian Lance | |85.00 |24.00 | You can find more information about our cookies on our. ||Poet's Fencing Quill | |25.00 |15 |0 | | |sword fighting +1 | | |distance fighting +3, magic level +1, holy magic level +1 | |18.00 | |22 | |12.00 | | Stamina calculator. | ||Bone Club |38.00 | Note: For a precise calculation of the time and cost to get a certain skill, select the Regular weapon type. | |sorcerers and druids|Mighty Helm of Green Sparks |earth +3% | |11.00 | | | |45.00 | | | | |57.00 |29 | |18 | | | ||Energy Knight Axe | | | |axe fighting +4 |speed +10 | ||Idol Lamp | | | |11 |300 |80 |78.00 |80 | |40 |61.00 | ||Energized Limb | | | Magic Level | TibiaWiki | Fandom |80 | ||Fiery Relic Sword |13 | | | | |15 |ice +7% |41.00 discord.gg/f2hESCbgvz. ||Mallet Handle |knights|Icy Clerical Mace |6.00 ||Crown Helmet | | | |37.00 The Exaltation Forge: The Complete Guide - GuildStats.eu ||Void Boots |120 | | | | |0 | |48 |druids|Naga Sword ||Energy Relic Sword | | | ||Wand of Dimensions |46.00 |15 |65 | | |8.50 ||Filled Receptacle |55 | |2.00 |5.50 |75 | |26 |0 |25 | | | |11.00 | | | | | | |2 | |18 | | ||Gill Necklace | | | | | | |sword fighting +2 | |paladins|Crowbar | | | |25.00 |sorcerers and druids|Spellbook of Ancient Arcana |magic level +2, healing magic level +2 | ||Terra Helmet | | | | | | | |59.00 |250 |100 ||Paladin Armor | |65.00 |fire +10%, earth -2% |60 |36 |9 |61.00 |1 | | | ||Ornamented Axe ||Light of Change | | ||Midnight Sarong |knights|Triple Bolt Crossbow |9 | |145.00 | |41.00 | | This website is a work in progress. |82.00 |34 |sorcerers|Combat Knife |death +8%, holy -50% | |physical +5% ||Candlestick |knights|Energy Headchopper | |club fighting +3, Cleave 3% ||Mace | |1 | | | | |52.00 |knights|Cobra Club | |sorcerers and druids|Glowing Rubbish Amulet | |85 |magic level +2 | |magic level +2 It is clear the buff from the latest balance changes are not applied to the character level bonus in the formula. | | | |7.00 | | | |300 | |200 | | ||Soldier Helmet |12 ||Rainbow Torch | |200 |80.00 | | |knights|The Calamity | | | | | | |31.00 | ||Firewalker Boots | |32.00 |230 | | | |distance fighting +3 | |55.00 |85.00 |150 | ||Mathmaster Shield (Replica) |5.00 ||Wooden Spellbook |45.00 |42.00 | ||Little Big Flower Lamp (Lit) |21 |400 |52.50 | |physical +7%, fire +15% | |6 |speed +10 |270 |9 |16 |energy +4%, earth -5% ||Crown Shield |22.00 | ||Sun Catcher ||Fluorescent Fungi (Unlit) |23 |70.00 | | |0.90 | | |65 |2.00 | | |28.00 | | ||Boots of Waterwalking |sorcerers|Badger Boots | |earth +5% |9 | |55.00 | ||Club ||Stale Bread of Ancientness | |82.00 | |69.00 | |shielding +4 ||Obsidian Zaoan Rook |death +3% |10.00 |0.20 |0.90 |ice +5% |31.00 | |40 At some point I will do some tests to confirm the results (atm I have just a low level EK because my old char has been sold in the bazaar). | |33 ||Gloomy Poisonous Fungi (Unlit) |120.00 |82.00 | | |34.00 | | |3 |25.00 |magic level +2, faster Regeneration | ||Ornamented Shield This tool can be used to check the character's real skills without the loyalty bonus, which should be the same used on the official highscores. |45.00 ||Pumpkinhead ||Incandescent Crown | | | |26 | | | | | |50 |0.80 | | |35.00 |15 ||Jade Amulet ||Reaper's Axe | |energy +4% | | | | |earth +3%, fire -3% | |24.50 |30 |40 | | |79.00 |0 | |ice +2% |4.90 | | | |25 ||Royal Crossbow |distance fighting +3 |60 |1 |8 ||Scarf | |13.00 |91.00 | |150 | ||Frozen Claw | |0.85 |2 |250 |sorcerers and druids|Dark Shield | |22 |7 |0 |145.00 |24.00 | |200 | | | | |13.00 | |43.00 | |180.00 |knights and paladins|Grasshopper Legs | |65.00 | we find you players who can share with you. | |91.00 |death +3% | | |0 | |55 | ||Alchemist's Notepad | | | | | | | |52.50 |23.00 | | |150.00 |47.00 | ||Seashell Lamp |120 | | | | | | |ice +7%, fire -3% |death +3% |knights and paladins|Feverbloom Boots |22.00 |120 ||Garnet Necklace | | | ||Demon Helmet | | Summary. | | | | |31 | | | | ||Impaler of the Igniter | |30 | |2.20 |axe fighting +1 | ||Summer Dress | Please note the game added a mitigation stat that even the weakest creature can reduce 1 damage with a really low mitigation value. |knights|Dragon Scale Boots |knights|Glutton's Mace | | | |knights|Machete |70.00 | |2 | | | | | |knights|Wailing Widow's Necklace | |40 | ||Dragon Lance | | | | |energy +10% | | |79.00 |paladins and without|Bone Shield | | | |sorcerers|Metal Spats |25 |0 | | ||Spike Sword | | |paladins|Lion Longsword |fire +8%, ice -8% |89.00 | | | and TibiaME are trademarks of CipSoft GmbH. |90 ||Bonebreaker | |druids|Arcanomancer Regalia | |8 | | | |0 |31 Use Calculator Gold Changer Ideal for calculating how many CT would cost you to buy GOLD in lukewarm Use Calculator Profit and Waste Calculator to distribute profit in a team hunt. | |club fighting +3, Cleave 3% | |50 |20 | |7.00 |38 | ||Wolf Tooth Chain | | |27 | | |magic level +4, death magic level +1, Magic Shield Capacity +80 and 8% |120 |6.00 |0.90 |sorcerers|Soulshell | Character Skills See Skills Calculator . | |0 | | | | | | | |58.00 | | | | |7 ||Torch of Change | |85.00 | | |27.00 | | | | |druids|Oriental Shoes | | | |10 |300 | ||Depth Lorica | | |15 | | |5.00 |400 Stephan van der Meijden 2023. | ||Runed Sword |knights|Firemind Raiment |8 |40.00 | | | | |33 ||Rotten Demonbone |5.00 |2 | | |300 |54.00 After filling all the needed data, your damage will be calculated. |48.00 |magic level +1, perfect shot +20 at range 3 | | |0 | | |12 |31 | |58.00 |1 | | | | | |10 | | |22.00 |90.00 | |400 |knights|Fur Boots |24 | | |66.00 | damage Calculator? - Classic Tibia |3.50 |death +5% ||Plate Legs |fire +4%, earth +4%, energy +4%, ice +4%, holy +4%, death +4% |33 | ||Moonlight Rod |4 |knights|Sparking Rainbow Shield | |82.00 |40 |68.00 ||Dragon Slayer ||Dark Lord's Cape |paladins|Umbral Hammer |75 |fire +5% |5 | |29 |magic level +2 |75 | | | | | ||Heavy Metal T-Shirt ||Summerblade | | ||Jade Zaoan Queen |2.80 |200 |9 | | ||Carapace Shield | |ice +3% |9 ||Strange Helmet | |10.00 | | ||Burnt Down Torch | ||Basin with a Glowing Flower | | | | |8 |41.00 |35 |75.00 | | Check if you get cheaper imbuir from Vampirism with items or buying GT. ||Rose Shield |35.00 |200 |knights|Arbalest |9 ||Fiery Dragon Slayer | |25 |23 ||Fish Tail (Unequipped) | | |7 ||Eldritch Folio |16 |speed +10 |120 |35 | ||Eldritch Breeches |35 | | |knights and paladins|Dawnfire Pantaloons |0 |56.00 |55.00 | ||Tagralt Blade |0 Distance skill damage difference : r/TibiaMMO - Reddit |100 |65 |knights|Gilded Eldritch Greataxe | | | ||Opulent Floor Lamp (Unlit) |145.00 | |12 ||Snake God's Wristguard |21 |physical +3%, fire +10% |0.00 | | These calculators require Javascript, | | | |42.00 | |1 |12 | | |5 | |19 |sorcerers and druids|Falcon Plate |35 |paladins|Hive Scythe | | | |ice +5%, energy -5% | | |0.80 | Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. |12 | | |1 |6 |paladins|Cowtana |48.00 |100 | |paladins|Native Armor |52.00 |knights|Crystalline Axe | | |druids|Ron the Ripper's Sabre | |30 |10.00 | Double event. |102.00 |sorcerers and druids|Mastermind Shield | |10 | | |200 |20.00 | | |paladins|Bow of Destruction Test |95.50 |100 | |paladins|Winterblade |21 | |10.50 | |magic shield |knights|Slayer of Destruction | | |82.00 | | |knights|Golden Axe |paladins|Bow of Destruction ||Titan Axe ||Rod of Destruction |11 ||Energy Blacksteel Sword | | | | |69.00 |16 |26.00 |270 | |250 | | |sorcerers and druids|Steel Shield |physical +10%, death +10% |fire +5%, earth +5%, energy +5%, ice +5%, holy +5%, death +5%, physical +5% | | | | | | | |3 | You will find here a knowledge base, calculators and various statistics. | |magic level +2, healing magic level +2, mana leech 1% | |25.50 | |30 | | | |2.70 | |8 | |knights|Amber Staff | | Current skill % to next. | |knights|Lion Rod | |11 ||Axe of Destruction ||Gnome Sword |physical +5%, earth +5% |11 | | |3 |magic level +2 |19 |54.00 | |0 |2 | | | | ||Icy Cranial Basher | ||Earthborn Titan Armor |100 | |29.00 | | | | | |8.00 | |sorcerers and druids|Spellbook of Warding | | | Sorcerer Druid. |28.00 | |knights|Enchanted Werewolf Helmet (Distance) | |paladins|Mooh'tah Plate | | |sorcerers|Katana |120 |300 | | | | ||Lit Small Lamp |distance fighting +3 |46.00 | |12 | | |paladins|Elvish Bow | ||Club of the Fury | |59.00 Skills Calculator | TibiaWiki | Fandom | | |100 |3 |150 | |earth +4% |22 | |15.00 |25.00 | | | |150 | |120.00 Calculate the price of Tibia Coins by amounts, updated prices for Mexico. ||Orcish Maul | | | |2 |145.00 | |20 |38.00 | ||Silver Amulet | | | ||Deepling Staff Physical Damage is inflicted by melee attacks and Distance Weapons, as well as some runes and spells. | |120.00 |13 |78.00 | | |75 | | | | | | | | | | |7 | |35 | |0 | | ||Damaged Helmet ||Noble Sword (Replica) |300 |80 ||Haunted Mirror Piece | |9 |7.50 | | |20 | ||Knight Axe Contact an administrator if you want to suggest changes to the page. |sword fighting +3 |15 | |25.00 |earth +20%, fire -10% |130 | ||House Silversun's Signet Ring |energy +5%, earth -5% | | ||Brutetamer's Staff | | | | | | |52.00 |2 |12 | |95 | | |60 | | |49.00 |80.00 | |200 |knights|Gilded Eldritch Rod |magic level +1 | | |0 | |10 |knights|Crystal Necklace |270 | ||Golden Magic Longsword |0 |48.00 ||Broken Ring of Ending | | | | | |230 |400 | |60 |28.00 |19.00 | |16 | |sorcerers|Axe Ring |18 | TibiaPal.com uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience possible. |52.00 ||Grandiose Lamp | |physical +15%, earth +10% |15.00 |58.00 | |knights|Umbral Crossbow |earth +8%, fire -8% | | |magic level +1 | |8 |12.00 | |61.00 ||Tiara of Power |41.00 | |20 | | | |paladins and without|Rift Shield |25 |51.00 | |50.00 |230 ||Ring of Souls (Depleted) |31 |59.00 | | |120 |250 |physical +3% | |5.00 |fire +5% | | | |19.00 | |axe fighting +5 | |paladins|Crystal Mace ||Wedding Ring |25 |20 | ||Scythe | | |knights|Umbral Master Axe ||Exotic Legs |20 | |1.50 |65 | | |18 | | | |28 |physical +5% Best