Elective C-Section Birth Positive Not Lazy Kate - Refinery29 I laboured for 18 hours and was very close to delivery and opted for a C-section as I wouldnt progress past 9cm - she was definitely very low (some head cone) but I had no issues with having one because of that. Recovery was not a walk in the park but (will spare you the relevant medical details) I think I dodged a bullet. Even though my section didn't quite go to my Original plan (DD ended up in the nicu with slight breathing issues caused by having to get her out quickly following my haemorrhage, and i needed a blood transfusion) at not one point in this did I feel frightened as it was all just dealt with in theatre calmly, no crazy pressing of buttons and everyone running in the room. It also helped take away thefeeling that it's going to pop open when you cough or sneeze. Need to remember to check before I post haha! For women who decide to go through with an elective C-section, ACOG recommends scheduling the procedure no earlier than 39 weeks of pregnancy. Hello!! Dont worry about being able to see them cut into you as they will put a screen up in front of you to hide the procedure itself. See the NICE guideline on antenatal and postnatal mental health for more detailed advice on providing mental health services for pregnant women. I am due to have an elective c-section in four weeks time and was hoping to have a spinal anaesthetic. i understand why he has recommended a GA but I am upset that I will miss out on seeing our baby until I come round. 24/06/2022 12:02. You may well have been told to expect vaginal bleeding after giving birth but you may not realise you will still experience this if youve had a c-section. The cut is usually made across your tummy, just below your bikini line. Mumsnet carries some affiliate marketing links, so if you buy something through our posts, we may get a small share of the sale (more details here), www.verywellfamily.com/planned-c-section-deemed-safe-for-low-risk-pregnancies-5185540. Having an elective c-section, will leave you with a scar but the good news is that for most women, this is small and in a discreet place. A caesarean section, or C-section, is an operation to deliver your baby through a cut made in your tummy and womb. Your body uses the same nerves to detect cold and pain so this spray will tell them whether or not you are numb enough for them to start. You shouldnt feel any pain, however you will feel a tugging or pulling sensation and some women say it feels like someone washing up in your tummy. The elective was much nicer experience and felt like a birth. Elective c-section under general anaesthetic | BabyCentre Preschooler Video CAESAREAN Elective c-section under general anaesthetic j Jilly1977 Posted 23/4/09 Hello Ladies I am due to have an elective c-section in four weeks time and was hoping to have a spinal anaesthetic. Ifyou can find disposable ones for the first couple days thatseven better. It may take a while for the surgeons to stitch your wound up after a c-section, particularly if it isnt the first time you have had one. In line with the NICE guidelines, if you're in the UK the NHS states that if after hearing the risks and benefits you are sure you want a c section, you must be offered one: "If after discussing all the risks and hearing about all the support on offer you still feel that a vaginal birth is not an acceptable option, you should be offered a planned They tend to not do them once baby is starting to deliver, but I know even some have been done. I am 30 wks pregnant, live in midlands area and I have spd, I am practically housebound, been given crutches. Maternal request caesarean - Birthrights Elective C-sections account for only 2.5% of all births in . Most elective c-sections will be booked in for around the 39th week of pregnancy, unless there is a reason to deliver baby earlier. Pros of an elective C-section. The recovery after a c-section was nothing compared to the agony of spd xxxx. I encourage my patients to prepare their own playlist of relaxing and special music to play when their baby enters the world. Inducing Labor: What Happens When You're Induced? In most cases, this will be a single cut between 10cm and 20cm in length. The #1 app for tracking pregnancy and baby growth. 24/04/2023 22:46. I know it will be the same for you, and your husband will feel very special to have that honour to hold her first. Ellis says: Women do sometimes opt for an elective caesarean for fear of the pain of giving birth vaginally. Many women suffer a cesarean due to medical pathologies, and the complications resulting from this pathology - not from surgery - are more often the cause of death. Or you could ask that your partner learns this news and comes back to let you know.. In 2016, nearly 32 percent of all births in the United States were cesarean deliveries, according to the National Center for Health Statistics. Pregnancy Follow topic Group Owners uphold the core values of the brand by reporting content that violates the community guidelines. [2011, amended 2021], If a vaginal birth is still not an acceptable option after discussion of the benefits and risks and offer of support (including perinatal mental health support if appropriate; see recommendation 1.2.28), offer a planned caesarean birth for women requesting a caesarean birth, 1.2.31If a woman requests a caesarean birth but her current healthcare team are unwilling to offer this, refer the woman to an obstetrician willing to perform a caesarean birth. (Depending on your progression and fluid levels you may even wait a bit as its not necessarily emergent. I am petrified now because I dont think there has been much research done on spd and labour, and whilst some women manage a normal delivery, others end up splitting their pelvis and have long term problems. I am 33 weeks and Ive elected to have a c section. My