But God wins. so they were using it to enhance their wealth, etcetera, etcetera and that was part of the problem with it and that supposedly one of the specific things, we are told. Interview with Bill Wood: Project Looking Glass year 2012 conversion. In Response To: Reader sends video on Project Looking Glass and convergence of timelines to a postive outcome - I include links to related videos (MrFusion) That was an interview with William Brockbrader They then move into discussion regarding the recent return of Qanon and the reference to Project Looking Glass. From my own experience and knowledge, we have everything to say about our destiny and must choose and take action which will lead to the optimal timeline for humanity. 1:10:54 Free will could always shift the future. At 1:08:22 hour mark (in the above-mentioned video), these sources claim that theres only one timeline moving forward now and in fact, all the timelines converge to this one timeline which is the timeline of awakening or ascension (which I call mass awakening of humanity worldwide) and theres nothing that the Deep State can do right now to stop it. At a certain point, after theyre done hearing the computer tell them: This is whats going to happen over and over and over and over again. The Cabal will fight until their very end. The big mistake was coming up with the possibility of future. I mean you know whats out there in, Im not sure how much you know about Camelot, but I assume the general. main1 Watch on Make a small donation by buying us coffee ($5) or help with server cost ($10). And when we started using the computer to say: Well. Press Esc to cancel. basically the choices that you would inherently make along a timeline and tell you. Absolutely. Former military and secret space programs whistleblowers and insiders have exposed these technologies. Bill Wood : Above & Beyond Project Looking Glass page: 1 14 << 2 3 4 >> share: astorath posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 10:22 AM An interview with an ex-Navy Seal who during the years 1992-2000 was sent on top secret bombing missions in the Middle East, predominantly in Iraq. And - Wouldnt you agree? Bill Wood Interview with Bill Wood: Project Looking Glass year Well, apparently regardless of which way they work, Theres a certain element of pain that we can reduce by just not accepting that. do to cause their desired reaction, its going to have its much, much easier for me to explain today. Keep Current with Asgard Connection Hammer of the Gods. What about the notion that CERN, for example. They think that we cannot affect our reality and move to a positive timeline for the good of humanity. Why? '+arguments[1].video:'')+"/?url="+encodeURIComponent(location.href)+"&args="+encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify([].slice.apply(arguments))),e.parentNode.insertBefore(l,e)}})}(window, document, "script", "Rumble"); Rumble("play", {"video":"vh6yj7","div":"rumble_vh6yj7"});David Wilcock is a New York Times bestselling author of The Source Field Investigations, The Synchronicity Key, The Ascension Mysteries, and his latest excellent book Awakening in the Dream. Dan describes a stargate in Area 51 as a huge apparatus with a platform that allowed to throw the object inside the wormhole to travel to other stars, teleporting people or materials from one place to the other instantly. (monkeyandelf.com). Your contributions are currently the only way I have to sustain myself and continue my work. Copyright (c) 2019 Shoshi Herscu * All Rights Reserved * You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice with a link to this article. Aux rigolos qui donnent dans linsulte, faites-le, a ne dcrdibilise que vous. - Ive seen one type of one vehicle -- - Okay. The inevitable contraction of the timelines. ORIGINAL BILL WOOD AKA BILL BROCKBADER INTERVIEW PROJECT LOOKING GLASS Unknown Live Q&A: PROJECT CAMELOT : BILL WOOD LIVE Q&A New England Civil Engineering Corp. - William Ross, P.E. Im constantly on the lookout for the best sources that I vet for a long time or those that Im guided to share with you. Do you want to start down that road slightly? I was able to transcend the barrier from using those talents, and now Ive been able to refine and enhance those abilities, far beyond the levels that I had in the military, which. Project Camelot - Final Excerpt from interview with - and things that didnt exist One of the caveats that I do have some personal information, was some information that had to do with the Stargates and Looking Glass. But youre basically saying that its the mental abilities that you, its like a placebo in the sense that as long as you believe it. Yes, therere moves left on the table, but. So do you think thats held true? Another way to support my work is to buy notebooks or journals that Ive recently started to create on KDP. According to his testimony, they panicked by what theyve seen. Bill Wood starts talking about Project Looking Glass and stargates from 1:59:52 hour mark (out of 2:30 hours). He reveals that there was a problem when they approached 2012 and allegedly, this project was shut down due to this problem. - YouTube "Above and beyond Project Looking Glass" AN INTERVIEW WITH FORMER Bill Wood/Brockbrader. Mr. Ross has been involved in various water and wastewater projects since 1993. My American Ep64: Future Proves Past: Project Okay. According to Bill Hamilton, a consulting senior programmer-analyst who served in the Air Force (USAF Security Service) (v-j-enterprises.com), a UFO investigator and author,With regard to LG (Looking Glass): As I understand it, this device (at least 3 to 4 years ago) could not focus on a detailed sequence of activities in the future. INTERVIEW FRIDAY, FEB 12, 2021. looking into the Magic Mirror and always getting the same answer. project looking glass'' bill wood interview Eventually it became obvious to the operators that they were encountering a problem. And so, they seem to be hedging their bets for the negative timeline And would you say that that is because they I mean. 8:32 You are remarkable spiritual beings who have been stuck in a really bad system. And people are awakening now and see what they dont want. James Corbett: Your Guide to 5th-Generation Warfare, Dr. Ana Mihalcea & Clifford Carnicom: What Is Happening to Humanitys Blood? But to get back to Area 51. and I understand that at this point you would be violating a Security Oath to talk about it right? The Looking Glass Project and the Thor Connection. So, having talked about the sort of Defense Authorization Act, at least in a very surface way and explained that this is your motivation. Eventually, were pushed into this bottleneck of time, And thats important to the people that had access to Looking Glass because. sourced from DavidIcke.com greg had to try out the winter talent show Close. Bill Wood These Midwayers are assigned to Earth to assist humans in matters dealing with human spiritual evolution. (Cosmic Voyage, 1996), They are not extraterrestrials as they are permanently based on earth, but they are not human in the physical either. and accept that there is really nothing that we know-know is going to happen. project looking glass'' bill wood interview Twitter may remove this content at anytime, convert it as a PDF, save and print for later use! youd stop talking to the mirror, and thats essentially what happened with Looking Glass. - One is the ascension one - And ONE didnt get talked about. An incredible secret is than many children that are being born today they are born with a third strand of DNA. We have traveled to remote corners of the globe and revealed secrets in areas previously only known to a select few from secret societies and those with high level security clearances in the secret governments. Mother is with the puppies and has weaned. Out of the 7, 2 puppies seem to look puny when compared to the other littermates so they are being bullied by them or not sure if that is how they play! And when you start to do that, then you start to question, why were still using petroleum products, solid-fuel rocket boosters and. comes in handy when cops chase your cell phone GPS! Since the two cant fight back or play as much as the other 5 could, both the puppies were slightly hurt. I would sincerely like to thank everyone who contributes to my channel. The virus is non-terrestrial beings. get the foremost thinker in String Theory saying: Yeah, I dont think we are going to do it, because I dont think Fate wants us to do it, at this point were going to have to close this down unless therere any other, things that you think that we havent covered. He saw that in 2020 people were isolated and communicated with relatives and others by technology showing with his hands that its the same as they had this talk via technology. there was a problem when we approached 2012, Well this is what we were what we were told is that leaders of governments and so on people in high places would use [The Yellow Cube] to try to see their most optimum future and then follow those those who were using it to enhance their wealth etc etc in a. very egotistical way that was part of the problem with it and that supposedly one of the specific things that were told had to do with Hillary. According to certain sources, the white hats control this technology and theyve already won! There are no plans to imprison. You can practice here first or read more on our help page! 2:17:24 For all intents and purposes, what we believe to be true eventually becomes true. [] This is all about us. - Because that information to prevent this inevitability. Project Looking Glass Military Technology Foresaw the 11:31 So all of you are ascending whether you realize it or not.. 2:07:48 This timeline is inevitable event that would happen despite the Elites attempts to manipulate and control this timeline by telling us what will happen. Burisch warns that this type of device is not very reliable, or safe, as he saw a person who died during one of those experiments (monkeyandelf.com). 