At his trial, an acquaintance of Massey named Christopher Nowlin testified that he introduced Massey to Christina Benjamin, a friend of his, and that they flirted and discussed "sneaking out" at night sometime. Shortly afterward, after Massey's picture had circulated in the newspaper, the owner of a local car wash told police he saw Massey dumping items in his trash bin at 11:30 p.m. one night. [8] While on death row, he reportedly converted to Christianity. american psycho monologue confession Shortly after this incident, the owner recognized Massey's picture in the paper as someone who might be involved with the murders. Only Jason has ever been tried for these murders. The people that did this - they know. After his evaluation, Dekleva concluded that Massey was suffering from anti-social personality disorder and that he represented an imminent threat to others. Jason Massey was convicted and sentenced to death for the 1993 murders of two young teenagers whose bodies were found by a road worker on a rural road in Telico in Ellis County, Texas. Also inside the cooler were the heads of 31 dogs and cats, said Strange, noting that Massey kept statistics on how many people he would have to kill each month to reach 1,000. King waited for about an hour for his son to return before going back to bed. Executed April 3, 2001 by Lethal Injection in Texas "I want you to know that Christina did not suffer as much as you think she did," Massey continued while strapped to the death chamber gurney. Massey's ninth-grade teacher and a former seventh-grade classmate testified to Massey's extremely disturbing behavior, both stating that his comments often centered around killing. Many more dead animals followed, including dogs and even six cows. Prosecutors speculated that the missing body parts were thrown in the river and were washed downstream but were never found. SUSPECTS: Prior to Jason's arrest, 2 men both known to him were arrested for the crime. He expressed love and recited a Biblical verse, then gasped slightly as the lethal drugs began taking effect. Episode 13: Missy, Stephanie, and Jason Eric Massey. He had Massey committed to a psychiatric hospital. Did the State therefore REALLY think he was that dangerous? Next, he expressed love to individual members of his family and apologized to them "for all of the pain that I have caused." See Photos. eddie nestor contact details Griffith also testified that while anti-personality disorder can abate with some individuals over time and with age, it would not in a case as severe as Massey's. The Lamp of Hope (Associated Press & Rick Halperin) Massey bragged and kept a diary about wanting to be a famous serial killer, fantasizing to others that he wanted to decapitate a girl and have sex in her neck. March 27, 2000 - The district court denied the motion. Third, she kept her family in Texas, a place where the image of manhood does involve an aggressive sense of control. ", Crime Murder of an elderly couple in their antique shop, Last statement "For almost nine years I have thought about the death penalty, whether it is right or wrong, and I don't have any answers. Menu Log In Sign Up Murderer(Race/Sex/Age at Murder-Execution) Massey's execution was the 1st of 2 scheduled for this month. A witness stated that he saw the victims getting into a car similar to Jason's. WebMassey, pictured smiling, made his chilling confession minutes before he died. Massey flirted with Christina, and she told him that she would like to "sneak out" sometime. Background Massey was born in January 7, 1973 in Ellis County, Texas. "It's impossible to assign a motive to a case like this," added Strange, now an assistant district attorney in Austin. When a policeman kills someone he gets a suspended sentence. Some exit defiant, squaring up to the victims' relatives. ProDeathPenalty.Com He had previously been taken from hospitals where he had been receiving treatment to testify at trials. Jason Massey, mugshot. Christina had been shot in the back, decapitated, and mutilated. I'm sorry for what I have done. An investigator for the Ellis County sheriff's department read to the jury portions of letters that Massey had written while he was in prison. These should have been grounds for a new trial, but instead was thrown out on the grounds that the trial record was inaccurate and that records were incomplete. Marijuana, a Persian cat with a rope around its neck, a three-prong knife and diary that listed names with check marks next to them were found in his car. Now that there is nothing they can do to change their fate, the prisoners are allowed small freedoms: to choose their last meals, to say a few words. James King, whose