baby came into the world with John Mayer playing good luck!! May 4, 2022 at 4:14 AM. We strive to provide you with a high quality community experience. Once yourbaby has been born, he will be lifted up so you can see him and he will be brought to you as soon as it is practical to do so. If you haven't found out if you are having a girl or a boy you can let the surgical team know this so that the sex isn't revealed until you have a little look for yourself. Find advice, support and good company (and some stuff just for fun). Elective c section | Mumsnet How did u get your c sections ladies? I had my c-section 4th December which was aThursday at 3:45pm, I was up walking Friday morning and homeSaturday afternoon. Fingers crossed. Everything was very calm while waiting, knew exactly what to expect. I had an elective section for no reason other than I wanted one as I was really worried about giving birth naturally! You will be asked to sit in an upright position and the anaesthetist will administer a spinal block or epidural. Once you are taken into the operating theatre, you will be covered in sterile drapes. First baby- elective c-section? The views expressed in community are solely the opinions of participants, and do not reflect those of What to Expect. I had severe spd in both of my pregnancies, i had 2 completetly natural births with no problems, a c-section isnt an easy option, recovery time is a lot longer and at the end of the day its major abdominal surgery! Would do the same again. Which meant we stayed a week in hospital with him having to have anti-b's and blood tests every 2 hours. Just some advice - Takepanties that come really high (granny pants). I would suggest askingwhoever is coming with you to the hospital to tell you the whole event, just to rejog your memory. I just delivered on the 18th. This is a type of surgery in which a baby is delivered through incisions in the mother's abdomen and uterus. Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction (SPD) elective c section? - Netmums So you see, elective Cs have their positives! You should still write a birth plan and think about the things which are important to you. In a caesarean birth, c-section, or caesarean section, the surgeon will deliver your baby through a cut in your stomach and uterus (womb). As it turned out, the precautionary stuff that they did wasn't necessary, but I still don't feel like I missed out on anything. My Elective C-Section Diary | Honest Pregnancy Story | Etta Loves I really didn't find healing a problem at all. I had spd and it was sheer agony, in the end there was no way i could physically give birth because i couldn't take the pain anymore or get in to a position to do it. Please specify a reason for deleting this reply from the community. I think it depends how determinded you are. This usually happens for medical reasons, although sometimes a woman may prefer an elective c-section for personal reasons, especially if she has had a previous vaginal birthwhich was difficult or traumatic. Youll also be given some medication to take usually antibiotics, anti-sickness medicines and antacids to make your stomach less acidic. but good you're being positive about it and making the best of the situation. The baby was 6lb 13oz at 37 weeks so would of been about 9lb at birth. Anyone had an elective section after previous traumatic birth? Id do it again in a heartbeat. Recovery was better than the emergency, although still major surgery. An obstetrician will always explain the benefits and risks of a c-section and vaginal delivery to any mother considering their birth options.. I was told I could NOT have a CSect on basis of having SPD and my pain was NEVER recorded even when i was in hosptial from 32 weeks. Ellis says: There are lots of myths surrounding c-section deliveries which can often cause new mums unnecessary worry at a time when feeling calm is key. I was worried I may stumble and not explain myself properly in person with my pregnant emotions I handed it in to the midwife when I went for my consultant appointment and she read it before even meeting me and said 'totally your choice'. Lower risk of the baby being deprived of oxygen during delivery. Strep B and elective C-Sectionneed advice | BabyCentre I am meeting a consultant this week to try and convince them to give me a ELCS. It's a must toask themidwife to snap away with the camera, because pictures really help to put the story together. Please whitelist our site to get all the best deals and offers from our partners. I just hope he views gbs as enough of a medical reason. The level of discomfort once all of the analgesia has worn off can also be a bit of an eye-opener. think twice before sharing personal details, foster a friendly and supportive environment, remove fake accounts, spam and misinformation, delete posts that violate our community guidelines, reviewed by our medical review board and team of experts. elective c section after 3rd degree tear? This educational content is not medical or diagnostic advice. A Group Owner is a member that has initiated the creation of a group to connect with other members to share their journey through the same pregnancy & baby stages. i think ihad it in the back of my mind that this would be the safest option regarding the gbs. My mw was and is very supportive of me having an ELCS. Found out on Wednesday that we are expecting our second after ttc for over a year! This involves injecting pain medication into your lower back which will leave you numb from the waist down. Will post an update after the appointment on Thursday. After your first c-section, you might be wondering if you'll have to have a c-section for any future children too, but it doesn't always necessarily mean that you future babies will have to be delivered in this way. PLANNED C section stories | Mumsnet No matter how much pain you are in, just keep reminding yourself that tomorrow you will be 100% better. Has anyone had an Elective C Section after traumatic natural birth??? 