Alex stayed clear of Paul's room per Meredith's instructions, but he stood by Jo as she was left with the decision about what to do with Paul after he slipped in an act of aggression towards Jo and his new fiance Jenny and was declared brain dead. Even though he didn't get the spot, GSM hired him back as an attending peds surgeon. Meredith then put Ellis's name down on the paperwork. He told her to go to hell. Alex Karev is a former wrestler at University of Iowa, and attended college on a wrestling scholarship. Initially, Meredith disliked Alex. He then started to think of himself as the fat kid in class and the screw-up at home. While angry at first, the transplant worked, so he then took Jo into his office and admitted to being turned on by her genius. CurrentAttending Pediatric SurgeonFormerChief of StaffChief of SurgeryInterim Chief of SurgeryHead of Pediatric Surgery So, she thought he would be an engineer. She shook it off by saying it didn't matter what she thought. A few days later, Jo received a letter from him, saying he was living in Kansas with Izzie and their two kids. She was upset because he hadn't come to look for her while she was missing. When Cristina was chosen to pick the first resident to perform a solo surgery, she chose Alex who performed a below the knee amputation. Alex repeatedly and frequently pointed out George's flaws - calling him weak and pathetic more than once - but Alex later revealed that he actually respected George and that if he were still alive then he would have beaten all the other residents at each milestone (1st solo surgery, chief resident, etc.). He called out for Izzie while he was delirious after getting shot. Eventually, they began a romantic and sexual relationship. Alex then went home and found Jo in bed. Fast forward to season 16 when Jolex legitimately get married on Halloween, Jo jokes with Alex. She invited Alex to join her and he admitted it felt satisfying. He wanted to join, but she needed to be alone and told him to go celebrate with Meredith. Alex and Jo then took Helen home and helped her get settled on their couch. Alex took care of her during her second stint in Seattle, but he couldn't prevent Ava's suicide attempt. Taryn came in to tell him that "Mrs. Karev" wanted to see it. However, after this angry speech, he continued to kiss her and they slept together. She took one apart to show and he wouldn't let her put it back together until he one day did it himself. Izzie, still furious from the horrendous date, refused to speak to him. DouchefaceDr. He apologized to Meredith lots of times but she refused to forgive him at first. Workplace Dr. Shepherd once kicked him out of the O.R. Grandmother Offended when Alex referred to the still-living Denny as a "corpse", she dumped him saying, "Just so we're clear, we're over. Despite the financial setback, Alex proceeded with his plans, first charging his credit cards and then giving "I owe you" promises until the children were set to arrive. Sometime after Robbins was promoted to the head of fetal surgery and Bailey was promoted to Chief of Surgery, Alex was promoted to Robbins' old position as department head of pediatric surgery. They pulled Gus through and Jo arrived with the blood right when the chamber was decompressed. Alex Karev went through a tremendous evolutionary arc over the years, and, in time, he was shown to care deeply for the people he was attached to, whether it was someone he loved or his patients. When Cristina transferred her hospital shares to Alex, he considered sitting on the board of Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital. Alex was jealous of Izzie's concern for Denny, and tried to get Denny to back off by telling him that he was with Izzie and there is a good chance that he would die from his failing heart anyway. He cared deeply for Izzie and Ava, although his feelings for the latter were misplaced. Now, she felt ready to return. It would cost too much to fly him out herself and she was at a loss as to getting someone who was willing to bring that kid, plus the dozen others, to the US for surgery. Link noticed his threatening and dismissive demeanor and assured him that he and Jo had not been involved romantically. Stark denied him, however, because despite all of Alex's good intentions, he wasn't good at organizing the logistic part of the project, coming off as disorganized and "half-assed", according to Stark. For a while, he pushed everyone away, but since going into peds, he's showed more of who he really is. Jo then decided to go back to Bailey and explain why she was the future of medicine. Meredith told him he wasn't alone yet and took over. It was revealed that Olivia was already dating Alex when George asked her out. However, he later told her that he only wants to work with her professionally, and is not interested in pursuing a romantic relationship with her. Despite her being right about the fire, they still were not convinced she was okay.