I would say that their conclusions in 1973, you say, are still true. I dont think this kind of advertising is helpful to them at all. They said that the chasing arrows symbol was OK, as long as it was small and on the bottom of packaging. It needs improvement. In many ways were just getting started. With Josh 'Shag' Agle, Jeff 'Beachbum' Berry, Drew Birch, Richard Boccato. The idea behind that particular facility is if we improve the way that recyclables move down the conveyor belt, so they get separated, we're going to create better, cleaner streams of like materials. I guess I think of it more as an investment in managing plastic waste. Once a completely natural product, much of today's plastic is man-made and largely dependent upon fossil fuels. The smell of burnt plastic was in the air, and all around, there were sacks of plastic, and big piles, too. William J. Cooper, Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Director of the Urban Water Research Center, University of California-Irvine'A fun and well-balanced introduction to a complex environmental topic. Sun, Angela (film director) Dr. Garen Baghdasarian, Professor of Biology, Chair of Life Sciences, Santa Monica College'Filmmaker Angela Sun tells a compelling story about the plethora of harmful impacts associated with non-degradable plastic, particularly in regard to the marine environment, while recognizing that the properties of plastic have enhanced our quality of life in many ways. Theres no one that would even take it if I paid them to take it." His company buys throwaway plastic from some of the largest big-box stores in the U.S. Yeah. No. Considering the creation of plastic was used as a substitute for . ", Now youre getting more mixed plastics, like pouches andeverything comes in a clamshell now. The good news is they're coming. And on the day I stopped by, local lawmakers had been invited in to hear about the benefits of a new sorting machine that industry says will make recycling plastic more economical. We cannot keep just continuing this mindless consumerism, mindless consumption and dump it somewhere else. And by impacts, I don't mean whether or not it can be recycled. It's not going to happen this month or by the end of the year, but we're moving now. Because we thought that it was getting recycled gave us the freedom"OK, no problem. Plastics in the ocean have been building up for decades. National Geographic Magazine infographic by Jason Treat and Ryan T. Williams Powered by Background Info Vocabulary Idea for Use in the Classroom Will Posegate is the chief operating officer of Garten. And when it comes to understanding and reducing the environmental impacts of materials, including packaging, consumers have the lowest amount of leverage. National Geographic Society is a 501 (c)(3) organization. Sun, Angela (film producer) These chemicals can then enter the food chain when consumed by marine life. In small groups, explore the impact of ocean plastics on coral reef species by having students research the impact of ghost nets on sea turtles, the ingestion of plastic by Pacific seabirds, and the ingestion of plastic particles by coral polyps. How could they go into all of these communities and tell people "You just have to recycle" when they knew there were so many problems and so many hurdles? Some, like Keurig, saw a need for better technology. Until there is a viable option for recycling those things, we should be putting it in a landfill. Dr. Mike SanClements, Staff Scientist, The National Ecological Observatory Network, Affiliate Faculty, Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research, University of Colorado-Boulder'Sun's documentary sends a clear and coherent message about one of the major environmental problems we face today. As I made my way through the innovation fair. Idea for Use in the ClassroomHenderson Island in the South Pacific was named a United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) World Heritage site in 1988. They cause two problems. Did you feel like they cared more about selling plastic than they did about making recycling work? Ive got a couple of newspaper articles I want to show you from the past. Thats right. [Chanting] Save our Earth before it's too late! How are those two things going to meet anywhere in the middle? The film is excellent--in its timeliness, its depth, and its presentation. Do you think that the company feels so strongly that it is willing to make less money? EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler was talking up the future of recycling. In 2017, however, researchers surveying the islands beaches found the highest concentration of plastic trash ever recorded.In this infographic, the colored dots show the amount of plastic and other trash collected in one survey plot. This is from Purchase, New York. Would any of the trash be harmless?Use this encyclopedia article on food webs and the article on coral reef food webs to introduce students to a typical coral reef food web. Planetsave'Sun offers a fresh, new voice for her generation and has made a film that can appeal to the masses.' Let's just go knock and see if maybe someone will talk to us. Today its main lobbying group is the American Chemistry Council, and until recently its vice president of plastics was Steve