14:15 Literally, when they are removed from power here, they will no longer exist. We are aware of all the governments, religions were created by royalties, royal families, the Vatican principalities etc. that they actually had to use it through an intuitive who had a high vibration. In other words, of the timelines converging and the fact that there was going to be something, And I dont know if you saw the movie or TV show Fast Forward. and more specifically, the 2012 problem with those projects. and sitting back and waiting for the aliens to fix everything. But by God. The understanding at the time was that was realistic. Its eminent. Interview May 25, 2021. The people that know everything about Looking Glass that have gotten all the reports and all the information probably figured out that that was the end of the game. Do you are you aware of what happened to the Yellow Cube and how it was used, and so on? is engaged in trying to beat that game, as you call it? Did you know that, or did you find that out? because if youre using these abilities -- youre in Area 51. what level did you go down to, or whatever? WebProject Camelot Interviews Richard Hoagland Part 1 of 3 January 11, 2008 INTERVIEW WITH MARCIA SCHAFER RE Spirconomics (her new book) July 29, 2016 Ashayana Deane Ascension Mechanics -REPOST May 25, 2022 JAY WEIDNER: KUBRICK, SECRET SPACE AND WILLIAM TOMPKINS MATERIAL EDITED FOR SOUND November 16, Mike Adams gives examples to show the evidence for this mass awakening: 1:11 hour mark How many people were aware of child trafficking that they werent aware of five years ago? Webwhen can i apply second coat of concrete sealer. Heres the excerpt from the movie that shows this technology: Dan Burisch, PhD in microbiology who worked for the U.S. secret military forces came forward and revealed his knowledge about this project. and thats enough to get you believing that you have these abilities and they turn on, but one really doesnt have anything to do with the other per-se, I have had a device implanted in me and I later. But again, you really have to understand the game to know that, And Im sure most people sitting watching the chess match between two advanced chess players. In a sense, the feedback loop gets dirtied somewhere along the line by exposure. 1:12:35 and now we have the looking glass technology that is telling us (that God wins in the end, the mass awakening). whats out there right now is that the project was shut down. that they can, somehow, manage to get away with what theyre trying to get away with. You were given something, a caveat, a carrot, an enhancement. SRV or Structured Remote Viewing, as Courtney Brown labels these protocols (Cosmic Voyage, 1996). It was the 2:11:02 Bill Wood says that he thought back then when he was in the military that it was the end of the world. UPDATED.. REPOST, KERRY ON DARK OUTPOST: REPTILIAN & AI TAKEOVER OF EARTH and PRESIDENTS WHO KNOW TOO MUCH, WAR FOR EARTH: HOW THE ALIEN AI BORG GENESIS IS TAKING OVER OUR PLANET, PLAN-DEMIC, DOD BIOWARFARE PROGRAM DEPLOYED WORLDWIDE, ANDREW BRIDGEN: COURAGEOUS BRITISH MP SUSPENDED FOR RAISING VAX DANGER ISSUES, INTERVIEW WITH MARYAM HENEIN: INVESTIGATIVE REPORTER RE GEORGE FLOYD AND MORE, MEL CARMINE INTERVIEWS KERRY CASSIDY: CAMELOT WHISTLEBLOWERS, JUAN O SAVIN: A KERRY CASSIDY INTERVIEW FROM 2021- repost, KERRYS PRESENTATION AT AWAKE & AWARE: INVASION AND TAKEOVER THE VAX AND NANO GRAPHENE, KERRY CASSIDY AWAKE AND AWARE KUNDALINI TWO PRESENTATIONS RE-POST, AWAKE & AWARE HIGH ELMS JULY 2022 CONFERENCE COMPLETE VIDEOS UP. Are you aware of off-world craft? He added that he hoped hes wrong about what he got from this remote viewing session. know enough about the Stargate Projects and the Looking Glass Project to know that how String Theory works and how the possibility of possibilities works, and how making one choice over here doesnt necessarily mean that. WebMill City Glass Works is a new glass blowing studio being opened at Western Avenue Studios in Lowell, MA | Check out 'MIll City Glass Works' on Indiegogo. Read more about the story. Bill Wood Project looking Glass. Right. in regard to what the military-industrial complex has been working on. According to his testimony, they panicked by what theyve seen. because they cant see the board and see that theres only 7 moves left. In this second in-depth interview, which arose from our having presented him with a long list of questions of our own, Dan goes into great detail about both the technology and the politics of the Stargates and the Looking Glass. In the end, you will always kneel.". But are you aware, do you know the difference. But once you get your brain wrapped around this subject. Compared to the vastness ofouter spaceWere no more than a dot ona canvasA grain of sand in a stretchof desertA single snowflake on asnow-capped mountain, But if you look closerIf you allow yourself to seeYoull find the miracles inlives livedThe wonder in these tinycircles, We learn, we growWe explore and discoverWe make decisions in anattempt to be goodAnd try to make right forthe things done wrongWe learn to love each other,learn to fight side by sideAnd try even harder toaccept ourselves and theperson we are, We then take our children bythe handHelp them learn and helpthem growHelp them explore anddiscoverOnly for the cycle to beginanewThats life.
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project looking glass'' bill wood interview 2023