son and stepdaughter were killed by Massey, said he was glad authorities nabbed Massey when they did and that would-be serial killer didn't have the chance to act more on his fantasies. EXECUTED: Jason Eric Massey There also was evidence of sexual mutilation. In closing, he said, "Tonight I dance on the streets of gold. Thus, he would gravitate toward others who had found the same kind of solace or solutions in violence, notably people such as Charles Manson, Ted Bundy and Henry Lee Lucas (whom he later got to meet on death row). I am ready, Warden. In July 1993, James King was awakened early one morning by the sound of a car pulling up to his house, honking its horn twice, and driving away. His last statement finished, the lethal flow was started. It should come as no surprise that Jason would develop a love/hate relationship with women. As I said, I'm taking responsibility for the death of your daughter in 1983. He was over ruled and the objection not recorded. However, prior to going to trial, Jason was offered a Plea Bargain. Massey was born January 7, 1973, in Ellis County, Texas. JUDGE: Appeared bored and disinterested throughout the proceedings. I am going to a better place. He pulled his car back into a bay and started vacuuming. Prosecutors described, "very long, delicate, intricate carvings" on her trunk and genitals. EXPERT WITNESSES: The Prosecutions Evidence Technician was a man with a record of mental illness, alcohol and drug abuse. They are murdering me tonight.". In July 1993, James King was awakened early one morning by the sound of a car pulling up to his house, honking its horn twice, and driving away. It's not my fault. The Walmart sales clerk, who sold bullets for a .22 caliber gun, two knives, and handcuffs to Massey, picked him out of a line-up after his arrest. In 1992, he came close to realizing his dream of murder, but as he held a knife to a young girl as a prelude to rape, her mother came home the same woman who had seen him kill the dogs and ordered him to leave. When he learned from experience that violence against others made him feel powerful, it was inevitable that his fantasy life would become more textured with these images, especially as he moved through puberty. Internet Sources: In addition, hair found on Brian's pant leg was microscopically matched with Massey's. "My goal is 700 people in 20 years," read one entry. Episode 13: Missy, Stephanie, and Jason EricMassey Straight Crime, Homie March 25, 2020 When the mutilated bodies of two young teens are discovered in a small Texas town, a frantic search begins for an escalating killer. Steal me and my family's money. Tommy Perkins, the man that got a capital life sentence for murdering Kinslow - he did not do it. A search of the car wash trash bin and vacuum containers resulted in discovery of a red bandana with blond hair on it, broken car glass, and a payroll receipt from Kentucky Fried Chicken with Massey's name on it. Victim(s)(Race/Sex/Age at Murder) Late in July, the owner of a local car wash observed Massey pull in about 11:30 p.m. in a tan-colored Subaru. "I want you to know that Christina did not suffer as much as you think she did," Massey continued while strapped to the death chamber gurney. On August 3 20 year old Jason Massey was arrested and charged with the killings. In his journal after he was released from the psychiatric institution, Massey wrote, "The system had one chanceso what can I say? Wednesday, October 3, 2012 Jason Eric Massey #999121; April 3, 2001 Yes, first I would like to speak to the victims' family. This person is unable to pursue the matter but it needs urgent investigation. Understand, though, that I'm not only upset, but I'm saddened by what is happening here tonight. Jason Eric Massey #706 Lawrence Lee Buxton was executed on February 26 1991 for shooting a customer in a grocery-store hold-up. They are overwhelmingly religious, mostly asking for mercy from a Christian God, though there is the occasional invocation of Allah. The first body discovered was that of a nude female whose head and hands were missing. The Texas Court of Criminal Appeals affirmed his conviction. Jason Massey (January 7, 1973 April 3, 2001) | World Massey had decided he was going to become the worst serial killer that Texas had ever seen. If you had wanted to punish me you would have killed me the day after, instead of killing me now. Dekleva, therefore, had Massey committed to the Dallas Psychiatric Intensive Care Unit. It is about existential need, or the desire to make a distinct mark on one's world. Last statement "The act I committed to put me here was not just heinous, it was senseless. What it takes. By his teens, he