Russell. But the proof here is the dramatic amount of investment that's happening right now. It provides valuable information and presents that information in an engaging and visually gripping way.' Reveals the history and worldwide scope of plastics pollution, investigates its toxicity and explores solutions. Sun, Angela (film producer) But to get to the beach, the trash had to float through the water, which is where coral reef organisms would have encountered it. I strongly recommend this film as an instructional tool to connect ecology, communication, and global service. It has the recycling logo. How much plastic will the US produce this year? Plastic Paradise: The Great Pacific Garbage Patch DOCUMENTARY The invention of synthetic plastic created an era of disposable products. Not a good idea for the environment. Do you think that because its not quite recyclable yet that that might be a little misleading? and fast. We need to increase the interest in and demand for recycled materials and more products made from recycled materials. The sacks are from a plastic company. Big. And few places have pursed recycling more aggressively than Oregon. Sun, Angela (film director) Along the way she meets scientists, researchers, influencers, and volunteers who shed light on the effects of our rabid plastic consumption and learns the problem is more insidious than we could have ever imagined. This is a documentary that should be seen by educators, students, politicians, and environmentalists alike. // Plastic Paradise - YouTube Because the average person saw the symbol, they know the symbol and said, "Well, its recyclable, right?". Reveals the history and worldwide scope of plastics pollution, investigates, 2023 Docuseek, LLCAll rights reserved | Privacy Statement | Accessibility Statement, Angela Sun, consumption of plastics, Great Pacific Garbage Patch, Midway Atoll, plastic, pollution, gyre, Pacific gyre, Midway Atoll, war in the pacific, history of plastics, plastics in war and peace, BPA, endocrine disruptors, Frederick vom Saal, John Klavitter, Matt Brown, Captain Charles Moore, Rikeem Sholes, Lewis Goldsmith, Arnold Schwarznegger, Jean-Michel Cousteau, Gerry Fishbeck, Brian Porter, Andy Keller, Rolf Halden, Wailana, Elizabeth Keenan, Gregor Hodgson, Susie Holst, Marcus Eriksen, Noel Mendiola, Annette Horman, Indie Carbo, dianna Cohen, Anna Cummins, Kitt Doucette, Dave Rastovich, Wallace J Nichols, Lisa Boyle, Julia Brownley, Gretchen Bleiler, Jack Johnson, Micah Mendiola, Daniel McGregor, Raquel Long, Matthew Long, Greg Stone, Peter Seligmann, Algalita Marine Research and Education, plastic nets, microplastics, albatross, indicator species, recycling, single use plastics, consumer power, American Chemistry Council, ACC, Society of the Plastics Industry, SPI, bag monster. The voyage she completes can motivate students to discover more about pollution of all kinds on their own. I think its a transitional moment. In what may be part of a national trend, the City Council of St. Paul, Minnesota, voted to outlaw the use of polystyrene plastics. The film is excellent--in its timeliness, its depth, and its presentation. Do your part, save the Earth, recycle. She or he will best know the preferred format. This package here is technically recyclable. The question that people are going to have is what are they supposed to do to make this better? Made from readily available petroleum, plastic was the go-to material for the war machine. And yet it's become ground zero for The Great Pacific Garbage Patch, syphoning plastics from three distant continents. We need to confirm if the data that we have is correct or not. ", Another said "there are no effective market mechanisms for mixed plastic. Behind the lens, Angela directed and produced the award-winning feature documentary film "Plastic Paradise: The Great Pacific Garbage Patch" currently on the film festival circuit and set to release later this year. Liesemer was sent to Minnesota on an urgent mission. Some people have a deep, abiding respect for the natural beauty that was once this country. Can we afford, ecologically or economically, to turn it off or to leave it running? There's dissatisfaction about what's going on with the solid waste issue." Eighty plastic bags found inside the whale. Any interactives on this page can only be played while you are visiting our website. And we sold that $1.5 million machine for scrap. What about all of these? ", We never asked the question, "Are they doing it the right way? We follow Angela Sun while she investigates the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, which is where the plastic waste of three different continents accumulates. Planetsave'Sun offers a fresh, new voice for her generation and has made a film that can appeal to the masses.' It really became a metaphor of, "We are bumping up against limits here. And they said no. JIM BECKER, VP, Sustainability, Chevron Phillips: Our view is you have to be very careful with that because sometimes the substitute products can have a bigger environmental impact than the thing you are banning. Angela Sun - Plastic Paradise Documentary Film - Five Point Five Recyclers also appealed to government regulators, but they sided with industry. What would happen if the corals died off? Plastic