Os envio mi ms sentido psame a toda la familia y amigos del pequeo Drayke. Visitation will be held on Read Vernon Mcdougald's complete obituary here: No one will forget you and your memory will live forever! Take Care of you, your husband and daughters. Adems, la soledad te haca perder las esperanzas. I am so sorry for your loss your thoughts and prayers are with you and family someday you will still see you beautiful son. I pray to God to take care of you, protect you and help you live with his absence. Le pido a Dios que encuentren mucha paz y fortaleza para llevar la vida sin su pequeo. I hope and pray that you guys get the justice you guys deserve for your son as well. Un abrazo a la familia. I wish I wasn't writing this, it hurts my soul that someone has suffered to this point and that no one has been able to do anything. Muchos abrazos desde el otro lado del Atlntico. The pain of your lose is felt by so many. I can see why you are very proud of your son. Mucha fuerza y mucho amor! People will continue to fight for your justice. DIOS le d mucha fortaleza a esta familia. Solo el tiempo, hasta que se vuelvan a encontrar. Good journey, blue eyes boy. Descansa en paz y que nuestro padre celestial te reciba en su reino. The whole world has been broken by your story but thank you for sharing as more needs to be done to prevent anything like this happening again. Y recuerdo haberme paseado por una soga en el campo y me detuve a fantasear que poda haber esperanza y el miedo a no vivir esos sueos que cre en mi mente fue ms grande que la desesperanza y soledad. You seemed like such a beautiful soul from your moms beautifully written post! Ojal a diario brillen el azul de sus ojos los cuales no pudieron seguir hacindolo en carne propia . Que dios ilumine su camino, y de resignacin, a toda la familia. An amazing kind that won't be left behind. Ests en un paraso no tengo duda de eso! I will never understand what the point of it is. Your story stopped me in my tracks and reminded me to be grateful for every day, every minute every second because time is something we have no control over. I know that beautiful soul is looking down on Earth and watching over you. As you all said, he came here to teach us My condolences to all of you, lovely family, Mis condolencias a la familia es una pena que pasen estas cosas a diario:(, no + bullyng, me dio tanta pena ver lo que le paso al pequeo, y en sus fotitos se vea tan lleno de vida:(, mis ms sentidos psame, fuerza para su familia. I feel your pain and my heart is heavy, so very heavy for your parents. We send you all the strength, love and wisdom in the world in these hard times. This is my worst nightmare as parents and it hurts me so much to read your story. I hug you with my heart from a distance, wishing you much strength to overcome this loss. I am very sorry for the loss of your son. It's very heartbreaking to hear this news. Debemos aprender los adultos a ensear a ser amables a nuestros hijos! My heart is broken, you were so young and lovely. I am a mother and I read what happened and I feel a lot of pain, sadness. Take care and look after each other. God give resignation to Drayke's parents and his sisters. You can send your sympathy in the guestbook provided and share it with the family. My number is 901-493-3314 Again I'm so sorry for your loss, Rest In Peace angel! Dolby Funeral Chapel | Windham, Maine | Ever Loved Im so sorry that you felt this was the only way out. Fly high little Drayke. I have no words that could help ease the pain. That someday you may come to know that he will always be around you & his light will burn bright. hay que parar este tipo de acoso y buscar al culpable. Mucha fortaleza. Your beautiful boy touched my heart. Fly high little man you will not be forgotten by anyone. Mucha fuerza a la familia. Drayke has such a beautiful angelical face, you can only see love in his eyes in every picture. The excitement on his face and in his body language is something I will always remember. Escuchas el eco que se produce cuando Ries? Funeral service will be held on Wednesday November 16 2022 at 100 PM at McLauchlin Chapel AME Zion Church. Oh God.. Hola les escribo desde Chile. I understand you so well .. As a father and as a family we feel identified with you, my children have also suffered from bullying and we are working to improve the situation of my children, my children's classmates and also the whole school. Recommend Jermaine's obituary to your friends. I recently lost my