During the conversation, he even indirectly revealed the identity of the Curse-Breaker he had been finding in the past year, who had some school years overlapping with Snape's. The next year was by no means any less troublesome than the previous year, with Jacob's sibling and their friends more determined than ever to stop R and find the last Cursed Vault, despite Dumbledore's attempts to make them focus on their studies. [78], After Jacob's sibling and Merula Snyde duelled in the Courtyard without permission or supervision, Dumbledore introduced the students to the Hogwarts Duelling Club in the Dungeons, where duelling could be practised safely. [96], The faculty chaperoning the Celestial Ball, Despite the difficulty the school was experiencing, Dumbledore and the rest of the faculty decided it needed distraction and some happy memory, so they arranged an Astronomy-themed social gathering for the students in the Great Hall known as the Celestial Ball. In this school year, Dumbledore sent several seventh-year students to the British Ministry of Magic as a part of a student programme.[99][100]. Harry used a small cut on his arm to reopen the hidden doorway, and once outside the cave they Disapparated back to Hogsmeade. Finally, in the, In appearance and biography, Dumbledore also resembles two characters in Ursula K. Le Guin's. Albus was longing for this meeting, while at the same time being very afraid of it, because he knew that he was the only person who could stop Grindelwald, and he could face the truth about who Ariana's killer was. Indeed, Dumbledore was the only wizard capable of defeating Gellert Grindelwald, and later, even in his extremely advanced age, intimidated and surpassed Lord Voldemort himself. Take for instance one of the most controversial scenes inGoblet of Fire,when Albus asks Harry if he put his own name into the goblet to be entered into the dangerous Triwizard Tournament. The trio also read the Tales of Beedle the Bard and learned about the Deathly Hallows. Something Harry thought was proven true when he learned during the Battle of Hogwarts that Dumbledore had supposedly planned all along for Harry to sacrifice himself. A young man around Albus's age, he lived for the next two months with his great-aunt, the celebrated magical historian and family friend of the Dumbledores, Bathilda Bagshot, who introduced the two soon after Grindelwald crossed her doorstep. However, Karkaroff would later denounce Dumbledore as a fraud who put Harry Potter's name in the Goblet of Fire and was even more angry to learn about Barty Crouch Snr's attack on Durmstrang champion Viktor Krum, suggesting that the British Ministry of Magic was tainted with corruption. However, their relationship was soon strained: Dumbledore forced Sirius to stay at 12 Grimmauld Place on account of his being a wanted convict, and because he had a tendency to act rashly, which could lead him to put himself in great danger. But Voldemort's Killing Curse once again failed to kill Harry. Blood status Emmeline Vance was killed by Death Eaters during the Second Wizarding War. These gifts were proven very useful, as Ron abandoned Harry and Hermione formerly to find his family, and, when he wanted to come back to Harry and Hermione, the Deluminator showed him the way. As he had promised, Dumbledore allowed Harry Potter to accompany him to the cave and help destroy the Horcrux. Instead of handing out punishment, Dumbledore awarded them 100 House points for their brave acts. He also had several of his papers published during his studies and exchanged letters with theoretician Adalbert Waffling. Harry and Dumbledore forged a strong Student Headmaster bond, comparable to that between two close family members (most likely the case of a great-grandfather grandson), in spite of the century in age difference. It was through Dumbledore that resistance to the rise of Lord Voldemort was formed. Dumbledore offered Draco protection, and promised to hide Draco and his mother where Voldemort would never find them. Thinking he might be a family member wanting to claim him, she accepted the preposition and, at the agreed upon time and date, Professor Dumbledore presented himself at the establishment in question. In the instructions Dumbledore ordered her to make some copies of Newt's suitcase. He also anonymously returned James's Cloak of Invisibility to Harry as a Christmas present. [82], Around Christmas, students continued to help Dumbledore with festive decorations. Though Dumbledore had failed to capture or defeat Voldemort, the Dark Lord realised himself that he could not overpower his former