Paradise: The Great Pacific Garbage Patch - Archive By doing so, this film will inspire young people to act as global citizens and contribute to finding solutions for the major environmental problems of the coming century.' [Speaking Indonesian] It depends on the condition of the bales. Plentiful supplies of natural gas are driving down the cost of making plastic. Now what were doing here is were sorting it out into the milk jugs, the natural HDPE, the pigmented HDPE, PET water bottles. In response, many companies, including plastic makers, and even some environmentalists got behind an iconic ad campaign that focused attention on the publics role. For information on user permissions, please read our Terms of Service. In 2015, a marine biologist came across a sea turtle in distress. They wanted us to sort plastics when people thought plastics might be starting to be a problem. We can't delay this for another 10, 20, 30 years or we're going to be. That was one of the comments early, that it implied that those products were being recycled. LEWIS FREEMAN, VP, Society of the Plastics Industry, 1978-2001: A vice president of the DuPont company pulled me aside and said, "You guys better get up to Wilmington. So the big plastic producers came up with a multimillion-dollar solution: advertising. Others, like Colgate-Palmolive, saw a need for better education. People all around the country bought that line and thought it was our responsibility to take care of litter. I think they knew that the infrastructure wasn't there to really have recycling amount to a whole lot. Yes. If you have questions about how to cite anything on our website in your project or classroom presentation, please contact your teacher. Well, one thing that's different is the actual ecological context is different, that we're really bumping up against ecological limits. So, contaminated plastic trash is as big a problem for you guys as narcotics and drugs coming into the country. And the consumption and lifestyle that we have, I think itsyou have to rethink, because we have to reduce the amount of plastics that we produce at the moment. to tout the virtues of plastics as a way of heading off the criticism the industry was experiencing. As packaging evolves. JERRED JONES, Program representative, Keep America Beautiful: We are Keep America Beautiful. They are going to double down on single-use plastic like we have never seen, so we're heading towards a real battle. As of today, plastic bags are banned in Jersey City. What items were most common? [Expletive] Christ, that is plastic. Yeah, yeah. Plastic Paradise Infographic Henderson Island has the highest concentration of plastic trash ever recorded despite being, otherwise, untouched by humans. If you have questions about licensing content on this page, please contact ngimagecollection@natgeo.com for more information and to obtain a license. Plastic Paradise Documentary by Angela Sun on the Great - Inhabitat We took a trek up to Wilmington and this one DuPont executive, he said, "I think if we had $5 million"which seemed like a lot of money then"if we had $5 million, we could solve this problem.". Transcript Plastic Wars View film LAURA SULLIVAN, Correspondent: In 2015, a marine biologist came across a sea turtle in distress. This is the same kind of thinking that ran in the '90s. My college age son thinks it is 'right on.' Our system is woefully inadequate and it needs dramatic investment. That message is reinvigorating a backlash against plastic, the likes of which the industry hasnt seen for decades. Dr. Joel Baker, Director, UW Puget Sound Institute, Professor and Port of Tacoma Chair in Environmental Science, University of Washington Tacoma'Angela Sun has found a way to present the imminent dangers of plastics pollution in a jarringly visual and inquisitive formatSignificant take-home messages include a misconception of just how few plastic products are recyclable, and that plastics production will continue to increase as long as the demand for plastic products remains. 57 min. How does this conflict compare to what you saw happen in the '80s and '90s when this last came up with this kind of fervor? And I think whats good is that were all working together to help improve some of those recycling habits and understanding behavior. Chevron Phillips would like to see all of that plastic recycled back to make new plastic things. With the help of an Indonesian journalist, we tried to speak to someone at New Harvestindo, but we were told there was no one available. There was never an enthusiastic belief that recycling was ultimately going to work in a significant way. Kyoko Hamada is a photographer who was born in Tokyo and lives in Brooklyn. This is just hangers, one type of plastic. My college age son thinks it is 'right on.' This is one of the easiest visualizations of how humans (not all, but many) have lost connection with the environment--a sad state of affairs--but the truth.' Highly recommended.' At Plastic Paradise's conclusion, the viewer is left pondering that the amount of plastic in the world will increase by 400% by 2050. Whats happening with K-Cups? How much responsibility do you feel like you have over what's happening here? 'This is an issue of vast scales.
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