daughter to suicide ( Oct-06-2021). Little Drayke, may your beautiful and unique soul Rest In Peace, you were such a special kid, you have to be the guardian angel of your family to be together forever, Rest In Peace, angel , Lo siento mucho en serio, soy de Mxico y la verdad no he dejado de hacer oraciones por el, no mereca eso:(. We will not forget you, youll be always loved and remembered! No parent should have to bury their child, ever. Ms. Kimberly Carthens departed this life on Tuesday, April 25, 2023 in the comfort of her home. From Bolivia South America, I send you all my love. Hoping and praying that your precious little darling can now Rest In Peace. No parent should have to lose a child. A hug to all of you. I'm so sorry for your loss.. he was so young and a handsome young boy, praying for you and your family.. keep your head up and remember that he loved you. !this baby was tired of the pain, and had no place to take it!..REST with the Angels drayke, your in good hands now! I never believed in life after death, but I just hope there is, so you can be there and be happy forever. The world mourns his death. Cmo nos ests enseando a ver cosas que se nos pasaban por alto como nos enseaste que la vida pasa por otro lado! Ese soy yo. much love from my family to yours. Although I never knew Drayke, his story has absolutely broken my heart. Imploro que ests descansando en paz pequeo drayke. Paz y luz en este momento de tanta dolor y tristeza a sus padres, hermanas y familia. In your loving memory To his family, the whole world is hugging you and loving your beautiful blue eyed angel. Descansa en paz. I can only say sorry. I don't have the words but I promise you on this side of the world we will spread kindness on behalf of your name. Les mando un fuerte abrazo desde Argentina. I am so sorry for your lossLet the Lord guide through every hard day ahead. Espero que tu familia encuentre consuelo de la mano de Dios y que tu ests en sus brazos. no words will be enough, just remmember every day that incredible smile! Fuerzas a tu familia. He lives in you, he lives in me. Un abrazo fraterno de este rinconcito del mundo que el Sr les de la fortaleza y esperamos que nunca ms vuelva a pasar a un nio inocente como su amado hijo. My sincere condolences to all the family. Drayke will continue to love you, love and care, from wherever he is now. May his soul rest in peace. I have been praying for Drayke and his wonderful and very strong family, but I also pray for justice for Drayke. Hace 5 aos perd a mi amada a causa del mismo motivo. you will be in my prayers. Wish me luck! My condolences to Drayke's family, the day I saw the news on instagram I started to cry as if it had been a relative of mine, it hurts me so much the great loss that they are going through and it is so painful to know that he will no longer be in shape physical, but always remember that it will be in your hearts. My heart is crying for little Drayke and how unfaire is all this. Fly high my angel #doitfordrayke, To the family, I am so sorry that this world is so evil. We need to be kinder to each other and our children will only learn this through us. There are no words to express the sadness we are felling. CRAIG DOBY OBITUARY. I just wanna hug and protect these beautiful human beings from everything. My greatest condolences go out to you guys. Rest in peace little angle and little fighter. The angels are forever protecting him and he will always be looking down and protecting you're beautiful family. One thing that I can take from this service (live streamed) is that you never let anyone have a dull moment in their day. Sin dudas que esta terrible noticia rompi mi corazn. I'm so sorry for your loss ! I'm really sorry. God is with you, bringing peace in the midst of chaos. Sending you tons of Love. greetings from Chile . te abrazo,te abrazo mucho madre virtuosaduele devolver al cielo un hijo y deseo que Dios te de el consuelo y la fuerza para entender este acontecimiento, me duele tu dolor porque soy madre, duele ver que este mundo nos haga tanto dao pero te pido que no ceses en la lucha por regalar amor, ese amor que a tu nio le sobraba. I admire your courage in coming forward for the world to see what effect bullying has on a tender soul. I am from Belgium (Europe) and the terrible story and what your little boy suffered goes around the world and hurts the mother that I am! to the family and friends, to the community and to the world, my condolences. Ese ngel los iluminar