answer Based on this TibiaWiki page the formula to melee damage is: Minimum damage: level/5 Maximum damage: 0.085*d*atk*skill + level/5 In which: d is the battle stance: 1 for full attack, 0.75 for balanced and 0.5 for full defense; atk is the weapon attack and skill is your skill level. | | |8.50 |300 ||Crown Armor |sorcerers and druids|Dwarven Axe | |druids|Nightmare Blade |21 |31.00 | | | | | |70.00 |21.00 | | | |1.50 |sword fighting +1, club fighting +1, axe fighting +1 | |distance fighting +2 |50.00 | | |13.00 | |180.00 | | | |19.00 Calculate Reset. | | Tibiantis Info is a fansite of Tibiantis - 7.4 Open Tibia Server. |14 | | | | | | | | ||Skull Staff | | |magic level +4 ||Ring of Secret Thoughts (Charged) | | | |10 | ||Blessed Shield |35.00 |11.00 The formulas used are from TibiaWiki and some multipliers are from TibiaStats. |60 |sorcerers|Wand of Vortex | ||Heart Lamp | | | |49.00 |paladins|Ornate Mace |3.30 |11 |4 |16 |18 |18 |0 ||Shield of Endless Search | | |31 | | | |82.00 | | ||Jade Amulet (Replica) |34 |120 | |25 | |knights|Terra Hood |3 |physical +8% |5.00 |20.00 | | | | | |18.00 Physical Damage is inflicted by melee attacks and Distance Weapons, as well as some runes and spells. | | | |31 | | | | | | |9 | ||Stone of Wisdom |95.00 | | ||Sweetheart Ring |5.00 |knights|Thunderheart Hauberk This one is in test phase so verify the prices and if you find any problem report it here, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. | | ||Shield of Honour | |2 |sword fighting +1 | |38.00 |18.00 | | |7 ||Little Big Flower Lamp (Unlit) |250 | | | |4 | | Hits calculator - Tibia Statistics - GuildStats.eu ||Berserker ||Shoulder Plate |75 |magic level +1 | | |2.50 | | | | | |200 |72.00 | | |25.00 | | | |0 | | | |250 Stamina calculator. |knights|Dragonbone Staff |2 |2 |magic level +2 | |magic level +3 | |7.80 | | |0 | |19 |38.00 |2 |2 |0 |32.50 | |65 |61.50 |25 |magic level +2 |20 |physical +3% |26.00 | ||Zaoan Wall Lamp (Lit) There are two main kinds of damage: Physical Damage and Magical Damage. | UPDATE 4: Decided to not follow TibiaWiki formula for EK spells. | | | | | |26.00 | |energy +8%, earth -8% |27 ||Deepling Axe | ||Poison Dagger | | ||Wand of Cosmic Energy | |90.00 | | |7 ||Starlight Vial | |0 | ||Glowing Sulphur Fungi (Lit) |sorcerers and druids|Gnome Legs | | |0 |0.70 |22 |0 ||Drakinata | | | | |61.00 | | |magic level +2 Damage types are represented by different colors on the game window so you might identify them. |knights|Wooden Sword | ||Black Pit Demon |sword fighting +4 |speed -6 |300 |50 |79.00 |knights|Soulbleeder | | | |energy +5%, earth -5% | |11 | | | | | |sword fighting +4, club fighting +4, axe fighting +4 | |0.80 |54.00 | |knights|Energy Heroic Axe |7.50 |paladins|Amazon Helmet |sword fighting +1 | |42 | | |28.50 | |physical +10%, fire +10%, earth +10%, energy +10%, ice +10%, holy +10%, death +10% | | | | |9 | | |35 | | |36.00 | |magic level +3 |10 |paladins|Pirate Shirt | | |1.20 |fire +8%, ice -8% |25 | | |speed +10 |13 |120 | |120 |48.00 | | ||Fire Sword |270 | | |0 |9 | |knights|Soulcutter | | |2 ||Relic Sword | TibiaPal.com - Exp Calculator ||Jade Zaoan Rook |28.00 ||Leaf Crown |sorcerers and druids|Ring of Healing |physical +4%, energy +6% | |45.00 |15.00 |35.00 | | |48.00 | |25.60 |druids|Shimmer Sword |7.00 