teacher, and so abandoned his effort and disapparated. Once Aurelius understands he has been lied to, he wastes no time in betraying the dark wizard. He became a member of the Order of the Phoenix after his graduation. When Newt's Boggart turned into a desk, Dumbledore commented on its unexpected nature and kindly inquired why it took this form: Newt confessed that his greatest fear was being stuck working in an office. The Ending Of Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets Of Dumbledore - Looper In 1996, Dumbledore and Voldemort met face to face in the Ministry of Magic. He then informed the Ministry of Magic about the incident, and as a result, Cecil Lee was sent to investigate. He was also disgusted that Greyback had started to attack outside the full moon and enjoyed the taste of human flesh. After Aberforth and Gellert yelled and made countless threats, Aberforth drew his wand and was cruciated by Gellert, though he laughed. Harry still found himself facing off against a dragon, mermaids and a frightening enchanted maze, and could have perished at any point. Dumbledore suspected that the Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor Quirinus Quirrell was behind the plot to steal the Philosopher's Stone, while working for the weakened Lord Voldemort, and as such he asked Snape to keep an eye on him. As a result of his cruel and . [Snape] stood up. After all the stress and pain that was put on the fifteen-year-old's shoulders for an entire year, coupled with the loss of his godfather, Harry finally snapped and began destroying Dumbledore's possessions in an incredible rage. While Fudge ordered his arrest, Dumbledore stated that he would not come quietly and easily overpowered his would-be captors with a single spell and went underground, working to aid the Order full-time. He also spoke to Jacob's sibling, who was disguised as Professor Snape, about various businesses. While Dumbledore was aware of Tom Riddle's transformation and rise to power, he still maintained contact with the latter, even allowing him to visit the school for a supposed job interview. [37], At some point early on in his teaching career, Albus became aware of the existence of an ancient magical artefact of unknown origin within the school; a looking-glass with a grim history that was far more revealing than most. The Wizard J.K. Rowling Said Dumbledore Was in Love With Will Shock You, Sorry, Haters, Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley Were Destined For Each Other, 29 Dumbledore Quotes That Will Inspire You to Do Magical Things. Other staff were Argus Filch, the caretaker; Wilhelmina Grubbly-Plank, the Care of Magical Creatures Substitute Professor; Firenze, a centaur and the Divination Professor; Rolanda Hooch, the Flying Instructor; Aurora Sinistra, the Astronomy Professor; Bathsheda Babbling, the Study of Ancient Runes Professor; Septima Vector, the Arithmancy Professor; Irma Pince, the librarian; Cuthbert Binns, a ghost and the History of Magic Professor; Charity Burbage the Muggle Studies Professor. Soon, it was found that Tulip Karasu and a couple of other students were inflicted with a sleepwalking curse, which was inevitably caused by someone tampering with another Cursed Vault. [116] According to legend, a phoenix will appear to anyone of the Dumbledore Family in dire need. While honoured by the Qilin's selection, he declined to assume office, saying there was a second person equally deserving to be Supreme Mugwump. It is very likely that he also had a good relationship with Charlie. Dumbledore was never able to uncover hard evidence implicating Riddle, however, he nonetheless kept a very close watch over Riddle, preventing him from opening the Chamber of Secrets again during his remaining years at Hogwarts. Published on Apr 17th 2017. Then, the magizoologist gave him an object stolen by Teddy. "[9] She also served more than once to bring Dumbledore back on track when he became distracted from the matter currently at hand.