before taking further action. Of these, 83 83 received a bonus last year, 100 100 attended a special sales training program at the beginning of last year, and 42 42 both attended the special sales training program and received a bonus. This can be done by using moist techniques, such as a damp cloth or pad, for mold removal and by bagging the material in the confined space for later removal. Disposable PPE should be discarded after it is used. Protecting Your Property from Flooding provides information on damage-resistant building materials, dry flood proofing, raising electrical components, anchoring fuel tanks, raising HVAC equipment, protecting walls and installing sewer backflow valves. Indoors, mold growth should be avoided. Molds are part of the natural environment. Even if they are inundated for only short periods, electrical system components usually have to be replaced. Flood waters often carry hazardous and toxic materials, including raw sewage, animal waste, oil, gasoline, solvents, and chemicals. Also, find EPA mold resources, including frequent questions, mold publications, images and a glossary of terms. FEMA Guidance Documents | Use the Tab key to move forward through each screens navigation buttons and hyperlinks, or Shift + Tab to move backwards. If you suspect that mold has damaged building integrity, consult a structural engineer or other professional with the appropriate expertise. Has routine maintenance been delayed or the maintenance plan been altered? Venting kitchens (cooking areas) and bathrooms according to local code requirements. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)National Center for Environmental Health (NCEH) How do I prevent mold from endangering my family? FEMA Publications Below are FEMA mitigation publications relevant to this hazard. Are building occupants reporting musty or moldy odors? It also regulates the repair and rebuilding of structures in the floodplain that are substantially damaged or substantially improved.. All molds share the characteristic of being able to grow without sunlight; mold needs only a viable seed (spore), a nutrient source, moisture, and the right temperature to proliferate. In addition, before deciding to relocate occupants, one should also evaluate the remediator's ability to contain/minimize possible aerosolization of mold spores given their expertise and the physical parameters of the workspace. Refer to an HM Insurance Specialist at the JFO if you need assistance with answering a specific question from a member of the public, or if you need clarification and additional information about aspects of the NFIP. Because mold is common in flooded communities, some basic facts about mold that you can share with the public are: Removing mold and mold conditions does not protect a building from mold in future hazard events. Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning Institute, Mechanical Systems Hygiene Institute, National Institute of Disaster Restoration, National Institute Rug Cleaning, Water Loss Institute referrals to professionals. The site includes recommended mitigation strategies for most types of natural hazards. This section presents remediation guidelines for building materials that have or are likely to have mold growth. Below are FEMA mitigation publications relevant to this hazard. Pursuant to the Occupational Safety and Health Act, employers must comply with hazard-specific safety and health standards and regulations promulgated by OSHA or by a state with an OSHA-approved state plan. Flood Hazards Portable Generators Flood water can make the air in your home unhealthy. Consult an engineer for the appropriate filter efficiency for your specific HVAC system, and consider upgrading your filters if necessary. . This one-pager has QR codes to several mold cleanup and moisture control resources including guidance for homeowners and renters to better understand how to safely and effectively cleanup mold and control moisture. Some floods develop slowly, sometimes over a period of days. These guidelines are based on the size of the area impacted by mold contamination. ft.) - e.g., individual wallboard panels. These guidelines are subject to change as more information regarding mold contamination and remediation becomes available. Mold: Worker and Employer Guide to Hazards and Recommended Controls (pdf) (1.2 MB, June 2015) Contact Us to ask a question, provide feedback, or report a problem. For areas greater than100 ft.2, ensure that protective clothing coversentire body including head and feet. Flash flooding is the rapid flooding of low-lying areas. Then tab to the Submit button and press Enter to complete a Knowledge Review or Self-Assessment. As a member of FEMAs Hazard Mitigation disaster workforce, you are expected to be able to explainto the public: This independent study course is part of a series of five, intended for the Hazard Mitigation disaster workforce. Gloves protect the skin from contact with mold, as well as from potentially irritating cleaning solutions. The guidelines are designed to protect the health of cleanup personnel and other workers during remediation. It also requires periodic maintenance to remain effective. This lesson describes mitigation options and the circumstances under which each is used. Have building materials been wet more than 48 hours? Removing people from spaces adjacent to the work area is not necessary, but is recommended for infants (less than 12 months old), persons recovering from recent surgery, immune-suppressed people, or people with chronic inflammatory lung diseases (e.g., asthma, hypersensitivity pneumonitis, and severe allergies). Always consider consulting a health professional to address any employee health concerns. HVAC equipment, such as furnaces and hot water heaters, can be damaged extensively if inundated by flood waters. The specific method or group of methods used will depend on the type of material affected. This training can be performed as part of a program to comply with the requirements of the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard (, Respiratory protection (e.g., N-95 disposable respirator) is recommended. Flood water can easily damage electrical system components including service panels, meters, switches, and outlets. The Base Flood Elevation (BFE) is the anticipated elevation above mean sea level that the base flood is expected to reach. Protective clothing (e.g., disposable coveralls)to prevent contamination and skin contact withmold and chemicals. Clean wet