desde donde est! I'm so sorry. He is watching over you all now, god has another angel by his side now. It's no ones FAULT.but the bully ! Esto nunca debe volver a suceder a ningn nio del mundo. Um bullying silencioso que no ouvimos e no vemos. At your young age, you have left an indelible mark on thousands of parents and children around the world. Whoever the bully is, him n his parents need to be charged.. that beautiful blue eyes didn't deserve that suffering. He left his mark in this world to hopefully support kids to not be afraid to reach out for help. It has to stop, and Drayke may have inspired people to take the issue more seriously. Fly easy little Drayke and get your wings out again and from above take care of yours and continue your mission, here we will help you from anywhere in the world. Lamento profundamente su perdida de su hermoso chico, ahora el est libre jugando y feliz con Jess y los angeles que la paz de Dios pueda alcanzar sus hermosas vidas, un abrazo desde Chile, can't believe you left us because of bullying. , , , . . I am very sorry for your loss, I was also a victim of bullying and survived. I have so much anger as to why people can be so mean to others. Descansa en paz, grande Drayke. Read more about the life story of Lonnie and share your memory. His passing was senseless and cut deeply. I just want you to know your baby's story reached our little town and we are grieving with you and your family. Hope he is sitting next to God, helping him to fight against evil. Espero que todo lo que aprendieron de su hijo les de el valor para seguir adelante. Sending so much love and strength to you all during this incredibly difficult time. Me duele no haber podido compartirte esa fortaleza para que siguieras entre nosotros. Sin importar diferencias. Todas mis fuerzas a la familia. Calling hours will be on Tuesday September 15 from 4-7 pm at Burns-Garfield Funeral Home 3175 E. Genesee St . Craig Doby Obituary (1947 - 2020) - Syracuse Post Standard I cant even imagine What it feels like. With love---the Eden's from Texas. I'll never say that it'll get better with time because honestly, it doesn't. he is now you guys angel in heaven watching over you all#DOITFORDRAYKE!! I am sending you all so much love and prayers. Whit love Our family send's you all our deepest condolences. we love u, Mi corazn est destrozado junto con el de ustedes soy madre tambin, no imagino el dolor y la impotencia tan grande que toda tu familia est sintiendo en este momento tu hijito es un claro ejemplo para que todos los padres hablen con sus hijos, los valores van desde casa y no podemos permitir que nuestros hijos humillen, agredan o se burlen de otro de alguna forma. LLD. My heart breaks for your family on the loss of your beautiful boy. The only thing that can assure is that your voice is being heard. Very sad his decision. I hope that the bullies learned their lesson and pay for what they have done.. God bless his soul and his family.. I'm very sorry for your loss, blessings to your family, now there is an angel shining in heaven <3. Que descanse en paz y ustedes llenen su corazn de paz. Remember to trust in the Lord when you are at your lowest for he will guide you through the darkest moments in your life as well as greatest ones. I don't understand how others could be so cruel to a boy so precious. Pensaba en ti en cada palabra que tu mama diriga y me conmovi mucho. May you and your family find peace in God. You ARE SO loved and your life meant so much more than you could have ever imagined . I can't stop thinking about your family and your sweet boy, my heart and my prayers are with your family, receive a huge hug from our family. My heart goes out to you in these difficult times. Gracias por abrirnos ms los ojos ante un problema que, nosotros como adultos, casi no notamos. His death will not be in vain, he will save the lives of millions of children. The world was lucky to have Drayke. To all. I am sure that now he is resting in the arms of Jesus, Joseph and Mary, who will illuminate his soul and protect it forever, Since i first read your mama's post I haven't been able to stop thinking of you and your family. I am so sorry for the loss of your beautiful boy and I pray for all of you during this very difficult time. You will heal, just know that he is with you <3 always. I send a hug to the whole family and my deepest condolences. Descansa en paz pequeo Drayke , All I can see is such a an Angel faceand those beautiful eyes. Dear Drayke, your