[58]. JK Rowling has revealed the back story behind the Dursleys' violent dislike of their nephew Harry Potter in a new piece of writing for her website . Dumbledore's secrecy kept Harryfrom appreciatingSeverus until he was already gone. These revelations troubled Harry; they tainted his perception of a man hed long admired. Gryffindor[25] Dumbledore says that Harry's capacity for love, despite the treatment he suffered at the hands of the Dursleys, was his greatest "weapon" against Voldemort (who was completely incapable of understanding it). [Source]. Before the final event of the Battle of Hogwarts, after Harry sacrificed himself and was struck by Voldemort's Killing Curse and nearly died back in the Forbidden Forest, his soul went to a place resembling King's Cross Station, where Dumbledore was waiting to speak with him. So, its really love that has protected him all along. [46], Upon discovering that Riddle had stolen from the other children at the orphanage, Dumbledore admonished him for his behaviour and instructed him return the items to their rightful owners and apologise for taking them, warning him that he had exercised his abilities in a manner that would be unacceptable at Hogwarts, should he agree to attend. Many fans view Dumbledore asa father figure to Harry, but their relationship was incredibly one-sided as Albus never actually let Harry know anything about himself. When Voldemort returned, Harryyearned for Dumbledore's support and wisdom more than ever before. In the Extended Edition of the Return of the King, the Witch-king calls Gandalf that before breaking his staff. Before the end of the year, he also had the Inquisitorial Squad disbanded and reverted any damage they did. Dumbledore also quickly became fascinated by Grindelwald's ideas of wizarding domination, obviously considering Grindelwald an unexpected new chance to show his own brilliance and come out of the local misery. Harry Potter is coming to Hogwarts this year! Michael is a graduate of the University of Stirling with a degree in English Studies. Being a biased freak towards Slytherins. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings trilogy. Harry's bond with Dumbledore was far stronger than the one typically shared between a student and his headmaster. Harry and Dumbledore barely survivedobtaining a fake Horcrux from an enchanted cave inHalf-Blood Prince,but that didn't stop Albus from telling Harry that he had to continue the search for the rest of Voldemort's Horcruxes without help from experienced adults. However, when Snape discovered that he had been used as a pawn in Harry's own destruction, he was horrified, seeing it as a calculated betrayal of Lily's memory. When then-headmaster Armando Dippet confided in Dumbledore about Tom Riddle approaching him about staying on after graduation to teach Defence Against the Dark Arts which he only refused due to Tom's age, suggesting he ask again in a few years Dumbledore advised him against it. Whether he is talking about death, magic, or love, his quotes are often full of insight and wisdom. Fenrir Greyback was a savage werewolf who seemed to have had dealings with Dumbledore in the past, as Dumbledore was shocked that he, of all people, had come to Hogwarts the night that the Death Eaters entered the Astronomy Tower. Why didn't anyone care that Harry was treated terribly by Dursleys? Dumbledore had successfully planned an escape plan in case Grindelwald's men would attack. He also secured Hagrid's release from Azkaban by having Ron deliver his release papers via owl and cancelled exams as a special treat, much to the delight of the students and the dismay of Hermione Granger. At first, to his joy, he saw an old memory he still valued of himself and Grindelwald from the time when their friendship was at its peak that led to them sealing their bond with a blood pact in a barn, swearing to never fight each other. He lies to him about only finding one qilin (the key magical creature in Fantastic Beasts 3) and he lets Newt and Aberforth know he wants to come home via Aberforth's magical two-way mirror in Hog's Head Inn. [62], When the time came to choose the Prefects from the fifth-years, Dumbledore considered Harry, but out of sympathy for the ordeals he had faced and the ones still to come, he chose to spare him the added responsibility and passed it on to Ron Weasley. Some of his earliest co-workers were: Armando Dippet, the previous Headmaster, Dumbledore being notably among the very few Dippet trusted apparently due to his teaching efficiency; Herbert Beery, the Herbology Professor, who later resigned his teaching post at Hogwarts to go teaching at the Wizarding Academy of Dramatic Arts, who Dumbledore was apparently on good terms with as despite Herbert being such an enthusiast, he trusted Dumbledore enough to confide in him the personal fact that his first act made all his other performances ruined; Galatea Merrythought, the Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor, who retired before Dippet's death; Silvanus Kettleburn, the Care of Magical Creatures Professor; and Horace Slughorn, the Potions master, who was hired twice, and gave Harry Potter his memory, helping him and Dumbledore find and destroy Voldemort's Horcruxes. After