items and surfaces with detergent and water. PDF Preventing Mold-Related Problems in the Indoor Workplace If you are using a biocide such as chlorine bleach, or a strong cleaning solution, you should select gloves made from natural rubber, neoprene, nitrile, polyurethane, or PVC. Their website is located at When using fans, take care not to extend the zone of contamination by distributing mold spores to a previously unaffected area. If the water or mold damage was caused by sewage or other contaminated water, consult a professional who has experience cleaning and repairing buildings damaged by contaminated water. These can be accessed from the FEMA website. The work area and areas used by remediation workers for egress should be HEPA vacuumed and cleaned with a damp cloth or mop and a detergent solution. People allergic to mold may have difficulty in breathing and shortness of breath. Hazard Mitigation staff distribute ONLY the mold publication provided by the Hazard Mitigation Community Education and Outreach Group (CEO). Fix source(s) of moisture incursion problem(s) as soon as possible. You can read a description of the report and purchase a copy. In addition, exposure to mold can irritate the eyes, skin, nose and throat in certain individuals. This completes this lesson. There are various types of equipment useful in mold assessment and remediation. The effects of flooding can be local, impacting a neighborhood or community, or extensive, affecting entire river basins and multiple states. Level IV: Extensive Contamination (greater than 100 contiguous square feet in an area). American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists. When possible, remediation activities should be scheduled during off hours when building occupants are less likely to be affected. Mold can generally be removed from nonporous surfaces by wiping or scrubbing with water and detergent. Mold is a public health hazard, and the decision on the type of advice to provide to individuals with damaged homes is the responsibility of the State Health Department. (Note: the bonus was based totally on sales performance.) Typically, there's a 30-day waiting period from date of purchase before a policy goes into effect, but there are exceptions. These courses address basic mitigation measures to reduce risk from earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, tornados, and wildfires, at a level appropriate for communication to the general public. A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States. Testing for mold is expensive, and there should be a clear reason for doing so. While conducting building inspections and remediation work, individuals may encounter hazardous biological agents as well as chemical and physical hazards. River and stream flooding may be triggered by heavy rains, melting snows, and storm surge. These materials can usually be discarded as ordinary construction waste. Secure .gov websites use HTTPS Pass the final exam. If a community decides to pursue a property acquisition project, the land cannot be redeveloped and often is preserved as public open space, parks, or recreation areas. Keeping HVAC drip pans clean, flowing properly, and unobstructed. Refer interested individuals to local building officials and plumbing specialists before undertaking any of these measures. Complete isolation of work area from occupied spaces using plastic sheeting sealed with duct tape (including ventilation ducts/grills, fixtures, and other openings); The use of an exhaust fan with a HEPA filter to generate negative pressurization; and. Mold FAQs - Illinois This completes the final lesson in this course. National Flood Insurance Program Increased Cost of Compliance (ICC) Coverage: How You Can Benefit provides brief information on ICC Coverage. These materials can then usually be discarded as ordinary construction waste. Please click here to see any active alerts. You must have identified and completely corrected the source of the water or moisture problem. Resources for Flood Cleanup and Indoor Air Quality | US EPA The advice of a medical professional should always be sought if there are any emerging health issues. Additional elevation of electrical components above the recommended level further reduces the risk. Some biocides are considered pesticides, and some states require that only registered pesticide applicators apply these products in schools, commercial buildings, and homes. GEOG 2210 Quizzes & FEMA Flashcards | Quizlet Level III: Large Isolated Areas (30 - 100 square feet) - e.g., several wallboard panels. Outdoors, molds play a part in nature by breaking down dead organic matter such as fallen leaves and dead trees, but indoors, mold growth should be avoided. If you choose to hire outside assistance to do the cleanup, make sure the contractor has experience with mold remediation. ft. or less) - e.g., ceiling tiles, small areas on walls. Click on the "Glossary" button to look up key definitions and acronyms. Worker and Employer Guide to Hazards and Recommended Controls Molds can grow on virtually any substance, as long as moisture or water, oxygen, and an organic source are present. Due to the wide difference in individual susceptibility to mold contamination, sampling results sampling may have limited application. Conversely, negative results may persuade investigators to abandon this hypothesis and to consider other sources of mold growth or dissemination. Inhaling mold can cause adverse health effects, including allergic reactions. However, sampling results can be used as a guide to determine the extent of an infestation and the effectiveness of the cleanup. Over the past 10 years, the average flood claim paid has amounted to nearly $48,000. Flooding can cause sewage from sewer lines to back up through drain pipes. Extensive courses given in IAQ. In this lesson you learned about: Lesson 3: Discussing the NFIP with the Public. Priority is given to businesses with fewer than 250 employees at a worksite, with further consideration given to the severity of the worksite problem. Some moisture problems in buildings have been linked to changes in building construction practices since the 1970s, which resulted in tightly sealed buildings with diminished ventilation, contributing to moisture vapor buildup. The purpose of mold remediation is to correct the moisture problem and to remove moldy and contaminated materials to prevent human exposure and further damage to building materials and furnishings. Check references and ask the contractor to