pain has crossed borders and has moved everyone who has heard the news. I'm so sorry for your beautiful little boy. Drayke may you Rest In Peace, only god knew why he took you, may you rest with the rest of the angels sweet boy, we love you so much. May you both along with your daughters find the strength to carry on his name and teach kindness. Todo comienza desde casa. Que Dios de fortaleza a sus corazones y consuelo a su alma. Que dios te de paz eterna. I know God will give you the strength you need to live each day until you get to see your precious boy again. Funeral service will be held on Friday December 9 2022 at 100 PM at Freedom Chapel AME Zion Church. Our love to you, Sammy and family, also Grandma and Grandpa.s. It's unfair what Drayke had to go through. EVERYONE loves you Drake!! I well be praying for y'all's healing in this difficult time. Dios quiera que la familia encuentre un poco de consuelo entre tando dolor. Vuela alto mi nio ya no estas sufriendo, ahora eres un Angel que cuidars de tu familia. Embrace the love. Sending you all so much love . Mis condolencias para toda la familia. My prayers and thoughts are with all of you ! Descanza en paz angelito , tandil pcia de buenos aires, argentina, AR, No te conoci Drayke pero en estos ltimos das he pensando y me duele bastante por todo lo que pasaste a tu corta edad , es triste porque tengo una hija y cuando te conviertes en madre simplemente siempre vas a querer y cuidar a tus hijos como un tesoro, te pedimos perdn por lo que pasaste el mundo es cruel aveces. Sending prayers to you and family. It needs to be heared! I promese i will always do it in your name. RIP Drayke. Tenemos que tomar conciencia esto no es broma. SO sorry You havevto love this. I hope that one day we will all be aware enough of being able to love our neighbor and respect him as such. What a beautiful boy! Besos. Es muy triste que un chiquitin con tanta vida por delante tomar esta decisin debio ser algo tragico lo que estaba viviendo para que hiciera esto solo Dios el y su agresor lo saben pero le pido al seor Jesucristo que les de la fortaleza que necesitan para superar esta tragedia que el el y solo el puede confortar esos corazones que wstan destrozados por el desgarrador dolor que deja la prdida de un ser querido y ms si es un nio de verdad lo siento y le ruego a Dios que los consuele. God made sure that he touched every single one of us even around the world. I wish he knew how many loves and misses him. Love from Spain. Can't stop cryinug for your boy. Abrazos hasta el cielo Drayke. pediremos para seguir creciendo, asi seamos adultos, por nuestros nios, en tu nombre! just know that you + your family are in everyone's thoughts and prayers. Nos pesa tanto esta vida pasajera. Recordare esos ojos azules, esa mirada tan tierna. Ese angelito los cuidara siempre! Sin conocerlos, los acompao con mi ms sentido psame y les envo mis carios y fortaleza, Que brille para l pequeo Drayke la luz que no tiene fin . To the family, I want to say that I hope that you find strength and peace to cope with this difficult process. There's no words to explain the pain for u. may god wrap his arms around your family at this sad sad time. Un abrazo fraternal para toda la familia, mi ms sentidas condolencias por su prdida. Vuestro pequeo vivir en nuestros corazones. ESTIMADA FAMILIA DEL PEQUEO CON OJOS Y MIRADA HERMOSA LAMENT PROFUNDAMENTE SU GRAN PRDIDAQUE EL DIOS DE TODO CONSUELO JEHOV LES CONCEDA LAS FUERZAS EN ESTOS MOMENTOS DE GRAN DOLOR._Mire el mensaje esperanzador que ofrece la Biblia *cuando muere un ser querido..* le cito de ella Hechos 24:15 " *Y tengo esperanza en Dios, esperanza que tambin tienen estos hombres, de que va haber resurreccin tanto de justos como de injustos"* resurreccin as llama la Biblia al devolverle la vida a los que duermen en la muerte *Piense por un momento que va en viaje por carretera all junto a usted le acompaan quienes aman tanto FLIA y amigos pero mientras ud va en ese viaje unos se qdan dormidos mientras q usted va contemplando el panorama , ambos van al mismo destino solo q unos van despiertos y otros dormidos.en nuestro viaje por la vida habr quines an estamos despiertos mientras que otros se han dormido ya pero ni siguiera la muerte puede impedirles llegar a su destino la vida eterna en un paraso terrenal!! We will keep your family in our prayers. Te deseo el mas puro y eterno de los descansos, Hasta pronto. I'm so sorry for the loss of your beautiful boy. Estoy ms que segura