Nothing can stop Gods Spirit. For there will arise false Christs and false prophets. How to do this ~ your guess is as good as mine! Yet you come on this web site and disturb people with your conspiratorial and doctrinal ignorance. 212 1. They had them at a couple of their locations.). My life is stressful enough without stirring up such pots, I reasoned. 3221, back up and read what you just wrote. follow with Christian obedience those things which the sacred pastors, inasmuch He was also my father, Thomas T.s, spiritual director. I am in no way affiliated with it. Both her ignorance of Catholic doctrine, as well as her inability to think clearly became obvious for all to see. The point, for me at least, is that the Bishop of the diocese has issued a decree admonishing the faithful to stay away. Find me one misleading thing in any of her messages she has written that shows the Devil is trying to win over people and take them out and away from the church. I think as a math instructor I understood it could contain more chambers as well? Should a visionary obey ANYONE because of title? Dont be surprised if you hear that someday, will you? The Church, guided by the Holy Spirit, always looks below the surface because all that glitters isnt gold and regardless of how many people visit or how many statues are erected or rosaries said, it does not constitute proof in the Churchs judgment. People are bound to obey Lennons directives. priority over submission to a bishop? A group known by the name of "Holy Love Ministries" and also the "Missionary Servants of Holy Love" has been active in the Cleveland area for several years. The Journal reported that Kyle responded to Lennons decree by stating: We at Holy Love ministries are, and always have been, an ecumenical ministry. You *will* have to answer for that someday, even though you may not believe that now The bishop is not infallable, and people must use their own discernment. This is not to understand it at all. What of the many miracles and increased devotion so many experienced at the site? And, yes, Clevelands Bishop Lennon closed a number of churches and had to reverse some/all. We have NOT fulfilled Our Ladys requests to honor her on the Five First Saturdays. When bishops fail in their teachings and in safeguarding the fullness of the Faith, they are not to be obeyed so that one may be faithful to the Church. Does he have serious concerns about the personal profits he garnered from the sale of those churches? No more. He does not use the word FORBID because he does not have CANONICAL GROUNDS to do so. Yes, Vatican Two has been misinterpreted, but primacy of conscience is a vallid Catholic teaching. 3. No, HLM messages are not the teachings of the Catholic Faith. Your argument, 3221, only proves the ecumenical ministry claim is a ploy to get out from under the legitimate authority of the local Ordinary and the Holy See. The problem, however, comes later when/if the predictions fail (like Conyers and so many others), the church disapproves of the messages and gatherings, the visionaries disregard the church, lawsuits come forth (like, again, Conyers, between Our Loving Mother whatever and Nancy Fowler), etc. Using the language that he did has nothing to do with modern times; it has to do with what is canonical limitations are. God bless you denis. Or Jesus and Mary incessantly talk about U.S. politics, politicians, who to vote for, applauding various election outcomes. Mary is entirely correct. Medjugorie is related to HLM because both are unapproved apparition sites. Thanks. You make some good points. Guess who turnd out to be right in the end? It would be considered as sacred ground. I have much more to tell you, but you cannot bear it now. Read works written by St. Thomas Aquinas. Here is the quote I have come to explain to you the Sixth Chamber. Its pointless and sad. the teaching of the Church is that Mary is the Mediatrix of all graces; all graces flow through Her Immaculate Heart. Our free will is a powerful gift from God. Stop judging it and mocking it with your prideful comments. Translation: I like to practiceits also an avenue for those who cannot understand the English well. The math simply doesnt add up! An excellent website in which a Catholic theologian evaluates Marian apparitions is An exclusive, or even a predominant attention to these matters (especially apocalyptic ones), cannot help but produce an unbalanced spirituality.. We should always be disposed to believe that that which appears white is really black, if the hierarchy of the Church so decides. St. But when he comes, the Spirit of truth, he will guide you to all truth (John 16:12-13). How could false messages result in so many good fruits, such as to increase prayers and devotion to God, Mary and the saints? My point is that individual bishops can lead you away from what is of God. Unless Pope Benedict XVI overrules Bishop Lennon on the matter of Holy Love, we are bound to obedience. God loves prayers and wants us to love Him back. An admonition is not a dictate., 3221 believes that the Blessed Virgin Mary told them all on 11/18/09 (after Bishop Lennons Decree): In the case of this particular apparition, no legitimate investigation was ever done. So, you would also accept a metaphor of a God with multiple human arms and hands like some of the Hindu gods? According to the knowledge, competence, and prestige which they