was a juvenile delinquent with a lengthy criminal record, mostly for torturing animals and stalking. Massey took the gun unbeknownst to his cousin. "All I want," he wrote, "is the murdering of countless young women." When Massey and Nowlin left Christina's house, Massey told Nowlin in sexually explicit language what he wanted to do to Christina, including killing her and cutting her up. On that occasion, a dead cat was found in his car. Dekleva's review of the journals revealed Massey's desire to begin a "sacred journey" as a serial killer. He told the friend who introduced him that he wanted to kill her. FACTS OF THE CRIME Last statement "What I want people to know is that they call me a cold-blooded killer when I shot a man that shot me first. Give me my rights. In another entry, Massey wrote that he had killed 41 cats, 32 dogs, and 7 cows. Dekleva, therefore, had Massey committed to the Dallas Psychiatric Intensive Care Unit. On July 29, 1993, law enforcement authorities found two bodies in a field near Telico, in Ellis County. People hollered for my life, and they are to have my life tonight. Sometimes you don't know what to say; I hope these words give you comfort. At this point, King went to the restroom. ignore customs seizure letter. These last words, too, are catalogued, and are publicly available on the Texas Department of Criminal Justice's website. Also inside the cooler were the heads of 31 dogs and cats, said Strange, noting that Massey kept statistics on how many people he would have to kill each month to reach 1,000. Many more dead animals followed, including dogs and even six cows. At his execution, Massey confessed to his crime and apologized to the victim's family: "I do not know any of y'all and that is unfortunate, because I would like to apologize to each and every one of you individually." WebJason Eric Massey- The TX boy who picked up the teenage siblings; shot the brother, killed the sister & then removed her hands. The transcript has been independently checked by a 3rd party who says the errors do exist and should constitute reason for a new trial. Jason Massey was convicted and sentenced to death for the 1993 murders of two young teenagers whose bodies were found by a road worker on a rural road in Telico in Ellis County, Texas. January 10, 2000 - The U.S. Magistrate recommended relief be denied. October 23, 1996 - The Texas Court of Criminal Appeals affirmed his conviction and sentence in a published opinion. The State also proffered testimony from Dr. Clay Griffith, a forensic psychiatrist, who having read portions of Massey's journals, letters, the recorded observations of Dr. Dekleva and the autopsy reports for the present victims, concluded that Massey would be a future danger to society and that he could not be rehabilitated. State-sanctioned murder is fine. I can't imagine what I have taken from y'all, but I do want to apologise and I want to let you know that I did do it. Sign Up. In the entry for January 19, 1991, a Sunday, Massey writes that he tried and failed to kill his girlfriend, and "I'm tired of feeling like shit for not being able to kill." "It's impossible to assign a motive to a case like this," said Clay Strange in an interview. This person is unable to pursue the matter but it needs urgent investigation. Let those without sin cast the first stone." Massey dumped items in the trash bin and started to back out, but stopped when he saw the owner watching him. Jason Eric. During the sentencing phase, they had Dr. Dekleva, the psychiatrist who had previously examined Massey, testify. Besides being shot, the girl's hands and head were severed. During that time, the date of execution was phoned to the prison while they were in the courthouse building. Last statement "To my family and my mother and my three precious daughters, I love you all. I put her remains in the Trinity River." Shocking evidence was produced at sentencing to persuade the jury to recommend the DP. In addition, hair found on Brian's pant leg was microscopically matched with Massey's. The body parts never have been found. The classmate's dog had been killed and mutilated and the blood smeared on her car. God will let them know. No kin to you undertaker. James was killed by two shots to the head from a small-caliber gun. King got out of bed and went to the front door. all of us are dead ending explained webtoon March 19, 2001 - The petition for writ of certiorari was denied. First of all, I would like to say that I do not With this incident, he was consolidating his secret drive toward destruction. A State psychiatrist, Dr. Kenneth Dekleva, described his June 1991 examination of Massey. Three fried chicken quarters, fried