que ahora en el lugar donde ests eres feliz un nio feliz como siempre lo fuiste con las personas que te conocieron y te vieron crecer un abrazo al cielo para ti. Always. Descanza en Paz en la compaia de Dios. No child should have to live under the impact of a bully like Drayke did. Authorize the publication of the original written obituary with the accompanying photo. I don't know any of you but im so sorry for what happened. Drayke no mereca pasar por todo ese dolor, ningn nio debera, lamento mucho que a su corta edad haya sufrido tanto. Your son was a gift. May your son Drayke RIP. In all of the pictures I've seen of Drayke he radiated so much calmness and nobleness with his smile. Imposible no conmoverse con la noticia, imposible no llorar al ver las fotos. Desde all, ser su ngel protector, ser quien los acompaar a continuar este camino y todo el amor que l tuvo hacia ustedes se quedar grabado en sus corazones, en sus recuerdos, en cada amigo que hizo, en cada paso que dio. Oraremos por su alma, que descanse en paz, que se haga justicia. The only way I find to express you my support is by praying for Drayke to find his way to heaven and for you as family to put together your broken heart. I will whisper a prayer for your family that God will comfort and bring you through this as only He can. May you one day see him again, just in another life. I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith: Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me Mr. James Randy Kershaw departed this life on Sunday, April 2, 2023 at FirstHealth Moore Regional in Pinehurst, North Carolina. Lloro esta terrible desgracia, mi ms sentido psame y fuerza a la familia. I am keeping all of you in my prayers at this time. Live for him and make memories, he's always by your side and always watching over you. I hope I get to meet you up there one day. Imsending you the biggest hug ,ive never felt this kind of sadness for someone that i dont even know ,im broken inside and this literally gets me so angry..this world can sometimes be so cruel and angels like Drakey should never experience something like this..I Hope he is playing basketball and having fun with the angels in heavenI LOVE YOU, I am so sorry for your loss. Please know that your sweet baby boy Drayke is in heaven with Jesus, where he is suffering no more. My heart and deepest prayers go out to you and your family. He had so much to live for. I just saw this post about your son's death and omg I couldn't hold my tears . Te envo un fuerte brazo. Sending prayers of love and peace. I cannot imagine your families pain. Fly high Drayke. Cunto dolor Que la partida de este pequeo y el correr de la noticia llegue a todas las sociedades. words cannot describe the hurt i felt when i read this story, and no amount of words can make it better what you as a family are going through. Rest In Peace beautiful angel <3. Sending love and prayers to your family may your guardian angel continue to hold you tight. Your boy has been an Angel since he camed to this world. Jim Chletsos. Drayke was an adorable child, thanks for sharing your story with us. i hope that this case will help parents to teach their children to respect others. My sincere condolences to you on the passing of your son, now you only have the good memories of all the wonderful times you shared together. No es justo. DIOS DICE -Son y seguiran siendo unos buenos Padres simplemente se esforzaron y la dieron toda con su hijo . He will be remembered forever, he will be loved forever. I can't imagine how the mom is, I could not breath without him. I wish you had continued and fight ..! Sending lots of love and prayers . Once again I am truly and deeply sorry for your loss. He's in a much better place now, just way too early. Gill, NZ. I don't know you or your family personally but I saw your story on Facebook and after reading it I just had to know who you were. I am so sorry for your loss, no mother, father, sister, brother, cousin or friend should ever have to go through this. Sweet Drayke, your mission in this life was fulfilled, now fly high knowing that we will continue with your legacy.To the family, your sweet boy touched the lifes of millions all over the world including mine. I send you a hug full of love and peace, little Drayke is the brightest star in the universe and will always guide you. My condolences to the family, friends and all the people who knew and loved this little angel.
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