It will enable you to talk to each of them to learn all sorts of interesting tidbits about the Tibian world and to get to know them on a more personal level. |21 | |knights|Witchhunter's Coat |100 |15 | |105.00 |26 | | | | This tool calculates the time it will take you to reach your target skill while |130 |115.00 | |33.00 | |10 |22.50 | |6.00 | |7 | Tibiantis Info - Magic level | |26.00 |39 |18 |earth +3%, fire -3% | |sorcerers and druids|Blue Spectacles | |25 |14 |300 ||Morshabaal's Extract ||Sapphire Necklace |1.05 | |1 ||Skull Candle Other stuff, like skills, is 500. |19.50 ||Earth Crystal Mace | | | | |paladins|Cobra Rod | |energy +8%, earth -8% | | ||Master Archer's Armor ||Onyx Pendant |7.30 | mtmak9/Tibia_Rune_Calculator - Github | ||Pair of Earmuffs |23 | | | |paladins|Yalahari Mask | | |0.80 |4.10 | |10 | |27.00 |250 | |48.00 | |0.60 | | |0 | Loading Calculators Categories Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. | | | |5.00 | |51.00 | | |22 |4.50 | |23 | | |7 |59.00 ||Snake God's Sceptre |knights and paladins|Zaoan Robe |knights|Heated Worm Punisher |150 |68.00 |physical +5% | |35 |physical +7%, fire +5% |14.00 ||Suspicious Signet Ring | |fist fighting +6 |distance fighting +3 | |magic level +4 |30.00 | |28 |magic level +2, healing magic level +2 | |sword fighting +4 |34.00 |5.00 |knights|Fiery Headchopper |65 | |0.50 |sorcerers|The Stomper ||Lightning Robe |8 |40 |7 | |fire +8%, ice -8% | | |8 |150 There used to be a website that did all that not sure what happened to it Reply ferchobilbao97 . ||Time Ring | |death +9% | |60 | |19.00 | | |30 |12 |120 ||Leather Harness ||Dark Wizard's Crown (Activated) | |10.00 | | | |fire +4%, earth +4%, energy +4%, ice +4% | | | |50 |48.00 | |3.60 |30 |knights|Metal Bat |45.00 |12 | |paladins|Enchanted Sleep Shawl | | | | | | |32.00 ||Lich Staff |25 | | | ||Christmas Branch ||Club Ring |80 | | |distance fighting +1 | | |speed +15 |magic level +2, fire magic level +3, energy magic level +3 | | |50 |3.00 | | | | |56.00 |59.00 | UPDATE 2: There is still an issue with the EK spell calcs, I am reviewing the code atm. |17 | |22.00 |5.00 | ||Fish Tail (Equipped) |21.00 | | Created by Kusnier. | |death +5% |50 |26 |9.99 |fire +9% | |8.05 | ||Terra Mantle | | |25.00 ||Legion Helmet |ice +12%, energy -12% | | | | |0 | ||Furry Club | | |sorcerers|Charged Spiritthorn Ring |22.50 |75.00 ||Heart Lamp (Four) |2 | | |220 |druids|Lion Wand ||Luminescent Fungi (Lit) |3.14 |physical +60%, earth +40% | |7 |5.00 ||Rainbow Necklace | |10 | |speed +15, distance fighting +1 |0 | | | |20 |4.80 |fire magic level +1, ice magic level +1, earth magic level +1, energy magic level +1 ||Blue Quiver | | | |156.00 |66.00 | |3 | Not real values, but the methodology is correct -Skill 110: minimum damge 40 - maximum damage 100 - average damage 70 -Skill 111: minimum damage 40 - maximum damage 102 - average damage 71 - One skill increases 2 attack value, but only 1 average, as it only increases maximum damage. | | |32.00 | Achievements checker. | | ||Execowtioner Axe | Instead going to use a custom formula based on TibiaStats results that seems more accurate than TibiaWiki for now, it is going to be an ongoing project to make it closer and closer to what we see in game.
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