squash, fried egg plant, mashed potatoes, snap peas, boiled cabbage, three corn on the cob, spinach, broccoli with cheese, one pint of caramel pecan fudge or tin roof ice cream, and a pitcher of sweet tea. Massey pleaded not guilty to killing Christina Benjamin and Brian King. I hope sometime in the future you can forgive me. FBI agent Allen Brantley, who also reviewed the case file, testified similarly. EXPERT WITNESSES: The Prosecutions Evidence Technician was a man with a record of mental illness, alcohol and drug abuse. Certain people appear to crave absolute control--evident in Massey's journals and this need often derives from a chaotic childhood. I know you guys want to know where the rest of her remains are. Race is an unignorable factor, but though the general perception is that death row is populated largely by black men, 49% of those executed since 1976 have been white, 36% black, and 15% Hispanic; much more striking is the lack of opportunity, the generally low level of education: few went further than high school. When she and her stepbrother subsequently were reported missing and their remains were found, the friend talked with police. The Appeal Court has also commented the accused was found guilty of 2 counts of Capital Murder. And some may be telling the truth: a careful Boston Globe review of the 127 death-row inmates who died during George Bush's governorship of Texas concluded that "there was powerful proof of guilt - uncontradicted scientific evidence, freely offered confessions, or an admission of regret before the execution - in nine out of 10 cases.". Other witnesses testified that Massey had spoken many times about killing dogs, cats, and cows, and that he kept detailed journals of his activities. Based on samples of fly larvae from both bodies, it was estimated that Brian and Christina had been killed between the late evening of July 26, 1993, and the morning of July 27, 1993. A former friend testified that Massey had spoken many times about killing dogs, cats, and cows, and remarked that Massey had a fascination with setting fires. January 16, 2001 - Massey filed a petition for writ of certiorari in the U.S. Supreme Court. Dekleva testified that there were no successful treatments for someone like Massey, that such individuals pose a lasting threat to society and are at an extraordinarily high risk of killing again and again. Massey was born January 7, 1973, It was more difficult to identify Christina. Police learned that Jason Massey, then 20, had been seen carrying a pistol by several people recently. [10], Massey's crime was documented on an episode of the TV series Forensic Files called "Pure Evil". "It's almost a miracle we caught him as quickly in his career as we did," he added. FBI agent Allen Brantley, who also reviewed the case file, testified similarly. Even people inclined toward evil are trying to make sense of their lives to organize an otherwise chaotic existence. After a while, when you have read 100 or so of these final statements, they start to run together into a ghoulish mass of murder and rapine, so you start looking for the differences. Massey stalked a young woman, and revered killers like Ted Bundy, Charles Manson, and Henry Lee Lucas. At this point, King went to the restroom. Massey flirted with Christina, and she told him that she would like to "sneak out" sometime. James King called him the devil, but he didn't start out that way, he became that way. The Texas Court of Criminal Appeals affirmed his conviction. From Victim to Victimizer All about Jason Massey from Victim He was pronounced dead at 6:20 p.m. CDT, 8 minutes after the drug flow began. Thank you all for being here. EXECUTED: Jason Eric Massey. Citations: Massey dumped items in the trash bin and started to back out, but stopped when he saw the owner watching him. On file we have 134 email addresses and 141 phone numbers associated with Jason in area codes such as 847, 309, 224, 440, 217, and 62 other area codes. Summary: No Expert Witnesses was on hand for the Defense to testify to Jason's state of mind at the time. Then he spent many hours with his first kill, looking at the body, cutting into it, removing and handling things. An investigator for the Ellis County sheriff's department read to the jury portions of letters that Massey had written while he was in prison. The murders occurred 51 days later. Reports did not indicate how long he stayed there, but he was known to be out in mid-1993, when he was stopped by police. Yet as Fromm says, the only way to change from the destructive pole to the loving pole was to change one's foundational values. "I didn't pay much attention to him because he was always