Newt successfully dispatched the Boggart, Dumbledore encouraged Leta to take her turn, reassuring her that being afraid of something wasn't shameful; everyone was afraid of something. Later, Severus Snape approached Dumbledore, having already told Voldemort about the Prophecy. After Aberforth left the room, Albus told Newt the truth about Credence and that the boy was dying and could not be saved. [62], The year after, the Ministry of Magic took it upon itself to increase security around Hogwarts. Newt gave them all the items Albus had entrusted to them: Theseus got a tie with a large gold pin, Jacob got a serpentine wand but with no core, so it had no power; Bunty was given a list of instructions that only she could see. [56], At the end of the year Dumbledore began to feel uneasy about concealing the truth of Sybill Trelawney's prophecy because even though Harry was still young, he had proven himself to be exceptional, and he would have to be told soon. Albus successfully defended himself, but Credence's condition did not allow him to win this fight. The fact that Dumbledore himself was there to meet Harry in a place between life and death attests to the bond of fellowship between them, not to mention Dumbledore had been waiting nearly a year for Harry in limbo. A portrait of him was later put in place at Hogwarts. It is certain that the Death Eaters both hated and yet feared Dumbledore. In an interview on the DVD of, A younger Dumbledore (aged around 62) is portrayed by, Michael Gambon also voices Professor Dumbledore in. [103] Voldemort flew to Hogwarts and used his own wand to crack open the White Tomb from head to foot, and then removed the sheets from around Dumbledore's body, allowing him to take the wand within, which had been buried with its owner. He was troubled at some of the rumours about Tom, these were true of course. He even helped Remus control his werewolf-side by having Snape brew the Wolfsbane Potion for him on a regular basis. Albus only pretended that he did not know anything about it and said that Newt was not a great follower of orders. Dumbledore was haunted by his traumatic family history. Harry'sbond with Dumbledore was far stronger than the one typically shared between a student and his headmaster, and many fans envied their close relationship. The Malfoys had a strong dislike of Dumbledore due to his love and acceptance of Muggle-borns and belief in Muggle rights. Unknown length, wood and core (formerly)15", Elder, Thestral tail hair core[3][18] And it had been for this reason that Jacob had taken the blame for the very potion that The Cabal had forced Duncan Ashe to make, as he feared that they would go after his family had he tried to expose them. He also revealed that his sister, Ariana, was an Obscurial like Credence, and that she died as a result of a fight between him, Aberforth and Grindelwald. Dumbledore's portrait also professed to Harry that he had considered personally fighting Voldemort for Harry, further showing Dumbledore's self-confidence. Dumbledore explained to Harry everything he had not told him when he was alive: the nature of the Deathly Hallows, his friendship with Gellert Grindelwald and a number of other things. [94], When Dumbledore was back, he paid Jacob's sibling and their friends a visit in the Three Broomsticks Inn, where they were celebrating their success regarding the break-in of the Vault of Fear. Every Hogwarts staff member, with the exception of Dolores Umbridge, both respected and held a high opinion of Dumbledore. [97], After Jacob's sibling and their friends got out of the Forest Vault which they had successfully broken into, Dumbledore and Filch greeted them in the Forbidden Forest. Rubeus Hagrid: his friend, colleague, and former student. [102], After his death, Dumbledore's reputation was smeared somewhat by Rita Skeeter, who wrote an insulting biography called The Life and Lies of Albus Dumbledore. For example, Hagrid is the one tasked to protect Harry Potter as he is brought to live with the Dursleys, in addition he is asked to bring the Philosopher's Stone back from Gringotts. It was clear that while many who followed Dumbledore's cause both feared and despised Voldemort greatly, Dumbledore did not share such views as he had known Tom Riddle personally, and although he was committed to defeating him, Dumbledore held no personal resentment nor fear towards the Dark Lord and continued to see him as his former student worthy of being pitied for his childhood and complete inability to understand love, as he had never received any. Voldemort, his former student and greatest enemy. Dumbledore