36 weeks pregnant and suddenly feel very different. At what point is a c section no longer an option, Ive never heard of that being a thing, the baby being too low? She was put straight into my husband's arms, and even though he tried to get her at an appropriate angle for me to see her, I couldn't really see her as I was horizontal and was anxious for him to get her to special care so I hurried him away. You will often have to wait a while for your c-section to take place, depending on how many other women are booked in and whether the surgical team are needed to perform any emergency procedures. So I'm not sure that having a section will necessarily remove the risks of infection. 17/04/2023 20:17, To be fair I had a lot of help so didn't have to do most things before I was very comfortable. This time around I am hoping for an ELCS but for the fact that I failed to progress in labour not for the GBS. Elective c section- your experience and recovery | Mumsnet I'm sure it will be the best day of your life. | Mumsnet Talk Active I'm on I started I'm watching Saved Last day Last hour Advanced Search Talk > Pregnancy Watch thread Flip Get updates on how your baby develops, your body changes, and what you can expect during each week of your pregnancy by signing up to the Mumsnet Pregnancy Newsletters. Elective repeat c-section (ERCS) If you choose to have another c-section, you will usually have it after 39 weeks of pregnancy. To comment on this thread you need to create a Mumsnet account. An elective section is usually a more positive experience than an emergency so do hold that in your head if you can. You can also consider Calow & Bassetlaw as they have good maternity care but just as part of the main hospital. Induce early bc of previous shoulder dystocia? Baby being in a breech or transverse position, which could make a vaginal birth more difficult and issues with the placenta, including having a low-lying placenta, which may be blocking the babys way out. | Mumsnet Active I started Saved Last day Last hour Advanced Search Talk > Pregnancy Watch thread Flip Get updates on how your baby develops, your body changes, and what you can expect during each week of your pregnancy by signing up to the Mumsnet Pregnancy Newsletters. Also I presume I can ask the Midwifes to take photos of baby maybeI just can't help but feel abit like I am missing out on the most special moment. She says: Your partner will still be able to trim the cord and take pictures of your tiny baby as they are getting checked over before you enjoy your first lovely cuddles. I found that the tightness of them really helped the pain of the scar, cause you tend to hold it when you walk. Usually, women receive ibuprofen, Tylenol, or even narcotics for the first 3-7 days. Still had to have a c! Hi ladies thank you so much for your advice. It is still important to slowly move around to maintain a healthy blood flow from the veins in your legs to prevent clots from forming. My biggest problem was exhaustion. At least you'll get a good nights sleeep the night before, so that when you have pics taken with your little bundle, you'll look great. A few days before the date of your c-section, you will be asked to go into the hospital to be assessed. You may also wish to speak to your midwife before the surgery to plan who you would like to have with you at the birth. I was on painkillers daily by 16weeks, crutches 18weeks, belt and bed rest soon followed. You may also be offered the option of an elective c-section if your previous baby was delivered by caesarean or there were complications during a natural birth. Pregnancy The #1 app for tracking pregnancy and baby growth. I have had 3 elective c sections at Jessops; Im assuming theres where youre going? Everything I have read says that it shouldn't, but I am yet to come across a satifying rationale. The moment you close your eyes, you'll be opening them again hearing a baby cry and thinking to yourself "that can't be mine cause I'm still falling asleep", mean while it's yours and it's all over! The elective was much nicer experience and felt like a birth. Elective C-section benefits Having a planned date Not having to experience labor contractions Longer hospital stay, which means more support in the hospital Avoiding vaginal tearing or trauma Quick birth process Elective C-Section risks Invasive surgery Possibly a longer recovery period Just focus on what you can do to make it more personal. I am finding it so difficult to know what to do. Elective C Section | Mumsnet Active I'm on I started I'm watching Saved Last day Last hour Advanced Search Talk > Pregnancy Watch thread Flip 1 2 Get updates on how your baby develops, your body changes, and what you can expect during each week of your pregnancy by signing up to the Mumsnet Pregnancy Newsletters. Learn more about, I Was Terrified of Giving Birth Until I Actually Went Into Labor. Elective c section | Mumsnet Go through all the pros & cons of both general & epidural with him & then make your final decision. Ask them to play music! Group Black's collective includes Essence, The Shade Room and Naturally Curly. Why Do Women Choose to Have an Elective C-Section? C-Section Surgery - Procedure & Recovery | Made for This Moment You can choose whether to have an induction or a c-section. As it was an emergency C, I couldn't have prepared for it, and afterwards I was too busy!! Mumsnet carries some affiliate marketing links, so if you buy something through our posts, we may get a small share of the sale (more details here). Pregnancy and giving birth after a caesarean section | Tommy's There are many reasons for choosing to have an elective or planned C-section. That being my analysis, I definitely want to be the one taking