talking about killing girls," Nowlin testified. Last statement "Tell Mama and the kids I love you; I love all of you. Massey v. State, 933 SW2d 141 (Tex. The real question is, how did he get this way? I know you guys want to know where the rest of her remains are. Bullet fragments recovered from both bodies appeared to be .22 caliber in size. When she and her stepbrother subsequently were reported missing and their remains were found, the friend talked with police. And all of these it was never nothing personal. His heroes had done so, too. Jason Eric Massey (January 7, 1973 April 3, 2001) was an American murderer who was executed in 2001 for the murders of two teenagers. Jason Massey Many are still pleading their innocence. Texas Attorney General Canadian Coalition to Abolish Death Penalty (Massey Homepage) 10-12-94 May 26, 2000 - Massey filed a motion for COA in the Fifth Circuit. TM & 2015 Turner Entertainment Networks, Inc. A Time Warner Company. This is your equal justice. In subsequent testimony it was noted that Massey had written about this incident in his journal. He had previously been taken from hospitals where he had been receiving treatment to testify at trials. Evidence showed Massey knew King and Benjamin, whom he flirted with, and arranged to pick her up in his car if she would sneak out of her house the early morning hours of July 27, 1993. September 13, 2000 - The Fifth Circuit denied COA. Both were released without charge. Please keep my memory alive. To the victim's family: I hope you will find it in your heart to forgive me as I have forgiven you. Jason Eric Massey, 28, was executed by lethal injection on 3 April in Huntsville, Texas for the murder of two teenagers. A former friend testified that Massey had spoken many times about killing dogs, cats, and cows, and remarked that Massey had a fascination with setting fires. Thursday, March 30, 2001 - MEDIA ADVISORY - Jason Eric Massey Scheduled To Be Executed You all have been there for me; it's a miracle. Besides being shot, the girl's hands and head were severed. "I think he did it because it was pleasurable to him. He was obsessed with bringing girls under his control and having their dead bodies in his possession. Items police recovered from the car wash trash bin and vacuum containers included a red bandanna with blond hair on it and a piece of paper with Massey's name on it. His journals became increasingly violent and set goals for vast numbers of killings. . You guys know that I am guilty and I am sorry for what I have done. And whether you believe it or not, I did not kill them [ . Griffith also testified that while anti-personality disorder can abate with some individuals over time and with age, it would not in a case as severe as Massey's. This is America's equal justice. Nowlin said he and Massey spent much of the summer of 1993 drinking, driving around and doing LSD, marijuana and cocaine. Jason Eric. Then out on his own, he seemed ambivalent: should he resume his plans to find a girl to kill or try to do something positive? He was neglected and abused by his alcoholic father and his drug-addicted mother. "I can't imagine what I've taken from you," he said looking at relatives of Christina Benjamin, 13, and her stepbrother, James King, 14. And I'm sorry that it was something in me that caused all of this to happen to begin with. This is inaccurate. It was that attitude, backed by evidence at his trial, that prompted an Ellis County jury to take only 15 minutes before deciding Massey should be put to death. Nowlin said that Massey told him he planned to sexually abuse Christina, mutilate her with a knife, and kill her, but that he didn't pay much attention to this, because Massey "talked about killing girls all the time." Jason Massey's case can teach us why we must pay attention to anyone's obsession with harm to others. Shortly afterward, after Massey's picture had circulated in the newspaper, the owner of a local car wash told police he saw Massey dumping items in his trash bin at 11:30 p.m. one night. DNA testing revealed a genetic match between Christina's blood and the blood found on the car seat, duct tape and hammer. Harden Clark- He had two episodes. In July 1993, James King was awakened early one morning I'm deeply sorry for the loss of your loved one [ ] I cannot explain and can't give you answers. On July 29, 1993, law enforcement authorities found two bodies in a field near Telico, in Ellis County. "I didn't pay much attention to him because he was always talking about killing girls," Nowlin testified. Massey agreed, and told Christina that he would drive by her house around midnight some night and honk his horn and that she was