possess, they have the right and even at times the duty to manifest to the sacred pastors their opinion on matters which pertain to the good of the Church and to make their opinion known to the rest of the Christian faithful, without prejudice to the integrity of faith and morals, with reverence toward their pastors, and attentive to common advantage and the dignity of persons. I used to look through the Holy Love website to try to familiarize myself with some of the messages so I could effectively discuss it with my friends who are avid devotees. Bishops DO OWE the faithful an explanation for what they say and do. The people of the Cleveland Diocese fought Bishop Lennon fiercely in order to retrieve parishes sold by him and monies taken by him. Correct, and succinct. I just needed to love my neighbor to be saved no matter concern for personal sin, let your (unformed) conscience be your guide, do what feels right And again, if you are questioning such an orthodox, fundamental concept it only goes to prove that you are very mixed up. Ive even thought of going to the Holy Love website and copying/pasting some of the more glaringly ridiculous messages to try to argue it that way, but I see it would be futile. One local bishop is not the definitive word on an apparition site, nor does it denote the definitive decision of the Catholic Church hierarchy. Read all about it in The Rite The Making of a Modern Exorcist by Matt Baglio. Instead of spending money and time on sites of questionable authenticity, I realize now that the best way to act radically for Christ is to receive Him every day at Mass and then to live His gospel message. Heaven calls you here.. Perhaps Bishop Lennon had something like the above in mind when he condemned S-Ks claims? the Bishop. I figured that the tens of thousands of pilgrims in Fatima who witnessed the spinning of the sun and had their soaked clothing dried in an instant when the Blessed Mother appeared as predicted had less to go on than we did. Anyone born after 1965 has been raised on the pablum of a distorted humanistic gospel the bishops have been spreading for 40 years or more..They intend to finish the job. The idea of being privy to messages from heaven can be intoxicating and raise ones spirits even closer to heaven. It behooves us all to remember that Joan of Arc, now Saint Joan, was condemned by the bishops to eternal flames for believing in a false appartition. JESUS CHRIST who has given authority to his Church, not to some nameless and faceless commentator on an Internet web site. Did they suffer from mental illness and imagine it all? Lennon then cites the desire of the Holy See for Lennon to act definitively on this matter. Someone said that such compelling evidence of positive fruits proves this is from God. The "Rosary of the Unborn" Controversy - Pro-Life Action League Most of the ones that I know now reject it. (Someone above has a way you can bring the document up on the internet.Scroll up and find it.)) Faith is greater than obedience. Holy Love is the Two Great Commandments of Love - to love God above all else and to love neighbor as self. Thank you again. Thomas T. emailed me last summer and we had a back and forth debate on the authenticity of the apparitions. Lennon has definitively declared Sweeney-Kyles claims to be not from God. You ask, Patti, When in the history of the Church has the Blessed Mother operated outside of the Church? Well, I ask you, When in the history of the Church has the institutional hierarchy so failed to teach and preserve the Faith that 70% of Catholics neither go to Mass nor understand the Real Presence Jesus in the Holy Eucharist? When one grasps the heresy and corruption riddling the American Church as it is called today, one can well understand Our Mothers defense of the true Faith by circumventing that corruption through a perfectly legitimate canonical move. @3221, you have set yourself up to be the interpreter and arbitrator of Lennons Decree. For Bishop Lennon to state in his canonical decree regarding Holy Love Ministries,.having reviewed the theological content of the alleged apparitions to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle, and having consulted an expert in this matter, I .declare the alleged apparitions and locations(I think he means locutions)are not supernatural in origin. one has to say that he disavows anything supernatural in origin in the teachings of the Catholic Faith, for the doctrine of Holy Love Ministries is the full Catholic teaching in all its pristine splendor. The clarity and the authenticity of the mystical theology taught there is the Catholic Faith. This is what The Wanderer said in response to my request for the citation: Thanks for your question, but The Wanderer is not indexed and we have no recollection of such a story, and so we cannot verify it for you.. Either we accept the authority of the Church, or we reject it. First of all, Jesus DOES DEPEND on us to help Him save the world. Furthermore, my point was that YOU ARE INCORRECT about the Bayside events. I do not need to. People, please do the research. Your statement is wrong if you are asserting that if a bishopeven the bishop of jurisdiction claims that nothing supernatural is happening it equals a condemnation. Nothing to say about all the points I made about your so-called heretical excerpts from HLM?
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