on the additional risks. Some mothers-to-be feel guilty or worried about asking for an elective c-section, however, their dedicated healthcare teams will never judge them for their choice and always want them to have the best birth experience possible. I am trying to think of the positives of having a general such as I have been to bond with my baby over the last few months feeling little kicks and wriggles and it would be good for OH to bond whilst I am recovering, as relatively speaking it is only for an hour or two (I hope) whilst I recover. Would you elect to induce at 38 weeks if you had a previous shoulder dystocia birth? Do you simply talk it through with a mid-wife or do you need to meet with a consultant? Recovery was better than the emergency, although still major surgery. I'm sure it will be a wonderful experience, and for the record, I didn't find recovery after Caesarean any trouble at all. In total, your elective c-section is likely to take between 40 and 50 minutes. if so are they really worth it and did anyone use a caesarean belt to protect the wound? But Im wondering is there a point where baby is too low to have one done ? Thank you so much for sharing your story. Pregnancy Follow topic Your catheter will usually be removed around 12 to 18 hours after your c-section and youll be encouraged to get up on your feet and move around. Once you've had a C-section, ACOG adds, you're more . My third pregnancy was by far the worst. You will normally be asked to fast overnight the day before your procedure as you shouldnt eat anything for at least six to eight hours before surgery. [2011], 1.2.27If a woman requests a caesarean birth, offer discussions with the woman, a senior midwife and/or obstetrician and other members of the team if necessary, for example an anaesthetist, to explore the reasons for the request, and ensure the woman has accurate information. x. 'Elective caesarean section at 38-39 weeks gestation compared to > 39 Physio didnt work and I too was terrified of natural birth. C-Section Procedure: What Happens During a Cesarean Delivery? Remember that a caesarean section is major abdominal surgery so it is important not to push yourself too hard and to allow yourself time to rest and heal. Your birth partner will usually sit next to you to give you moral support and an anaesthetist will be there to keep an eye on you throughout the procedure. Sarah Nielsen. And perhaps if your waters had already broken before the EMCS that could have had an impact on transmitting the infection. This encourages your uterus to contract and reduces the risk of heavy bleeding. Hypnobirthing for elective c section after traumatic birth? A Group Leader is a What to Expect community member who has been selected by our staff to help maintain a positive, supportive tone within a group. Lower risk of the . Thanks again for sharing your experiences, it has really helped. You don't feel the time at all. Mumsnet carries some affiliate marketing links, so if you buy something through our posts, we may get a small share of the sale (more details here). However my consultant referred me to see the consultant anaesthetist and unfortunately he has recommended that I have a general anaesthetic. My little chunk was very low! . You may also be given something to eat and drink. To ask for your low lying placenta stories | Mumsnet Thank you all for your encouraging words - they have all helped me get my head around having a general. [2011, amended 2021], www.nice.org.uk/guidance/ng192/chapter/Recommendations#planned-caesarean-birth. My elective was amazing though, night and day from the emergency. The rate of maternal request is . Elective Cesarean Delivery - Causes, Risks & More - FirstCry Parenting Any other abdominal surgery, you're told not to lift anything heavier than a kettle for 6 weeks, but with a c-section there is somehow much more pressure to be "back to normal" while your life is turned upside down by a small screaming baby who doesn't sleep! I can see my epidural failing and it just being all bad for me. Women and birthing people have the right to request a caesarean birth even if healthcare professionals think there is no need for one. Hiya, sorry to hear you're having to have a g.a. The moment that I held her was always going to be special, no matter how many hours after her birth it happened. Your post will be hidden and deleted by moderators. I sthis your first baby ?? Ask to speak to a different consultant; they cant actually refuse you. Well it did not go very well with the consultant I was told they would not agree to c section on basis of spd. Seems to me the risk of strep B falls squarely on the baby, whereas most of the risk of c-section falls on the mother. What to Expect supports Group Black and its mission to increase greater diversity in media voices and media ownership. Those must have been incrediblystressful times, but so good to hear happy endings. About one in four women in the UK have a c-section to deliver their baby, with most of these being emergency c-sections.. This page may contain affiliate links, which means we may earn a small amount of money if you click through and make a purchase.All articles are written independently by the Netmums editorial team. There is a national study going on at the moment with the government trying to get section rates down as they are very high in the UK. To comment on this thread you need to create a Mumsnet account. You already start waking up before they wheel you out the theatre, so it's veryquick. We respect everyones right to express their thoughts and opinions as long as they remain respectful of other community members, and meet What to Expects Terms of Use. When the doctors came round every day my pain wasn't recorded and as I'd also developed pre-eclampsia they focused on this instead.
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