follow the recommendations in EPA's publication, "Mold Remediation in Schools and Commercial Buildings," or other guidelines developed by professional or governmental organizations. What can he do? An outside tank can be secured by running straps over it and attaching the straps to ground anchors. Visible mold, mold-damaged materials, and moldy odors should no longer be present. Contaminated materials that cannot be cleaned should be removed from the building in sealed impermeable plastic bags. Eating, drinking, and using tobacco products and cosmetics where mold remediation is taking place should be avoided. U.S. EPA IAQ Information Clearinghouse (IAQINFO). Although the level of personal protection suggested in these guidelines is based on the total surface area contaminated and the potential for remediator or occupant exposure, professional judgment always should play a part in remediation decisions. ONLY the mold publications that have been provided by the American Red Cross B. Wet floodproofing measures are typically used to protect electrical, heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (also known as HVAC), and utility components of a structure when flooding occurs. If you are in doubt about sampling, consult an industrial hygienist or other environmental health or safety professional with experience in microbial investigations to help you decide if sampling for mold is necessary or useful, and to identify persons who can conduct any necessary sampling. If the structure is damaged or improved, but not to the regulatory definition of Substantial Damage or Substantial Improvement or if it already meets the ordinance, the owner can reduce the risk of future damages by selecting other, less expensive mitigation measures. A JFO Insurance Hotline, manned by HM Insurance Specialists, may be established after large flood disasters and is for the use of FEMA staff only. This completes this lesson. Extending the casing at least 2 feet above the highest known flood elevation, Installing a sanitary seal or cover on the casing, Installing a backflow value in the water line, The importance of directing the public to local building officials before they begin repairs or rebuilding, How FEMA addresses the topic of flood-related mold with the public, Which publications are available to promote flood mitigation, What FEMA-approved online resources are available for flood mitigation, What appropriate actions to take when advising the public, Recognize the information and advice to provide regarding mold, Identify FEMA partner organizations and the websites that contain FEMA mitigation publications, Identify the correct actions to take when advising the public regarding flood mitigation and the NFIP. The contained area and decontamination room should be HEPA vacuumed and cleaned with a damp cloth or mopped with a detergent solution and be visibly clean prior to the removal of isolation barriers. Just a few inches of water from a flood can cause tens of thousands of dollars in damage. Discard mold damaged materials in plastic bags. Respirators must be used in accordance with the OSHA respiratory protection standard (. If a home or business is damaged by a flood, the owner may be required to meet certain building requirements in the community to reduce future flood damage. The American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA) developed this 3-part video series. Business owners who are concerned about the cost of professional help can contact the OSHA Consultation Project Office in their state for free consultation service. FEMA's Hazard Mitigation Grant Program FEMA has one post-disaster mitigation grant program to assist communities in reducing long-term hazard risk. You can select any of the lessons from this menu by simply clicking on the lesson title. They should not be used to vacuum porous materials, such as gypsum board. This type of floodproofing is often used to protect non-residential structures, water supplies, and sewage systems. Mold Course Chapter 5: | US EPA Hazard Mitigation staff distribute ONLYthe mold publication provided by the Hazard Mitigation Community Education and Outreach Group. These direct reading devices have a thin probe that is inserted into the material to be tested or pressed directly against the surface of the material. 2. Use Ctrl + Tab to deselect an element or reset to the beginning of a screens navigation links (most often needed for screens with animations or media). 1. The Federal Alliance for Safe Homes, Inc., known as FLASH, is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting disaster safety and property loss mitigation across a variety of natural hazards, including floods. The use of a biocide, such as chlorine bleach, is not recommended as a routine practice during mold remediation, although there may be instances where professional judgment may indicate its use (for example, when immuno-compromised individuals are present). Individuals with persistent health problems that appear to be related to mold exposure should see their physicians for a referral to practitioners who are trained in occupational/environmental medicine or related specialties and are knowledgeable about these types of exposures. When excessive moisture or water accumulates indoors, mold growth often will occur, particularly if the moisture problem remains uncorrected. FEMA Course.docx - IS-230: Fundamentals of Emergency The goal of this course is to enable you to select the essential hazard mitigation information to communicate to members of the public following a flood event. Carpet maintenance, restoration guidelines for water-damaged carpet, other carpet-related issues. Mold Remediation Guidelines - Environmental Health and Safety FEMA's HM Disaster Workforce Website houses a wealth of hazard mitigation information. Floodplain management ordinances require that when a structure in the floodplain has Substantial Damage or undergoes Substantial Improvement, the owner must bring the structure into compliance with the most current standards when repairing or rebuilding. As a general rule, simply killing the mold, for example, with biocide is not enough. Please note that mold may cause staining and cosmetic damage. These can be accessed from the FEMA website. Personnel trained in the handling of hazardous materials and equipped with: Full face piece respirators with HEPA cartridges; Disposable protective clothing covering entire body including both head and shoes; and.
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