to go to the old Fina station on I-45 and wait. Information about how much jail time he served, if any, was not available. He pled not guilty, but was convicted by a jury on Oct. 6, 1994. State what. King waited for about an hour for his son to return before going back to bed. Method You too, Granny. However when Jason's family tried to gain access to his transcript the were continually rebuffed by various delaying tactics, from weak excuses and blatant lies, to the transcripts not being ready when arranged and being kept waiting in the court house. I have been persecuted for 12 years for something I did not do. He thought it was just a robbery. A witness stated that he saw the victims getting into a car similar to Jason's. Texas Execution Information Center by David Carson. Date ofBirth How can we understand a young mind that would engage in extreme fantasies of mutilation and torture, devise a "campaign of death," and view as sanctified his development into a serial killer? Massey was born in January 7, 1973, in Ellis County, Texas. He killed animals out here under the moon and become obsessed with specific girls he saw. ", Crime Murder of a 21-year-old jewellery-store worker, Last statement "Yes sir, members of Mrs Sanchez's family, I don't know who you are and other people present. This witness relayed that Massey had told him that he killed because of the "adrenaline rush, a high, a turn on, a love to mutilate." I want you to know I love you; just stay strong and don't give up. A summary of the evidence presented at trial follows. I'm not only saddened, but disappointed that a system that is supposed to protect and uphold what is just and right can be so much like me when I made the same shameful mistake. He added, "I know you guys want to know where the rest of her remains are. I'm ready, Warden. Jason Eric Massey While Jason was viewed as a monster, in some ways, he never really had a chance. I am glad I am leaving this world. In the early morning hours of July 27, 1993, James King was awakened by the sound of a car pulling up to his house, beeping its horn twice and driving away. Massey v. State, 933 SW2d 141 (Tex. "The people never hollered for the life of the policeman that killed a 13-year-old boy who was handcuffed in the back seat of a police car. Police are shocked as they delve deeper into the mind of a budding serial killer with a very alarming past. He wanted to go to the Pacific Northwest, the land of Ted Bundy and the as-yet uncaught Green River Killer. I want you to know I did do it. I put her remains in the Trinity River." Eventually, the body was confirmed to be Christina's based on recent hospital records. It is the worst mistake that I ever made in my whole life. APPEALS: in 1995 the case went to Appeal on 24 counts of trial error. It's a shame he started with kids." ignore customs seizure letter. WITNESSES: The prosecution called as a witness 1 of the men previously arrested for the crime. Dekleva testified that there were no successful treatments for someone like Massey, that such individuals pose a lasting threat to society and are at an extraordinarily high risk of killing again and again. Second, she inspired in at least one of her children the feeling that he had to create his own center of stability, and for a male that meant finding some image that would make him feel powerful rather than weak. The first body discovered was that of a nude female whose head and hands were missing. In a search, police found handcuffs and newspaper articles about the murders in Massey's house. "He's as evil as anybody I've ever encountered. PLEA BARGAIN: To impose the Death Penalty at trial the State of Texas must first prove the accused is a danger to all around him and DP is the only suitable punishment. By his teens, he was a ju The journals were labeled, "the thoughts of Jason Massey." He looked forward to really "losing his virginity" as a killer. Let those without sin cast the first stone." When he returned, both Brian and the car were gone. [Portion of statement omitted due to profanity] Get my money. Massey wrote that he wanted "to grab society by the throat and shake 'em with terror until they're awake and realize what's up so they will remember who I am, when and why I came their way." March 6, 1998 - Massey filed a petition for habeas corpus relief in federal district court. Inmate: Jason Eric Massey #999121 Last Statement: Yes, first I would like to speak to the victims' family. Another witness testified that while on a walk in the woods, he came across a cooler containing animal skulls and numerous journals labeled "the thoughts of Jason Massey."
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