did like Harry, and as he got to know him, he became like a son to him. RELATED: Harry Potter: 10 Wisest Quotes From Albus Dumbledore. [62], At the end-of-year feast, Dumbledore awarded an extra 170 house points to Gryffindor students, Harry Potter (60), Ron Weasley (50), Hermione Granger (50) and Neville Longbottom (10), respectively for bravery and logical skills, prompting Gryffindor to win the House Cup, ruining Slytherin's chance of the cup for the seventh year in a row. During Newt's time at Hogwarts, Dumbledore was his Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor. Since Harry didn't know Aberforth had a son (and Albus didn't find it relevant for Harry in the context of the Second Wizarding War), it makes sense neither brother mentioned Credence. "Yes," said Harry. Whether Newt's expulsion was enforced or not is unknown, but Dumbledore succeeded in at least allowing Newt to keep his wand. 'No, I was merely reading the Muggle magazines,' said Dumbledore. The content of these reports was often dictated by Dumbledore. [38] He eventually found it, however, safely tucked away in a hidden room on the uppermost floor of the castle that would only reveal itself to someone if they were in great need of it. His portrait also remained at Hogwarts. [62], Umbridge started her reign at Hogwarts by rudely interrupting Dumbledore's Start-of-Term Feast. Shortly after Dumbledore assumed the position, by which time he had already relocated to the Headmaster's Tower and filled his new study with a number of curious magical instruments that had formerly been housed in his old classroom, Tom Riddle, now known exclusively as Lord Voldemort, approached him with the same request he had made to Dippet before him, to be allowed to return to Hogwarts as a teacher. One thing that really irked me was his bias towards his house. He was even more disturbed with how Ben Cooper and Merula Snyde had become different due to the events of last year and that an Azkaban escapee who turned out to be an expelled student of Mahoutokoro School of Magic was working with R. When Rowan Khanna was killed by Rakepick, Dumbledore led a huge memorial to their noble sacrifice. Dumbledore first met James Potter and Lily Evans during their first year at Hogwarts, where he was the Headmaster. By Harry's sixth year, Albus Dumbledore took on the role of providing Harry with additional insights into the origins of Lord Voldemort, as Voldemort's power was growing enormously stronger. Dumbledore then began to suspect that Riddle's diary was in fact a Horcrux, and furthermore, considering the lack of care the Dark Lord had taken in protecting the diary, that he had created more than one. Dumbledore and Jacob go first, the rest follow. [23], Albus walking with Newt in Trafalgar Square, In 1927, when Grindelwald had escaped, Dumbledore, knowing that he would not be able to fight him due to their blood pact, met with Newt in London to ask him for help. Gellert came late to this meeting. Dumbledore also sent Hagrid on other important missions, such as attempting to persuade the giants to join the side of the Order of the Phoenix. However, despite his benign nature, it is said that Dumbledore was the only wizard Lord Voldemort ever truly feared. Despite being aware of the criminal abuse Harry had suffered while living with the Dursley family through a contact, Arabella Figg, he did not step in to prevent the abuse Harry suffered as a child, leaving him to suffer with his magical hating Aunt and Uncle and bullying cousin Dudley. However, in 1981, Pettigrew betrayed James and Lily to Voldemort in his role as their family Secret-Keeper and faked his own death by cutting off his finger in a crowded London street which he blew up with the Blasting Curse in order to frame Sirius Black. Although he loved his younger sister, Albus was resentful when he had to take responsibility for her after their mother's death, which forced him to stay at home, and thus abandon his ambitious plans. He maintained close contact with these friends in the form of enchanted books they all possessed which allowed them to speak despite the distance. Who better to send Harry on his way from Kings Cross station, with one last piece of wisdom: Do not pity the dead, Harry. Harry panicked and attempted to fight back with a multitude of spells and curses, including the Impediment Jinx and Sectumsempra curse, but none of them worked since the Inferi were too numerous and had no blood to spill. As a supremely talented wizard, Dumbledore showed numerous examples of extraordinary abilities.
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