[28]. As Alex spent more time with Ava, he became increasingly attached to her, spending most of his time checking on her progress and doing research. Rebecca was cleared by all her doctors to go home and her baby was discharged. "), Rebecca reappeared. "), Rebecca came back to Seattle to see Alex on Halloween. When the residents first began applying for fellowships, Alex was concerned because the interviews Robbins lined up were all at second rate hospitals. At the end of the day, he asked her to go out to celebrate his no longer being Chief, but she wanted to crawl into bed after the rough day she had. James abused Alex, his mother, and his siblings when they were young. Now that she was doing fine, he didn't know what the warning signs were anymore, unlike in his childhood. He joined Miranda Bailey's service later, after his first resident gave him up for unknown reasons. Alex also boughtMeredith's housefrom her after he chose to remain in Seattle. Before heading in, she said she didn't want to be another name on his list of crazy people. He said he couldn't operate because she said she was pregnant. She confronted him, and he told her that she cannot get involved with her patients. He told her he was happy that she came back for him and asked her not to leave him again. You guys are all I have! On their first day as interns, George was given the name 007 (when he froze in his first surgery) by Alex and it was the start of their mutual dislike for each other. Alex was pulled onto an emergent case with Richard of a man who nearly died in the ER's waiting room. Izzie showedhim the charts though, and he couldn't dispute that, so he told Ava, and she thought she had a miscarriage even though he told her there was no baby. She turns her face toward him and it's clear that she has been hit by Jason. He also helped her pick a "new face" for Dr. Sloan to construct. You're supposed to have my back! He said yes. ("Haunt You Every Day"), Rebecca came back again and Alex let her sneak into the gallery to watch a surgery, even though it was against the rules. Furious, Vincenzo took his research back to Italy. He and Helen said goodbye to Jo and left for the airport. Although first he was an intern of Jeremy, Alex was reassigned to a new resident Dr. Miranda Bailey, to the disdain of the other interns under her. Helen KarevJames Evans Her Instagram announcement also mentions she's been filming throughout her pregnancy (and it hasn't. Alex was excited, but Ava minimized it, saying it was nothing. However, an idea was planted into his head when he joined Robbins in looking at scans of a patient in need of surgery. Meredith stepped in and told Alex to stay away from Paul as he wanted to beat the guy up, so she helped Jo handle the divorce. Alex came home and Jo was waiting for him. After a few months, Alex asked Jo if they would ever get married. He wanted Addison to release him from her service, and she did, but not before telling him that he would miss her. Marital The judge wanted to postpone the hearing but Alex loudly objected. They jumped out of bed to leave for work, but found that the storm made it unsafe to leave their house. True love! After James was discharged, Alex tracked him down in a bar, but still couldn't find the courage to talk to him. [41] Alex was amused when Meredith's article came out, inadvertently trashing Grey Sloan specifically instead of the medical system itself. When acclaimed plastic surgeon Dr. Mark Sloan took up a position at Seattle Grace, Alex leapt at the chance to pursue his interest in plastics. His announcement came right when Richard walked in the with the investors. Meredith thought that Alex was a bad person, who just had sex with everyone in the hospital. He almost missed his flight to San Francisco to take his boards because he was taking care of Tommy. She continued to say that maybe she ran from anyone who ever loved her. Carina eventually informed Alex about her father's mental illness. Count Status Beginning Relationship with Jo and Father Issues, Deterioration of the Fight or Flight Response, No Good at Saying Sorry (One More Chance), I Always Feel Like Somebody's Watchin' Me, I Like You So Much Better When You're Naked, Everything I Try to Do, Nothing Seems to Turn Out Right, Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Maggie lost the patient and panicked as she had convinced the family to let her operate against their initial wishes. Alex confided in Meredith about his failed medical boards and she decided to help him study, roping in Cristina and George to help as well. In "Leave a Light On," we . He didn't get along with his colleagues due to his work attitude. He then flew back to Seattle the night before his boards to take care of Tommy and helped Morgan when Tommy died. Before heading into back-to-back meetings, he asked Bailey to cover the ER. They learned that she speaks German, Spanish, and French. After Jo not answering the proposal, they broke up and after spending some time apart, they got back together. Having ignored his phone, Alex was surprised when Jo showed up at the party with his mother, who claimed she just came by for a visit. When Alex told her, she accepted it, but told him she was trying to be better for him. Alex prides himself on his honesty, which often lacks tact and can verge on being crude, brutal, and insensitive. Jo unfortunately didn't know that Meredith was only trying to pass Jo's ring to Alex without her seeing. He starts dating Izzie exclusively and after winning his solo-surgery he tells her he loves her. She had been knitting baby hats ever since Alex told her they wanted kids. That meant that they had to put off the surgery until they found a match. She commented she was counting down the 22 days before she could stop taking orders from him. ("Crash Into Me, Part 1"), Mark later saw her there and busted Alex. Bailey checked on his work and found that he had spent the entire quarter's budget in one day. After that, he became more sensitive and hadher move in. She was given an epidural in an attempt to stabilize her, but she had a seizure, so she was rushed to the OR for an emergency c-section even though she was only 30 weeks pregnant.
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